In a surprising move, the Federal Health Agency quietly moved towards a kind of resolution of the jab conundrum; while a good thing, it's also a far cry from any kind of reckoning
Sickening the scapegoating of Swiss doctors after their persecution by the Swiss authorities during the last three years.
See Dr Thomas Binder's story. Arrested by 60 man SWAT team. Sectioned. Forced medication. For pushing back on the scamdemic.
What on earth is going on in the home of the WHO, UN, CEPI, GAVI, BIS, WEF, etc. ?
More than ever, key to remain focussed on the perpetrators of the last 3 year: full surveillance and control of our every financial transaction via digital IDs and CBDCs.
As an aside, the head of CEPI is Jane Halton, an Australian woman who was the head of a bank. Halton was involved with Event 201 and crafted and reviews Australia's vaccine contracts. This woman is 'everything, everywhere all at once.'
With my background in DACH academia, I know first-hand what you say--I'm a kind of exile as I stood no chance of getting an academic job closer to home…
This reads to me like a full 180-degree turn, almost.
The reason must be to create the conditions needed forthe Swiss state to be able to claim in about 6-12 months that this was always the way it was with the "vaccines".
Sort of how it was impossibe to find any swiss individual, organisation or state actor who had collaborated - willingly and gladly - with Germany post 1945. "Kameradenwerk, ODESSA, gold with no paper trail or origin, whatver are you talking about? No you may not see a client list for 1939-1945! Especially not the Vatican's!"
The governments, schools and corporations requiring or pressuring people to accept vaccination should be held jointly and severally liable for any damage that might reasonably result from the vaccine. Since the vaccine manufacturers are not liable by law / contract, we should impose a tax on all their profits to fund these damages so that they pay too. Individuals (e.g., Fauci, Brix, Bourla) who lied, deceived, omitted information, suppressed information should be prosecuted and heavily fined. This is a necessary act of social hygiene.
The common denomination of the laws is the fact that they are changeable, and that is in hands of local and federal politicians that we the people voluntarily chose. Let's make them accountable and exchange them for valuable ones so the laws may follow next. The statements such as: "vaccine manufacturers are not liable" might be unthinkable as a result.
Sounds utopian? Yes, I realise that but if it happened it would have been the most obvious sign of AWAKENING which is still insufficient, but which is a necessary precondition for defeating the forces of the dark.
Nice, a part from the fact the Moderna wants 130 dollars for a dose... ah, ah, ah! But the best of all is that Davos is in Switzerland and last meeting was completely covered by Swiss Army and Police... That's why, by now, they are not part of Nazi Nato... They don't need it as WEF already covered them... ah, ah, ah
The wholesale of naive, young medical souls beggins in med school where the godlike figures introduce them into highly structured, regulators run, all-for-profit health system. The programming continues into residency and then "independent" practice with hoards of collegues turned salesmen for Big Pharma shower them with luncheons, tickets, gadgets and privileges in return for unquestioning application of advertised products. Combined with high social position, considerable wealth and debt to the ears the process creates a lifetime self-rifghteus, arrogant but insecure slaves, for whom the fear of losing privileges and considerable wealth far outweighs the ethical obligations "primum non nocere" imposed by the Hippocratic oath.
"We were just following the orders" are the usual and most frequent excuses when asked for explanation some time later.
Thanks for all your insightful comments and deep thinking epimetheus. There is a slight chance for humanity only if at least 51% of population starts showing similar independent approach to superimposed perception of reality.
Norway's Nordic neighbours aren't different in this regard.
Somehow, it appears to be a kind of retirement benefit reform program in all but name (that also avoids the civil war-like scenes playing out in France these days).
The easiest way to deal with empty coffers of retirement plans is by culling the ever growing population of recipients. They even are developing a marker called luciferase which will soon be able to tell if there is a “vaccine” in the body by just lighting of special light at the body. No luciferase no pension, no medical care, no nursing home.
Kids will be automatically inoculated with genome modifying preparations through the placenta, breastfeeding and mandatory childhood vaccinations. It’s the old who have to be eliminated against their will and wish to get rid of their bodies but most importantly their minds.
I saw what's going on in France, it's crazy. They want people to work until they die. I talked with a friend in Germany and her coworker died on her last die of work before retirement.
Come to Sweden, the age of retirement for normal workers such as carpenters or store clerks, or nurses and such is 67. Want to retire before that, you have to ask for permission. Want to work past retirement age, even if you have your own business? Must get permission.
(I'm simplifying but this is the essentials of the current order.)
Want to invest part of your wage in a retirement-fund of your own choice? Illegal, except if you work or sit in parliament. For everyone else it's the state/union owned and controlled funds where a percentage of your pay is placed, as dictated by law.
If you make less than €3 500 net/monthly for 35 years of your career, you will never get more than the lowest amount anyway, so for the majoirty of workers it doesn't matter that they "save" for their retirement; when they reach that age those money have already been used up by the state or eaten by inflation or taxed into oblivion or all three.
Oh, and if you're married and your spouse die before collecting their privately funded pension, those money goes straight to the state - they cannot be willed to your wife/husband.
Don't get me started on people with multiple nationalities collecting pension from every country they're a citizen of...
Burn the EU, burn the ashes then burn it all again!
What you just describe is similar to other countries in EU, sadly. But I don't know other countries with 67 as retirement age (maybe there are others), this is insane. People should not accept this retirement scam.
Virtually all swedes above age 45-50 live in a delusion where they react, reason and analyse any political issue, domestic as well as international, as if it was still the 1970s.
Analogous to how the french thought about the Maginot line before May 10 1940.
Not so surprising, even in the US they are stopping the recommendation for kids. It's because they have figured out how to get it into our food supply.
Re: "Important: Pregnant and breastfeeding women as well as people with a severely weakened immune system SHOULD be vaccinated with an mRNA vaccine." (caps added).
Is this right?? no "not"? You don't comment on it. Horrible if true.
It says so in the original; my point--exposed in these pages from the beginning--is that no-one should take these jabs.
Sadly, by putting pregnant women into the category of 'vulnerable populations', they will continue doing that. Same with the RSV jabs currently undergoing trials. Switzerland is no different.
At this point, I think we can safely call this entire shit-show what it is: a gigantic test of one's intelligence and character.
Yah, but one point of the post seemed to be that Switzerland was growing a clue about publicized harms, stillbirths etc among them. The blind spot is remarkable.
I'm not saying you're wrong, but to me this entire classification of pregnancy as a 'danger' that somehow makes a woman 'vulnerable' seems like yet another front in the all-out war against reality.
I mean: there's really but two biological-behavioural things to further the species: food intake and procreation, and given that pregnancy is now considered 'dangerous' to warrant administration of this untested product, it's another IQ test.
consciousness) physician I can attest that by now all honest doctors would have to know, that when they go along with the official lie and propaganda, not to mention those who actively inoculated especially children, are guilty of treason and abandonment of basic medical ethics for personal gains. They should not qualify as members of medical community. Period! No ifs no buts.
I will use a couple of citations to have my 2 cents in this exchange because they reflect my thoughts on the topic of societal engendering and democracy:
It is easier to fool the people, than to convince them they have been fooled.
No man's life,liberty, and property are
safe while the legislature is in session.
Mark Twain
Democratic civilization is the first in history to blame itself because another power is working to destroy it.
Not only do the democracies today award themselves sins they have not committed, they have formed the habit of judging themselves as defendants who are automatically guilty.
Democracy is not structured to defend itself against enemies seeking its annihilation.
We have become so accustomed to surrender that it is now the norm.
Sickening the scapegoating of Swiss doctors after their persecution by the Swiss authorities during the last three years.
See Dr Thomas Binder's story. Arrested by 60 man SWAT team. Sectioned. Forced medication. For pushing back on the scamdemic.
What on earth is going on in the home of the WHO, UN, CEPI, GAVI, BIS, WEF, etc. ?
More than ever, key to remain focussed on the perpetrators of the last 3 year: full surveillance and control of our every financial transaction via digital IDs and CBDCs.
It's not just Thomas Binder:
Here's the story of Dr. Heisler:
As an aside, the head of CEPI is Jane Halton, an Australian woman who was the head of a bank. Halton was involved with Event 201 and crafted and reviews Australia's vaccine contracts. This woman is 'everything, everywhere all at once.'
Strange that 'players' like her appear over and over again…
Ah, the Peter Principle in action.
I'm happy you're also listening to Kontrafunk (I'm saying this as a recurring contributor)!
With my background in DACH academia, I know first-hand what you say--I'm a kind of exile as I stood no chance of getting an academic job closer to home…
This reads to me like a full 180-degree turn, almost.
The reason must be to create the conditions needed forthe Swiss state to be able to claim in about 6-12 months that this was always the way it was with the "vaccines".
Sort of how it was impossibe to find any swiss individual, organisation or state actor who had collaborated - willingly and gladly - with Germany post 1945. "Kameradenwerk, ODESSA, gold with no paper trail or origin, whatver are you talking about? No you may not see a client list for 1939-1945! Especially not the Vatican's!"
Almost, eh?
I also read it like this. I suppose that it marks a kind of turning point, but we'll see before too long.
The governments, schools and corporations requiring or pressuring people to accept vaccination should be held jointly and severally liable for any damage that might reasonably result from the vaccine. Since the vaccine manufacturers are not liable by law / contract, we should impose a tax on all their profits to fund these damages so that they pay too. Individuals (e.g., Fauci, Brix, Bourla) who lied, deceived, omitted information, suppressed information should be prosecuted and heavily fined. This is a necessary act of social hygiene.
The common denomination of the laws is the fact that they are changeable, and that is in hands of local and federal politicians that we the people voluntarily chose. Let's make them accountable and exchange them for valuable ones so the laws may follow next. The statements such as: "vaccine manufacturers are not liable" might be unthinkable as a result.
Sounds utopian? Yes, I realise that but if it happened it would have been the most obvious sign of AWAKENING which is still insufficient, but which is a necessary precondition for defeating the forces of the dark.
'Nuff said.
I'm with you.
Want to know why? Because now they have successfully incorporated it into the food. They will still poison you with mRNA.
Sad but true
Time to convene the Doctors' Trial!
Exactly. It's about damn time.
But, unlike back in the late 1940s, this time we must also hold these corporations to account.
Nice, a part from the fact the Moderna wants 130 dollars for a dose... ah, ah, ah! But the best of all is that Davos is in Switzerland and last meeting was completely covered by Swiss Army and Police... That's why, by now, they are not part of Nazi Nato... They don't need it as WEF already covered them... ah, ah, ah
The wholesale of naive, young medical souls beggins in med school where the godlike figures introduce them into highly structured, regulators run, all-for-profit health system. The programming continues into residency and then "independent" practice with hoards of collegues turned salesmen for Big Pharma shower them with luncheons, tickets, gadgets and privileges in return for unquestioning application of advertised products. Combined with high social position, considerable wealth and debt to the ears the process creates a lifetime self-rifghteus, arrogant but insecure slaves, for whom the fear of losing privileges and considerable wealth far outweighs the ethical obligations "primum non nocere" imposed by the Hippocratic oath.
"We were just following the orders" are the usual and most frequent excuses when asked for explanation some time later.
Thanks for all your insightful comments and deep thinking epimetheus. There is a slight chance for humanity only if at least 51% of population starts showing similar independent approach to superimposed perception of reality.
Happy Easter!
Thank you for your kind words.
Happy Easter, in my way, by pointing you to Goethe's 'The Awakening of Epimenides', specifically Act II, Scene 4:
Though he who has boldly risen from the abyss
Through an iron will and cunning
May conquer half the world,
Yet to the abyss he must return.
Already a terrible fear has seized him;
In vain he will resist!
And all who still stand with him
Must perish in his fall.
Now I find my good men
Are gathered in the night,
To wait in silence, not to sleep.
And the glorious word of liberty
They whisper and murmur,
Till in unaccustomed strangeness,
On the steps of our temple
Once again in delight they cry:
Finally. It's time for the entire Europe to do it. Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Iceland also suspended the vaccination program.
Oh, well, sure, about time.
Norway didn't suspend the program; they are pushing doses 5 (now) & 6 (in fall) on precisely these 'vulnerable groups' (see:
Norway's Nordic neighbours aren't different in this regard.
Somehow, it appears to be a kind of retirement benefit reform program in all but name (that also avoids the civil war-like scenes playing out in France these days).
The easiest way to deal with empty coffers of retirement plans is by culling the ever growing population of recipients. They even are developing a marker called luciferase which will soon be able to tell if there is a “vaccine” in the body by just lighting of special light at the body. No luciferase no pension, no medical care, no nursing home.
Kids will be automatically inoculated with genome modifying preparations through the placenta, breastfeeding and mandatory childhood vaccinations. It’s the old who have to be eliminated against their will and wish to get rid of their bodies but most importantly their minds.
I saw what's going on in France, it's crazy. They want people to work until they die. I talked with a friend in Germany and her coworker died on her last die of work before retirement.
Come to Sweden, the age of retirement for normal workers such as carpenters or store clerks, or nurses and such is 67. Want to retire before that, you have to ask for permission. Want to work past retirement age, even if you have your own business? Must get permission.
(I'm simplifying but this is the essentials of the current order.)
Want to invest part of your wage in a retirement-fund of your own choice? Illegal, except if you work or sit in parliament. For everyone else it's the state/union owned and controlled funds where a percentage of your pay is placed, as dictated by law.
If you make less than €3 500 net/monthly for 35 years of your career, you will never get more than the lowest amount anyway, so for the majoirty of workers it doesn't matter that they "save" for their retirement; when they reach that age those money have already been used up by the state or eaten by inflation or taxed into oblivion or all three.
Oh, and if you're married and your spouse die before collecting their privately funded pension, those money goes straight to the state - they cannot be willed to your wife/husband.
Don't get me started on people with multiple nationalities collecting pension from every country they're a citizen of...
Burn the EU, burn the ashes then burn it all again!
What you just describe is similar to other countries in EU, sadly. But I don't know other countries with 67 as retirement age (maybe there are others), this is insane. People should not accept this retirement scam.
Australia keeps raising the age. Currently at 66, plans to raise it by 1/2 year every 5 years.
This is crazy!
Virtually all swedes above age 45-50 live in a delusion where they react, reason and analyse any political issue, domestic as well as international, as if it was still the 1970s.
Analogous to how the french thought about the Maginot line before May 10 1940.
Why do you think they are still trapped in the past?
Not so surprising, even in the US they are stopping the recommendation for kids. It's because they have figured out how to get it into our food supply.
The Chinese are already trying this, according to McCullough's recent piece.
Re: "Important: Pregnant and breastfeeding women as well as people with a severely weakened immune system SHOULD be vaccinated with an mRNA vaccine." (caps added).
Is this right?? no "not"? You don't comment on it. Horrible if true.
It says so in the original; my point--exposed in these pages from the beginning--is that no-one should take these jabs.
Sadly, by putting pregnant women into the category of 'vulnerable populations', they will continue doing that. Same with the RSV jabs currently undergoing trials. Switzerland is no different.
At this point, I think we can safely call this entire shit-show what it is: a gigantic test of one's intelligence and character.
Yah, but one point of the post seemed to be that Switzerland was growing a clue about publicized harms, stillbirths etc among them. The blind spot is remarkable.
I'm not saying you're wrong, but to me this entire classification of pregnancy as a 'danger' that somehow makes a woman 'vulnerable' seems like yet another front in the all-out war against reality.
I mean: there's really but two biological-behavioural things to further the species: food intake and procreation, and given that pregnancy is now considered 'dangerous' to warrant administration of this untested product, it's another IQ test.
As a prematurely retired (for the cause of
consciousness) physician I can attest that by now all honest doctors would have to know, that when they go along with the official lie and propaganda, not to mention those who actively inoculated especially children, are guilty of treason and abandonment of basic medical ethics for personal gains. They should not qualify as members of medical community. Period! No ifs no buts.
I agree with you: one of the core problems are those doctors devoid of character.
Sure, money--thirty pieces of silver come to mind--are one thing, but the self-righteousness is even more sickening to me.
Ultimate purpose is not just for personal gain but for a TRANSHUMANIZED WORLD
I will use a couple of citations to have my 2 cents in this exchange because they reflect my thoughts on the topic of societal engendering and democracy:
It is easier to fool the people, than to convince them they have been fooled.
No man's life,liberty, and property are
safe while the legislature is in session.
Mark Twain
Democratic civilization is the first in history to blame itself because another power is working to destroy it.
Not only do the democracies today award themselves sins they have not committed, they have formed the habit of judging themselves as defendants who are automatically guilty.
Democracy is not structured to defend itself against enemies seeking its annihilation.
We have become so accustomed to surrender that it is now the norm.
Jean-Francois Revell
Still--there is choice, as we humans enjoy the potential to freely determine our affairs.
I'd rather see more people joining the 'free will to chose' faction than 'the sheeple', but then again, that isn't my choice.
Good detailed Swiss update. What about renumerations for the vaxxed-injured