The common denomination of the laws is the fact that they are changeable, and that is in hands of local and federal politicians that we the people voluntarily chose. Let's make them accountable and exchange them for valuable ones so the laws may follow next. The statements such as: "vaccine manufacturers are not liable" might be unthinka…
The common denomination of the laws is the fact that they are changeable, and that is in hands of local and federal politicians that we the people voluntarily chose. Let's make them accountable and exchange them for valuable ones so the laws may follow next. The statements such as: "vaccine manufacturers are not liable" might be unthinkable as a result.
Sounds utopian? Yes, I realise that but if it happened it would have been the most obvious sign of AWAKENING which is still insufficient, but which is a necessary precondition for defeating the forces of the dark.
The common denomination of the laws is the fact that they are changeable, and that is in hands of local and federal politicians that we the people voluntarily chose. Let's make them accountable and exchange them for valuable ones so the laws may follow next. The statements such as: "vaccine manufacturers are not liable" might be unthinkable as a result.
Sounds utopian? Yes, I realise that but if it happened it would have been the most obvious sign of AWAKENING which is still insufficient, but which is a necessary precondition for defeating the forces of the dark.