As 'Experts™' and 'Journos™' Want to Mask Up, Covid Mental Illness Parade Continues
'Journos™' are once more 'doing the science™', and 'public health officials™' demand that the public masks up once more, serious questions about mental and cognitive conditions must be asked
Sigh. I’ve done a few such postings before, but it’s quite a sight to behold. I’ll delimit myself to merely pointing out that what follows below is—stupid beyond belief. So, if you’re in a particularly glum mood and need some reasons for a good, if incredibly absurd, laugh, you may wish to read up:
If there’s one positive aspect, I’d argue that if you see someone wearing such face diapers, it might be advisable to simply avoid interacting with them, if only to avoid stupid ‘conversations™’ about his or her, as well as your, ‘responsibility’.
As always, translation, emphases, and bottom lines mine. Also: what kind of morons.
FFP2 Comeback Advisable: Corona Numbers are Rising—We Should Wear Masks Again
Health authorities are once again registering a sharp rise in the number [no more ‘cases’] of Covid-infected people [wait for how they ‘know™’]. Experts are therefore advising people to wear masks again.
By Michael Rauhofer-Redl,, 30 Aug. 2024 [source]
Just in time for the end of the summer holidays, MedUni Vienna’s Centre for Virology is recording an increase in summer flu cases in the country [which is why you should masks because of Covid]. ‘Increase in enterovirus infections, 6% positive rate in the sentinel system’, announced Viennese virologist Judith Aberle recently on X. However, another virus has the upper hand: ‘Sars-CoV-2 dominates the infection rate: 17% positive rate.’ Overall, however, virus activity in Austria is currently low.
Aberle was also a guest on the Ö1-Morgenjournal [state broadcaster ORF’s main morning news broadcast] programme on Friday. [fun fact: the same ‘expert™’, Judith Aberle (faculty profile) said that this positivity rate ‘means that every fourth sample sent in is positive’ (source); there’s a reason she’s a physician, because calculus isn’t her strong suit] There she explained how important personal behaviour is. People with symptoms should stay at home [that’s why we need these ‘experts™’]. The expert also recommends wearing masks [of course, what else?]. Sufficient ventilation indoors should also be ensured.
Who Should Get Vaccinated
In view of the rising corona numbers [as I said, ‘cases™’ are no longer relevant], Maria Paulke-Korinek, Head of the Vaccination Department at the Ministry of Health [yep, there’s such a thing], said that it makes sense to vaccinate everyone. It makes perfect sense to get vaccinated in the coming weeks [that is what she said; don’t shoot the messenger, but I’m asking myself if she’s insane]. Increased virus activity is currently being observed. In addition, the risk of infection is increasing again with the start of school and the general increase in people spending more time indoors [but…if the shot doesn’t prevent transmission or infection, why vaccinate?]. At the same time, however, it is also ‘unproblematic’ to catch the coronavirus a little later [I don’t know what this word salad is supposed to mean].
Vaccination Recommended for Everyone Aged 12 and Older
Vaccination is recommended once per season and is therefore also advisable for people who have already been vaccinated against the virus several times and/or have already experienced Covid-19 [or if you feel like it because ‘the science™’ or whatever]. However, the interval between the last vaccination or infection should be around twelve months [because…? no reason is cited by ‘the experts™’ or anyone else: just do it]. The situation is different for known high-risk groups—here the interval could be as little as four months [get a jab every four months: who’s liable for AEs?].
In view of the imminent start of school, Paulke-Korinek explains that vaccination is generally recommended from the age of 12, however, vaccination is permitted from the age of six months [shame on you], i.e., also for babies. Vaccination is possible for children between 6 months and 12 years of age. In this case, it is best to consult the paediatrician treating the child. Vaccinations are now generally carried out by general practitioners, i.e., your own GP.
Bottom Lines
If you’re shaking your head in disbelief, well, welcome to the club.
This is all so awful, sometimes words fail me.
I mean, what we know already is more than enough for, well, everyone to demand a reckoning, public hearings, and court proceedings.
We know, for instance, that the Federal Health Ministry (sic) conspired (in a technical, i.e., legal sense) with the Austrian Chamber of Physicians (orig. Ärztekammer) and offered 25 € per first jab and 20 € for every further injection; talk about a perverse incentive:
Much like in neighbouring Switzerland, physicians and other jabniks are technically—read: legally—liable for adverse events as well as the reporting of such AEs to the competent (sic) public health authorities; in practice, however, if physicians deny that whatever sequelae may be due to the Covid gene therapy, we’d be talking about second perverse incentive:
All of these issues, of course, beg the question: whose official data can be trusted? Or, as I would put it, which of the official number-crunchers gaslights us the least?
This also means that they all bullshit the public, which begs the question: what does ‘public’ in ‘public health™’ mean?
My take is this: it means, first and foremost, if not exclusively, grift. If you claim it’s socially relevant, esp. in terms of ‘public health™’, no questions about its funding shall be asked. Like, ever. (Hi, EcoHealth Alliance.)
So, the one essential question that follows, I think, is this: what constitutes a ‘conflict of interests’?
Of course, it also points, squarely, to questions about accountability, personal and institutional, the functioning of the judiciary (or how and why it doesn’t work: in Austria-Covidistan, because the public prosecutor’s office must follow the directions/orders from the political appointees serving as cabinet officials).
If you’re interested in this topic, I recommend the following piece (incl. rulings of the EU Court of Justice explaining, in so many words, why Austria and Germany are, in fact, banana republics):
So, what does this all mean?
The way I read this, it doesn’t matter in terms of what is said. These people are, in my humble opinion, insane. I think I understand why ‘the experts™’ insist on this BS—grift.
I don’t understand why the content is still discussed, because, if you care to remember: at first, it was ‘cases™’ before it became ‘tested positive™’ to, eventually, ‘Covid-associated’ whatever, with no positive test required.
Now the Sentinel™ wastewater monitoring speaks of ‘numbers’. I don’t know what that means and, frankly, I couldn’t care less. And neither should you, if only it’s not the first time these ‘numbers’ are (ab)used to try to scare people to ‘mask up’ once more:
Don’t fall for it. Have a good laugh about these insane people.
And remain vigilant about what they will try to impose as soon as they get another chance. Here’s looking at you, Maria Paulke-Korinek, Head of the Vaccination Department at the Ministry of Health, who, of course, is of the opinion that ‘it makes perfect sense to get vaccinated in the coming weeks’.
A fitting sequel for the insanity parade.
Over here, it's whooping cough that's the Big Killer this year. "The greatest outbreak in 12 years!".
Plus state radio telling people not to bring their newborns or small children, if visiting someone who's sick.
I don't know what's more retarded: state radio saying that, or people actually needing to be told.
People wearing masks alone while driving