Over here, it's whooping cough that's the Big Killer this year. "The greatest outbreak in 12 years!".

Plus state radio telling people not to bring their newborns or small children, if visiting someone who's sick.

I don't know what's more retarded: state radio saying that, or people actually needing to be told.

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A neighbour--a retiree--recently told me he too caught whopping cough and it took 'three weeks' to pass.

I don't know about state media (because I don't listen to them). Your question at the end is telling--public health (sic) officials were 'warning™' everyone since early May:


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People wearing masks alone while driving

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Oh, what a sight. I haven't seen these kinds of people in a while, but still, lest I forget: morons. Then and, perhaps even more so, now.

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There is a lady at Costco that I think she never took her respirator mask off in 4 years 🤣 good thing is a pink mask.

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Makes her easy to recognise--and avoid, I suppose.

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We see them almost daily here.

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Incredible, isn't it? As if they learned nothing.

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We are seeing more and more masks here in S Utah County. Oddly, many are Asians.

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Oh, I've been seeing groups of Asians all summer here, most of whom didn't wear masks (some did, on the sidewalks: morons).

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