Covid in Austria: Insanity Parade (Cont.)
'The Experts™' are baaaack: put on a mask now, they tell us, to prevent 'a new wave' in autumn, which isn't expected to cause more hospitalisations or deaths. True story (sigh)
There are days when I’m beginning to lose hope, I admit. Geopolitics and the spectre of nuclear war being bad enough (one would think), but then one checks back with the nightly news—and find out stunningly absurd things.
Hence today’s posting—the third in a row about Innsbruck, of all places—and the continuation of a theme I wrote about half a year ago:
I’m not going to sugar-coat this by writing a longer introduction: renowned Zero Covid Hawk and mentally unfit crazy person, Dorothee von Laer, a professor of virology at the U of Innsbruck, has been in the news this week.
The below non-English content, as always, comes in my translation and with emphases added. Sigh.
Expert Calls on People to Wear Masks
Covid is back, even if nobody wants to say it. Experts are now sounding the alarm. Among them is the renowned virologist Dorothee von Laer
Via Heute Newsdesk, 2 July 2024 [source]
Ill.: a screen grab from Austrian state broadcaster ORF’s main nightly news.
The coronavirus is now only occasionally a topic of conversation among the Austrian population [is it?] and coronavirus reports of major outbreaks attract little attention. However, experts are following developments with concern—a new variant family is currently spreading rapidly in the USA. The ‘FLiRT’ group has evolved from the Omicron JN.1 line, which caused the biggest wave in Austria to date [but…aren’t so many Austrians ‘vaccinated’?]. Studies from China suggest that the JN.1 derivative spreads quickly and escapes vaccine-induced immunity [sic; in passing, we note that this ‘FLiRT’ variant family is so brand-new that the NYT wrote about it in early May 2024].
The next wave is not far away, as virologist Monika Redlberger-Fritz (MedUni Vienna) recently held: ‘The next wave will probably come in autumn.’ And:
It can be assumed that returning travellers will introduce new variants in the summer and a wave will slowly build up [we need lockdowns, right?!].
Warnings about the rising numbers also came on Tuesday evening from virologist Dorothee von Laer (Medical University of Innsbruck), who joined ORF presenter Armin Wolf in the ‘Zeit im Bild 2’ studio [why would these mentally unstable people still be invited?].
‘There will be a wave by autumn at the latest’
How worrying is the current rise in infection figures? Von Laer:
We are seeing a very slight increase in waste water, but of course we are also seeing what we hear—it is not reflected in the patients in hospital—but there is a certain increase [orig. Wir sehen eine ganz leichten Anstieg im Abwaseer, aber wir sehen natürlich auch, was man so hört – bei den Patienten im Krankenhaus schlägt sich das nicht nieder –, aber es ist eine gewisse Zunahme zu beobachten. I have no idea what she means].
According to the expert [without a hint of irony or introspection], this is a new ‘variant family’ that is circulating. It is better able to bypass immune [sic] defences and ‘therefore spreads more quickly’ [this is about as scientific as it gets here, hence the desperate need for ‘experts™’]. According to von Laer, it is sufficient for perfectly healthy people to stay at home if they have symptoms, but the elderly and sick should urgently see a doctor.
Is the virologist expecting a new corona wave in autumn?
I even expect a small hump in the summer, but there will be another wave in the autumn at the latest, albeit with significantly lower hospitalisation rates.
And that is why she is already calling on people to wear masks: people should consider ‘maybe putting on a mask in a crowd’ on the train or in public, she said [I did consider it, back in 2020, and I thought it’s a stupid idea—and I’ve stuck to my consideration ever since]. Good news: There will probably be an adapted Covid vaccine in September [well, what shall we say about that?].
Vaccination Side Sffects? ‘Simply not True’
Incidentally, healthy people could do without a new vaccination without much concern; children and healthy adults should no longer feel obliged to be ‘vaccinated’, says von Laer [thank you for clarifying this; please get a bunch of boosters, Professor]. Vulnerable groups should, however, consider vaccination, according to the expert [we used to call this ‘eugenics’ because doing so with the modRNA injections is akin to a sinking ship and ‘healthy people’ jumping into the lifeboats first; line break added].
In general, there would still be the typical vaccination reactions as an immune response to the vaccine—drowsiness, aching limbs, mild temperature. In young men, there are rare cases of heart muscle disease with modRNA vaccinations, whereas there are cases of thrombosis with vector vaccinations in women. However, this only occurs in one in 50,000 to 100,000 cases, according to von Laer [aren’t we all only safe when everyone is safe? Apparently, for maniacs like von Laer, this doesn’t apply to modRNA injection-induced complications].
So why would there be thousands of stories of serious side effects from vaccination circulating in Austria? ‘That’s simply not true, the figures don’t support it’, answers the virologist. But the narrative works because nobody bothers to analyse the figures, ‘then someone can claim it and it is parroted’, says von Laer. If you look at the figures, however, you can see ‘that this is simply not true’ [obviously, the professor is denying adverse effects, such as the at least 500 incidental deaths from Austria following ‘vaccination’ that were reported to the foreign VAERS dataset prior to 11 Nov. 2022].
According to the expert, Austria could have done a lot better in terms of the government’s pandemic management: masks and tests in schools earlier would have prevented school closures, responsibilities should have been better defined, and there should always be a stock of masks and protective clothing, not just after a delay [grifters of the world, unite].
For once, I’m at a loss for words here.
Needless to say, Professor von Laer’s stark choice of words prompted Green Health (sic) Minister Johannes Rauch to weigh in, and since this is an insanity parade, we’ll now discuss a second piece of reporting because I won’t keep the good minister’s considerations from you.
‘This is to be expected’—Minister Rauch Offers Candid Corona Advice
Virologists draw attention to the latest increase in corona cases—including mask recommendations. Heute spoke to the responsible minister.
By Nicolaus Kubrak, Heute, 3 July 2024 [source]
Even though many Austrians have moved on from the coronavirus pandemic, the virus has not yet disappeared from the scene [will it, ever?]. The latest cases on Mallorca show this, and Covid is also back on the agenda in Austria—on Tuesday evening, virologist Dorothee von Lear was a guest on ‘Zeit im Bild’ evening news. In an interview, she once again called for people to wear masks [see the above segments].
Infections On the Rise
On Wednesday [3 July 2024], Heute spoke with Health Minister Johannes Rauch to gain an insight into the domestic Covid situation.
There is currently an increase in cases in some European countries [note the hedging: ‘cases’ are increasing ‘in some places’], caused by BA.2.86 sub-variants with so-called ‘FLiRT mutations’. However, none of the variants are associated with increased disease severity or mortality [no changes here] The situation is being monitored closely, the Minister explained.
A New Wave ‘is to be expected’
After a phase of very low virus activity, there is currently a low [!!!] incidence of infections again. ‘The available data does not currently show an excessive increase in admissions diagnosed with Covid-19’, Rauch told Heute. Although they are rising slightly in absolute terms, they are at the same level as last summer. ‘There are only isolated admissions to intensive care units’ [no need to differentiate with/for Covid], explained the minister.
Covid infections are currently affecting people who have not been in contact with the virus for a long time [that never happens to me]. Nevertheless, Rauch made it clear:
A wave of infections is to be expected in autumn. We expect a vaccination recommendation in the coming weeks and will have sufficient vaccine available by then.
Compulsory Masking ‘not up for debate’
Heute wanted to know whether the ministry was planning to reintroduce compulsory masking in view of the rising numbers and the expert recommendations. Rauch clarified:
The reintroduction of compulsory masking is not up for debate. In the event of an increased incidence of illness, the ministry recommends the familiar protective measures such as regular hand washing, ventilation, and so on.
Bottom Lines
This is how this charade ends.
The grifters, addicted to the spotlights, will continue to hype this crap no matter what the data says.
‘Journos™’ then go and ask politicians—there’s a national election in early autumn, and it looks quite bad for esp. the Greens—will be loath to ‘remind’ voters of the Covid shitshow.
If you compared the crap the professor said with the seemingly sensible hedging mentioned by the minister, serious questions about the sanity of both ‘the experts™’ and the ‘journos™’ emerge. They are not asked, though, by the other grifters in legacy media.
Do people still care?
I mean, this is Orwellian to the core, and the ‘recommendations’ to mask up and/or get yet another ‘updated’ modRNA injection in summer/autumn 2024 is perhaps the proverbial straw that breaks the camel’s back.
I for one cannot imagine that this round of injections will be more popular than, say, the last one-two rounds in 2023. It’ll be good for Big Pharma, though.
As to the masking crap, well, I’d argue—other than those belonging visibly to some of the letter soup after LGB—that it’s getting ever-easier to spot mentally unfit and/or insane people than ever: those who talk about another modRNA jab, those masking up, and esp. those who are still (!!!) recommending doing so are—revealed.
Best to avoid these people, for they are certifiably insane.
Excuse you, science(tm) denier there is a NEW variant in Australia:
“The Supreme Court (2013) ruled that if there is anything synthetic, not from nature, inside of our genome, then whoever owns the patent on those synthetic parts now owns part or all of you as a human. That means Bill and Melinda Gates, The Department of Defense, [and others] can literally own a human being. If this synthetic code is taken up into your genome, by law, you could be owned overnight.”
The U.S. Supreme Court, in a 5-4 decision, affirmed. It ruled, in part:
Living, man-made micro-organism is patentable subject matter as a “manufacture” or “composition of matter” within the meaning of the Patent Act of 1952. The fact that the organism sought to be patented is alive is no bar to patentability.
Patentability of human genes (mRNA and DNA)
Ultimately the Supreme Court ruled that only cDNA (synthetic DNA) is patentable. Isolated, natural DNA is not patentable, But in a nutshell, biotechnology companies can own living things if said things are genetically-modified and not naturally-occurring.
The synthetic mRNA of Pfizer and Moderna, along with the viral vector DNA delivery systems of Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca, change your genetic code, making you “genetically-modified.” Moderna Chief Medical Officer Tal Zaks tells you straight up that 1) the shots change your genetic code and 2) the shots do not stop the spread of COVID-19. He says the Moderna shot is “hacking the software of life”
Viral vectors do the same thing.
So do these companies “own you” once you get the shots? Well, they own mice and bacteria created with their inventions. Once you get these shots, you are no longer a “naturally-occurring” human being.
Gene therapy is irreversible.