This gem comes via tabloid Österreich. Enjoy, if you will, my translation and emphases.
Masks Make a Comeback on Public Transport
Österreich, 6 Dec. 2023 (!) [source]
A reminder of ‘long-forgotten times’. People wearing FFP2 masks are once again sitting in almost every underground carriage and almost every tram.

It has been clearly visible for a few days now. More and more people are wearing FFP2 masks again in public transport companies and also in supermarkets. In underground trains, trams, and buses: people of all ages are wearing masks again. There are two explanations for this: as a defence against infection or because you are infected yourself. [how does that work, for this goes against the narrative and the manufacturer’s definition of ‘personal protection equipment]
Österreich went on a local inspection trip to the underground in Vienna. As soon as you get on at Meidling (U6), you notice it: there are also about three [!!!] people wearing masks on this carriage. We ask the gentleman next to us: ‘I'm a cancer patient’, says Xaver (59).
After getting off, a woman still doesn't take off her mask. ‘I don't want to get infected, the wastewater analyses show a high number of cases’, she tells Österreich. [I suppose she better keeps her distance from, say, manhole covers and toilets]
The figures probably prove the carriers right. Covid cases have increased by a third within a week. There is a ‘national record level of SARS-CoV-2 concentration in wastewater’, writes molecular biologist Ulrich Elling on X [if only we had such data in 2021…see below]. The wastewater monitoring in Tyrol shows ‘a clear signal’. Up to four per cent of the population are Covid-positive, it was reported at the end of November. [We’re all gonna die!!!]
Bottom Lines
Apologies for making this longer than it already is, but here’s a little-known factoid that ‘escaped’ the moronic molecular biologist Ulrich Elling, either by chance of because he’s lying by commission:
As per the wonderfully-named website (yes, there’s a website that shows the current wastewater monitoring figures, and you should have one in your country, too), we read the following (my translation and emphases):
[Start: 17.01.2022] Based on the EU recommendation ‘Commission Recommendation (EU) 2021/472 of 17 March 2021 on a common approach to establish a systematic surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 and its variants in wastewaters in the EU’, a National Reference Centre for SARS-CoV-2 wastewater monitoring was established in Austria. Under the leadership of Prof. Dr Martin Steinlechner (interim. Director of the Institute of Forensic Medicine, Medical University of Innsbruck), it began its work in January 2022 and covers 48 strategically selected wastewater treatment plants in Austria, which cover more than 58% of the Austrian population with their catchment area.
So, to get this straight and let Ulrich Elling in on a ‘secret’: that wonderful wastewater monitoring did not provide data before 17 Jan. 2022.
If anyone tells you that ‘OMG, it’s the highest amount of Sars-Cov-2 ever’, just note that there’s no such bloody measurements before the first Omicron bulge in mid-January 2022 (which, in and of itself, is a heck of a comparison, eh?).
I thought you’d need to know to ‘contextualise’ the issue.
Again, greater morons have never governed us.
With the possible exception of ‘us, the people’, having become so brain-washed and gullible that we believe anything.
Post Script
To be fair, though, I posit that there may be a discrepancy between what these hypochondriac journos are typing vs. what actually goes on; this last sentiment derives in no small part from the fact that despite the above claim, Österreich has to resort to a file photo for showing mask wearers.
Perhaps Vienna-based readers may be able to help us out on this one?
The wastewater monitoring reminds me of the maximum allowed levels of Cesium, Strontium and background radiation in berries, mushrooms and reindeer-meat.
They didn't exist /before/ Chernobyl.
A mask (or a scarf or a bandanna or pretty much anything) held before the mouth when sneezung will of course stop droplets flying about - remarkable science that, I expect a Nobel any day now.
But against virus-sized particles? Does nothing. Not FFP2-masks.
Need a full bio-hazard mask with separate I/O-airflow and overpressure for that.