Up to 70% of Vienna's Primary Schoolers Speak but Arabic
The wave of the future is the top-down disintegration of Western societies, brought about by an insouciant citizenry and their reluctance to throw the bums who brought us here out of office
One of the more troublesome issues is with percentage changes over time is that they typically turn into geographical sequences, commonly known as exponential functions or growth.
This is what makes borrowing against interest such a hairy issue, as well as often, dependent on interest rates (fixed vs. adjustable) and income, a racket.
This isn’t about mathematics or credit expansion, but about another feature that most people often don’t appreciate enough, if they actually notice it: small changes of, say, .5% per year, eventually turn into very large, if not completely unsustainable problems due to what’s known as compounding.
The best introduction thereto, by the way, is by the late Albert Bartlett, a physicist academic and professor at the U of Colorado at Boulder, who once recorded a one-hour introduction entitled ‘Arithmetic, Population, and Energy’:
What does this all have to do with the topic of today’s posting, which is about public school, immigration, and the entirely predictable outcome of population replacement?
Well, in autumn I brought up a piece of reporting that the average of primary school children in Austria who don’t speak German stood at around 27%:
Of course, Vienna being different, has a much higher rate of children whose first language is something else other than German (it stood at slightly more than 50%).
Lo and behold, half a year later, legacy media speaks of school classes in which 70% (!!!) of children don’t know German, with most speaking Arabic.
It is today’s topic in my translation(s), with emphases and [snark] added.
‘Desperation’: 70 % Arabs in School Classes
Although children have been in Vienna for years, many of them do not speak German. 20,000 of them came to Vienna via family reunification and mostly only speak Arabic.
By Niki Glattauer, Heute, 20 Jan. 2025 [source]
While our government negotiators [after federal elections in late Sept. 2024, politicos™ are still trying to form a new gov’t…] are raising eyebrows with their plans to cut costs rather than reform education :-(, one of the highest-ranking spokeswomen for our kindergartens has made a remarkable suggestion: in an interview with the Austrian Press Agency, Natascha Taslimi, Chairwoman of the ‘Netzwerk Elementare Bildung Österreichs’ [network primary education. Austria], calls for compulsory German language tests from infancy [this will blow up massively before too long as it means both a drastically invasive meddling of the gov’t in private matters and it challenges, fundamentally, Austria’s post-1945 identity: while obviously something to be considered in light of mass immigration from the Arab World, doing so will produce very, very problematic consequences (more in the bottom lines below)].
Proposal: No Child Benefits Without German!
German language test results should be included in the parent-child passport and family welfare payments should be dependent on them. Taslimi:
Obviously, many parents (i.e., those with a migrant background) expect their children to learn German at kindergarten and school anyway. Under the current conditions in Austria, however, kindergarten cannot do this [this is odd—most immigrant kids in Norway learn Norwegian in kindergarten just fine: staff merely speaks Norwegian with them; anecdotally, my 3yo learned Norwegian in about two months without kindergarten staff being trained to teach kids]. Parent education should be an element of this, i.e., parents should be told: you have to support your child [the crux, to me, isn’t so much about the legal situation but cultural: here in Norway, it is socially expected to have kids go to kindergarten from age 1 onwards, it is highly subsidised, and there’s enormous peer pressure to conform on everybody (as immigrants in particular lose welfare benefits if they don’t send their kids and/or attend language courses); it has, of course, tons of downsides as children spend so much time away from their family that the state is effectively raising (indoctrinating) them…].
There also needs to be an end to kindergarten being misused as an hourly ‘car park’ [again: if you come from a culture (e.g., Islam) that sees women as walking uteruses worth less than a man, that’s what one gets, esp. if there are no penalties, either socially or in terms of welfare transfer payments, for using such public services in this manner].
[that piece comes with this poll asking, ‘Should Vienna introduce German obligations in schools?’, with 96% answering in the affirmative (myself included as I wanted to see the results), 3% saying ‘no’, and 2% answering ‘don’t know’; around 6:15 a.m. on 23 Jan. 2024, there were 57.26K answers]
No Word of German in 1st Grade: 70% Arabs
For Natascha Taslimi, ‘limited kindergarten attendance’ explains why an incredible 45% of pupils in Vienna can speak so little German that they do not understand their teachers and therefore cannot receive a school report, even though on paper they have attended kindergarten for two years [talk about suicidal empathy once more].
This currently affects 20,000 children, almost 70% of whom have an Arab as their mother tongue. They came to Vienna through family reunification (300 every month for a year and a half) after spending years without school in Turkish refugee camps [don’t blame ‘ze Turks’ for this, the EU is paying Türkiye for keeping hundreds of thousands of refugees in these camps, which is another result of Angela Merkel’s overly disastrous legacy]. An email from the head of a kindergarten, Renate F., is harrowing:
It’s pure desperation. A child, aged 5, is dropped off at around 10 a.m. and picked up again less than two hours later. He hardly speaks a word of German, even though he has been living here for three years. How is this child supposed to manage school? The father gets angry when we talk to him about it with an interpreter. He says the mother considers it a disgrace if she doesn’t look after the child herself at home [talk about ‘race’ being important—it’s culture, and lest I’m misunderstood: pre-second wave feminism, it used to be considered perfectly normal in Western Civ, too, for mothers to stay at home and look after their children; the issue here is Islamic culture breeds (no pun intended) irresponsibility on two counts—one the one hand, note the father claiming his wife considers it a ‘disgrace’, yet he apparently doesn’t see a problem pushing the issue onto his wife; on the other hand, as the necessity for the interpreter shows, the father himself doesn’t speak or understand German, hence he failed to bear his responsibility as an immigrant in the first place, which he can, of course, never admit to as that would undermine his standing at home and among his fellow Arabic peers…]
Instead of Kindergarten, it’s ‘Care’ by Mobile Phone
Kindergarten director F. continues: ‘We can see what this care looks like. The child is handed a mobile phone with apps in Arabic…’ And then Natascha Taslimi mentions a second hot potato: that the right to all-day kindergarten attendance depends on the parents’ occupation:
It would have a big impact if parents didn’t have to pick up the children who most urgently need language support at lunchtime [who’s supposed to pay for these ‘rights’, you might wish to add (but we know that answer); another issue here is—WTF is that Arab boy only showing up around 10 a.m. and not, like, at 7:30-ish or 8 a.m. like the kids of people who have to go to work?]
The imported language problem is a disaster for our middle schools. A school kid may only receive exceptional status [i.e., entitled to receive extra tutoring in German] for two years, after which they become ‘regular’ and have to be moved on without [said extra tutoring in] German…
Vienna now catches school-age children in ‘orientation classes’. There they—and their parents!—are first taught in Arabic and German and prepared for school [I don’t want to know the bill for that—Vienna’s state gov’t is de facto bankrupt as the leftish gov’t, run since 1945 by the Socialists/Social Democrats, has managed to have sky-high budget deficits of around 4 billion euros in 2024 (there are new state elections in April, which will be followed by utility and fee hikes thereafter)].
Bottom Lines
Who is the author of this piece? Well, attentive readers might have caught on that it has been Niki Glattauer whom I’ve been citing repeatedly on these issues—and he actually knows what he’s talking about:
Niki Glattauer was a teacher and headmaster in Vienna for 25 years. He has published 13 books to date, all of which have been bestsellers on the subject of education.
So, unlike most journos™ who may or may not fondly remember their school time, Mr. Glattauer actually knows what he’s talking about.
One of the core problems here is, of course, the costs deriving from the mass importation of illiterate immigrant families with very much alien cultural backgrounds.
A lot of these problems ultimately fall squarely on Western foreign policies (e.g., enmity vs. Assad’s Syria) that proximately caused these refugee waves to arrive in Türkiye—where Angela Merkel’s policies have kept them in camps for years. The eventual end result of such a policy can be observed in ‘Palestinian’ refugee camps esp. in Lebanon, and the sad and tragic history of that formerly functioning, mostly Christian country appears the most likely future for many Western/European countries:
Let’s not get ‘our’ politicos™ off the hook easily—for decades, ‘left™’ and ‘far-left™’ stances on (im)migration was constant: it’s good per se, and we should welcome everybody with no questions asked whatsoever.
They were accompanied by the ‘conservatives™’ on the ‘right™’ whose leaders dumped their traditional Christian values by the late 20th century and claimed new immigrants were needed to keep the bloated welfare states going into the 21st century.
Every scheme that relies on new recruits to keep paying existing participants is, of course, nothing but a Ponzi scheme, and this is exactly what the drastic expansion of entitlements and welfare benefits—well beyond anything that can reasonably be financed with taxes—has wrought.
The existential tragedy of our early 21st-century is that no-one among politicos™, journos™, and/or experts™ wants to talk about this.
What, then, will be the most likely near-term outcome?
Gov’t largesse on said alien, unwilling-to-integrate even superficially by learning the local language, immigrants will continue, if only to prevent these teeming masses from rioting and causing even more trouble:
As to Austrian identity, well, this posting is very long already, hence I’ll do an abstract-like, truncated version here:
After 1945, a new Austrian identity was forged to permanently drive home the idea that Austria’s then about 6.5m German-speakers—who until then thought of themselves as ethnically German and who also were perceived by the outside world as such—must be permanently separated from their fellow Germans in Hitler’s now-defunct Greater German Reich.
Hence, a new identity was forged that relied on Austria’s natural beauty (think: ‘The Sound of Music’), the First School of Vienna (Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven), and the Allied-imposed notion that Austria in March 1938 was Hitler’s ‘first victim’ (as per the 1943 Moscow Declaration) plus the Allied-imposed ‘perpetual neutrality’ made up its main ingredients.
This was taught in schools, written about by professors, and pontificated about by politicians and media professionals—until, by the late 1980s, the Austrian gov’t run by the Socialist Franz Vranitzky in cahoots with the conservatives from the ÖVP decided to join the EC/EU:
When Austria joined the EU in 1995, this distinctively Austrian post-1945 identity was gradually abolished and replaced by the even more fake ‘pan-European’—actually: EU—concepts of ‘rights™’ and ‘laws™’.
This means that right now, Austria—and you may substitute many other European identities and national experiences since 1945 here—is stuck between a past that seems totally out of place and time (the mulled introduction of German as official language) while any policies that affect but one segment of the population (e.g., Arab-speakers) will likely be attacked viciously by far-leftish legacy media and eventually nullified by some EU institution.
The end result will be a bland uniformity of outcome with the EU as the arbiter of everything. The only question arising from this set-up, of course, is why do ‘we, the people’ still pay so much for domestic politicos™ who are totally castrated in terms of their freedom of action?
(Mind you that I’m not advocating a simple return to Cold War-era politics, but at least it would provide a more stable foundation for the continued existence of European nations.)
In the end, Vienna is showing us all the future of Europe, which resembles, more and more, Jean Raspail’s The Camp of Saints, albeit without anything resembling faith, traditional values, and a workable future for your and my children and grandchildren.
A language is the key to everybody's heart it will be interesting to watch these masses of young people to drift away from the countries where they live