Jul 21Liked by epimetheus

I wonder why Austria and Germany seems almost targetted by Covid and after-effects. Surely, governement policies wouldn't cause effects such as these? It seems these two nations are singularily affected by after-effects.

Britain, Australia, and Canada who also locked down hard, full retard in the case of Australia (and New Zeeland) don't have matching numbers of people off sick, do they? Honestly asking, as I don't know.

It's enough to set my tin-foil antennae a-buzz:

Israel locked down and mandated vaccinations. Are they also hit as bad? Is Turkey? Italy? Switzerland?

Or is it just Germany and Austria? Because if it is, then there must have been something extra in the vials sent there.

Maybe someone ought to check, someone with access to labs and materials.

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We currently have the highest rate of cancer in the world here. Rare cancers as well. Young people in their 20s and 30s are dropping dead. It's all over the news every day. I screen shot every story and move on. There is not enough time in the day to keep up anymore. Same with the violent murders. Multiple a day now when there used to be maybe one or two shockers a year.

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Can't bring myself to 'like' this reply, I'm sorry to say.

Do the authorities keep track? O'er here in Norway, earlier this year, there was a report about non-Covid excess mortality: https://fackel.substack.com/p/covid-in-norway-significant-excess (see if you can spot a 'signal')

In Austria, too, authorities are expecting a 'significant rise' in cancers: https://fackel.substack.com/p/covid-aftershocks-experts-expect

Same shit, different smell, I'd state.

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Yes, Australian authorities definitely keep track of cancer because that is how they launder money and keep the cancer charities(tm) and research(tm) grift happening.

Apparently, the more we fail at curing and treating cancer, the more money is required doing exactly the same thing we have always done.

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But…isn't that the proverbial definition of insanity?

Asking for a friend, you know…

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Jul 21Liked by epimetheus

About the cancer thing... I know in the last few years I have seen predictions from various health authorities (long before the Corona debacle) that 1 in 3 of us will get cancer in our lifetime. Now before I became a deranged, anti-vax, conspiracy theorist I would have put that down to people living longer. But now that I wear a tinfoil catsuit could it be that that prediction was some sort of 'predictive programming'? Like somebody somewhere knew that this whole gene therapy thing was coming down the line and that they were simply covering their proverbial arses by getting the public used to the fact this was going to happen? I have no idea... but it is food for thought?

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Well, let me join your party here, if I may. My trajectory is about the same as yours (Covid 'redpilled' me, with a vengeance), and I'm pretty sure it's possible that this all was 'predictive programming', esp. as Norwegian public health officialdom insists exactly in this way: they call it the 'elder bulge' and it will be quite something to behold.

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Jul 21Liked by epimetheus

News came out today that the health minister here in Puerto Rico (Carlos Mellado), who pushed the shots as part of our vaccine dictatorship, came down with a super, duper rare form of neuroendocrine cancer last year. I wonder if it is really so rare anymore.

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Wow, and good point about 'rare' not being rare.

As an aside, I would like to visit PR one day. If you started a Substack about life there I would be interested to read it!

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Jul 21Liked by epimetheus

Such levels of insanity as you say I can’t quite decide if I’m horrified or simply fascinated… lordy lordy

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It's a bit like a car crash--hard not to gaze and marvel.

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Jul 21Liked by epimetheus

Tusen Takk

For making sense of how Pandemia was handled around the world

Here in Canada political commissaries (mostly highly educated women) were promoted to manage the populace

Seems they followed the same playbook as in

Tyskland and Østerrike

Thanks for your missives


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You're welcome, and thank you for reading.

As to the 'making sense' part, well, I'm trying to document this madness, and I'm far from understanding 'it'.

It does seem that, like Germany and Austria, Canada was (is) a pretty bad place these days.

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Jul 21Liked by epimetheus

'The drugs don't work they just make you worse...' Funny old world ain't it... We're the most 'medicalised' (whether that's pills or jabs) we've ever been yet we seem to be sicker than ever (both physically and mentally). But surely there's no correlation? Remove your tinfoil hat and step away from the keyboard.

Like you epimetheus my experience of Corona was something akin to a three day headache approximately 2.5 years ago. I remember it well because it was the same week an old friend (who just happened to be one of the healthiest people I knew) dropped dead of a massive heart attack warming up on a basketball court on his lunchbreak from work.

I also refrained from the generous offer from our oh so caring government of the freely available gene therapy (my decision was based on my aunt also succumbing to a heart attack about 6 hours after her second dose of Moderna). And oh boy... didn't they try to make me pay for exercising my freedom of choice. But I came out the other side... with no sense of smugness but I was a little proud of myself for resisting even though it cost me monetarily but you know... it's only money. I'm still here... and a lot of people are not.

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Oh my, I'm so sorry about your aunt and friend; may they rest in peace.

I'm glad you've survived the 'Black Death™' in the same fashion as I've; you're like the only other person (apart from my immediate family). I've heard so many different accounts of 'it' from similarly 'unvaccinated' people, ranging from your and my course 'with Covid' to something closer to what reader Irena related (a rather very bad flu). I cannot explain it (but since I live on 61-62 degrees north, I'm supplementing with vitamins C and D in winter).

Like you, I declined that 'offer', and at times it feels I'm the only in my work-related circles who's not sick every so often.

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Jul 21Liked by epimetheus

Thank you for your kind words. The other clincher was that my aunt was told at her medical check up the previous month that she had (and I am quoting her doctor) 'a five star heart'. This was early 2021 and she would have been one of the first cohorts to get the jab. The authorities also refused to perform an autopsy and simply labelled it as a 'heart attack' and she was quickly cremated. My uncle at the time had not got the will to get into litigation (for obvious reasons).

Also like yourself I stuck to a few Vitamin D, C, Zinc, Magnesium and fish oil supplements (I also walk everywhere). I can literally remember the times I have been ill in the last 20 years. 'Corona' 2 years ago, a cold/flu in Spring 2015 and the same again in Spring 2006. Like it is rare for me to ever get ill. I feel blessed so I did not want to take anything as untested as that damned jab. I have an immune system that seems to be pretty good.

I have become a total medical sceptic whereas before I would spend hundreds of euros on diagnostic tests (my father has had several illnesses in years past but I am convinced it is more lifestyle than hereditary). Now I'm like... 'fuck it... if I die, I die.' Of course if I had any serious symptoms I would get it checked out but I am no longer trying to predict things. Because of the carry on of the medical establishment in the past few years I know sooner or later my diagnostic tests would cause them to medicate me whether I liked it or not.

I wasn't even a vaccine sceptic. Around 2017 I went to get a Yellow Fever shot before a trip to Brazil. I went to the medical centre and the doctor spent a good 45 minutes with me answering my question, explaining any risks and putting me at ease... you know informed consent! Did any of that take place in the last 3 years! Answers on a postcard to the usual address.

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You're welcome.

I'd merely add: live well, and try to do the right thing.

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Jul 21Liked by epimetheus

Is geert vandenboshe right about his hypothesis?,,,scary shit,,,,

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Well, it looks like we're about to find out, eh?

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Jul 21Liked by epimetheus

Several thoughts.

(1) Interesting that people are taking far fewer days off than they used to (several decades ago). I suspect this has to do with collapsing birth rates. Young kids get sick a lot, and when they do, a parent (usually the mother) takes a sick leave until the kid recovers. Two or three months per year is not implausible, especially if daycare centers have strict policies in this regard ("runny nose? stay at home!").

(2) Slightly more sick leave is not necessarily bad news. Some people do come to work when very obviously ill, and they really shouldn't.

(3) Semi-permanent disability (due to depression/anxiety) is likely to be a massive problem. I have no idea how to begin to address that. Keep in mind that simply refusing to grant sick leave to those with mental health challenges is not necessarily the answer, given that those people may do more harm than good if forced to work. When evaluating a policy proposal, *always* take the likely unintended consequences into account. (Gee, wonder why no-one ever thought of that?)

(4) Getting injected with gene juice makes you more susceptible to corona infection, as we know. The shot, for those who got it, may have blunted the impact of that first infection [the old juice against the old corona], but it robbed them of the robust immunity that they would otherwise have gotten from it. As far as I know, I've had corona exactly once: in the fall of 2021. I was very ill. Call me spoiled if you want, but 39 degree fever for days on end (just for starters) is nothing to scoff at, as far as I'm concerned. (Would it have gotten as bad if I'd gotten some early treatment? We'll never know, I guess.) But that was it. If I ever caught it again, it was too mild to worry about. I'm uninjected, of course.

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Re 1) I'm positively certain that the kindergarten/primary school mandates were due to keeping at least one parent home for the reasons you mentioned. As an aside, my (of course) un-gene therapied kindergarten kid--and most of her peers--three years ago was never sick; staff was constantly 'sick'.

Re 2) no arguments here.

Re 3) agreed, incl. the sick leave policies in place. As to the unintended consequences, well, o'er here up north, we're way down the rabbit hole of 'new public management' (which means that MBAs are 'doing the numbers' and telling e.g. healthcare professionals how to do their job).

Re 4) I'm sorry about your severe bout of Covid, and I'm happy you're alright. I'm unsure about the first/second course in my case, but since I've had 'it' in Jan. 2021, I was never ill again.

You write: 'If I ever caught it again, it was too mild to worry about. I'm uninjected, of course.'

Wise choice.

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Wow, thanks for the addition of Buzzati at the end. Quite.

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Cheers, mate!

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