Wtf Germany. May as well call it "Night of the Long Needles."

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WTF is the only reasonable comment, no doubt about that.

Good Point about the needles: how bad I didn’t think about it.

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Sep 26Liked by epimetheus

As in Night of the Long Knifes.

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I just wanted to write that ;) Those people are kinda tone deaf.

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First thing that popped into my mind is the Night of the Long Knives! I see I am not the only one.

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Sep 26Liked by epimetheus

Oh what a long murderous night it's gonna be. Do they offer a free funeral as well ?

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What a pertinent question; I doubt it, but I think those people who still take these poison juices should--all take more of them.

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I was, in fact, both rolling my eyes and shaking my head.

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And then some.

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WTF!? "Lange Nacht des Impfens" => "Nacht der langen Messer"

don't know whether I should roll on the floor laughing my ass off at this brazen provocation or scream despairingly into the void...


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Well, I thought it too stupid and the like, but the 'Long Night of Museums' or the like is quite established.

It's just amazing that this is an 'idea' that merits any reaction.

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Sep 26·edited Sep 26Liked by epimetheus

What's the original etiology of the phrasing?

Does it originate from the political killings in 1934 during "the night of the long knives"?

We have other references;

Long night of the Soul. Long night of the Grave (none of them warm and fluffy).

I can't help but cringe at the surface-skater mentality of the average pleb.

The silly woman who brain-farted this into existence, and who I'm guessing, thought it was one of the most ingenius epiphanies she'd ever had (perhaps the ONLY "epiphany" she'd ever had) drew on nothing deeper than a 5 second pop culture reference (and not the history it came from).

We are a society governed by inadequate, uneducated infants with the IQ of a can of Play-Doh,

overseeing other infants.

God forbid they actually research before burping out their wisdom.

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Well, there's been a 'long night of museums' for some 2 decades or the like; it's quite well-established among the middle class.

You write: 'The silly woman who brain-farted this into existence, and who I'm guessing, thought it was one of the most ingenius epiphanies she'd ever had (perhaps the ONLY "epiphany" she'd ever had) drew on nothing deeper than a 5 second pop culture reference (and not the history it came from).'

It's so absurd, but since everything is kinda Orwellian as in agit-prop and fake, I think your consideration is way better than anything I could think of.

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Sep 26Liked by epimetheus

May I add the „Impf and Go“ Marketing Slogan

as displayed on a banner by a very eager pharmacy in Basel…. despicable.

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OMG, that's arguably worse than the 'drop-in marriage' offered by the Norwegian Lutheran Church (see: https://www.kyrkja.no/nb-NO/bryllup-i-den-norske-kirke/drop-in-bryllup/)

Did you by chance take a picture or save a link?

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Sep 26Liked by epimetheus

It's on par if you look back to 2021:


Scroll down a bit and you'll be able to play a one-minute clip of 150 reworked slogans, endorsing Impfung. F.e. the one from expert:

"Mit den besten Impfehlungen"

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Or the 'Impfen = Freiheit' (getting vaxxed = freedom) 'art installation' in 2021:


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I can't but help noticing the East-West divide in signing up for serving the KoolAid.

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Unfortunately no photo!

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