EU to Militarise + Launch CBDC in Oct. 2025
And just like that, our future is revealed in no uncertain terms: militarism and top-down, digital control will be launched in Europe in 2025
Short on time, hence but the reference to my translation, emphases, and [snark].
Defence Industry [sic] Rejoices: German Car manufacturers Now to Produce Tanks
By Andreas Becker, Nordkurier, 5 March 2025 [source]
The announcement by the party leaders of the CDU, CSU, and SPD to exempt defence spending above one percent of gross domestic product from the debt brake in future and thus pump hundreds of billions into Germany’s armaments over the next few years has been met with great approval by the Federal Association of the German Security and Defence Industry [orig. Bundesverband der Deutschen Sicherheits- und Verteidigungsindustrie, or BDSV]. The Managing Director of the BDSV, Dr. Hans Christoph Atzpodien, spoke of a ‘liberating blow’ [orig. Befreiungsschlag, meant is a Hail Mary in US parlance]
‘Minister Pistorius’ requests were not fulfilled’
Atzpodien emphasised that it is now more important than ever for the Bundeswehr to finally find its way out of the mode of shortage management [note the German army is incapable of fighting right now], which it has not really been able to leave behind since 2022 despite the indispensable first special fund [orig. Sondervermögen, the Orwellian new term describing more debt financing]. Atzpodien continued:
I would like to remind you of the repeated requests by Minister Pistorius to increase his regular defence budget, which were not met at the time. As far as the actual needs of the Bundeswehr are concerned, these are primarily determined by NATO requirements. I am referring here to the statements made by NATO Secretary-General Mark Rutte, according to which we will have to spend at least ‘north’ of 3% of GDP on defence, perhaps even closer to 3.5%.
As a consequence of the current geopolitical situation, European NATO countries would have to provide more for their own armaments than before. This would trigger a wave of new orders from the European and, above all, the German defence industry [militarism is baaaaaaack in style].
German Defence Industry ‘Will Deliver’
According to Atzodien, it would be welcome if customers in Europe could harmonise and ‘pool’ their requirements in the best possible way [of course, competition is supremely baaaaad if you’re the biggest bully in the school yard, hence this may be translated as: we’ll lobby Brussels to prescribe joint tenders (with foregone orders)’—change my mind]. The industry now needs clear announcements as to which products are expected to deliver how much and in what timeframe, Atzpodien said in a press release issued by his association. ‘If this is clear, it will also deliver. This will prompt the industry to significantly expand its capacities once again. It has already achieved a great deal in this direction over the last three years and is now ready to do so with even greater commitment.’ [so, what the merchants of death want is—no investments without guaranteed purchase from politicos™, which in a way is the fast-track to hell as it’s going to be impossible to get off that particular train; for historical analogies, think pre-WW1 and let your imagination run wil (now we have nukes)].
‘Cars to Armour’—Recruiting Skilled Workers
On Wednesday, the BDSV also presented a concrete proposal on how the necessary capacities could be realised, Atzpodien made clear:
Currently, the release of resources in the automotive and automotive supplier sector in Germany offers particular opportunities to quickly ramp up armaments capacities, especially in the area of larger series. The motto could be ‘cars to armaments’! Instead of complaining about the economic damage caused by the downturn in the automotive industry, we should try to transfer production facilities and, above all, skilled workers from the automotive sector to the defence sector in the most sustainable way possible [pray tell: what could go wrong with re-tooling the entire auto industry for wartime production?].
Create LNG Acceleration Law [orig. Beschleunigungsgesetz] for Defence Equipment, Too
In this context, the BDSV Managing Director called for the unconditional elimination of critical bottlenecks:
For example, specialists in the security and defence industry often require a so-called security clearance to handle classified defence information, which must be obtained for from the Federal Ministry of Economics.
‘Due to the necessary processing required by state constitution protection offices and other authorities, these procedures now take several months, sometimes even a year or more, from application to authorisation,’ warned Atzpodien. ‘We can no longer afford this if we want to quickly deploy trained personnel from the automotive sector for armaments.’ [well, what else could go wrong with that proposition…?]
Atzpodien also called for the regulatory framework for new production capacities to be improved—and recalled the gas shortage [orig. Gasmangellage] in 2022, when the LNG Acceleration Act quickly created ways to speed up or shorten environmental impact assessments for LNG terminals, for example. ‘We need exactly the same in the current “defence equipment shortage” [orig. Rüstungsgüter-Mangellage] for the construction of new defence factories,’ said the CEO.
Bottom Lines
Read that ultimate paragraph once more: from 2022 onwards, energy shortages were critical in Germany.
They were ‘resolved™’ by cutting through red tape (the EU has bid farewell to the ‘Green Deal™’, too), but this is the analogy invoked here: do the same short-circuiting for war production.
The rest of the piece is pretty absurd and stupid, too: let’s bend our car factories into ammunition plants.
We’ve been there, too, some time ago. Meanwhile, Austrian state broadcaster ORF runs headlines reading:
Europe’s Defence Industry on the Rise
With the geostrategic turnaround of the USA under President Donald Trump, Europe now seems to be on its own when it comes to defence. Russia is seen as a potential threat. Rearmament is the order of the day: EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen wants to mobilise funding of 800 billion euros for this purpose. The beneficiary is the European defence industry, which is suddenly even supposed to act as an economic driver against the economic malaise, especially in Germany.
I’ll spare us all the remainder (although there’s plenty of idiotic things), but this piece ran on the same day (5 March 2025, source) as the Nordkurier’s article above.
What are the implications?
‘Europe’ has bid farewell to the ‘Green Deal™’ (which is good), but we’re now spending countless billions, if not trillions, of ‘money™’ on buying guns, not providing butter.
We’ve already seen food riots in Croatia:
Add the cancelling of the Romanian frontrunner yesterday, and we’ll get the full picture by noting that none of the 800b ‘funding’ is actually more than: massive deficit spending: it’s blatantly illegal under ‘EU Law™’, but that is besides the point (read up on this by clicking on the provided link):
So, if we add all these notions to the impending launch of a ‘digital euro’, scheduled for October 2025, things are clearer now:
the Eurozone is kaputt, hence the launch of a CDBC
the EU is so far gone on everything it once stood for, it’s hoped it’ll go away before too long, esp. as Brussels inverts the meaning of words
We’ll likely see massive change before too long, because the above shitshow can only continue so much longer—the EU proposing to ‘invest’ means unfunded liabilities, which will have to be covered (eat the losses) by someone likely you and me, provided we’re not nuked)
Once they launch the ‘digital euro™’, it’ll of course be ‘opt-in’, that is, unless they’ll pay (part of) your in such ‘digital euros™’ while making you pay taxes in cash or regular fiat currency.
It’s not just the Great Sorting is here, but you’re required to smile for the EU being expropriated.
The enemy—and on this J.D. Vance was right—is mainly domestic (no, this doesn’t mean mass immigration isn’t a problem), but the enemy is that EU.
Take a stand. It might be your last voluntary decision.
"Arms industry rejoices: German car manufacturers should now produce tanks"
Nobody wants their eCar garbage, so they build tanks, climate friendly of course. Electric. Motto: If your shit doesn't work, make more shit, and don't forget de holy climate…
Hahaha, in my wildest dreams I could have never imagined how sick in the head politicians could be.
Empire is largely a set of mind viruses. There can be only one conclusion - Empire is planning a self-destruction of Europe. Future reality of Europe will be unrecognizable by its historical standards. We are all slated for major reductions, some more than others. There must be crisis, people must follow blindly, and no center of resistance will be allowed to rise above the chaos. They will make sure there are no military victories - just losers all around.
People have been made to lose the most elementary thinking capacity. Europe will fight Russia but this time it will be different! Let’s suppose Europe eventually gets to fight Russia directly. It will either be victorious in a conventional conflict or a loser. Even if it were to be successful, this would only lead Russians into using their nuclear weapons. How does the Empire propose Europe will win a nuclear war with Russia? The whole idea is preposterous! They have defeated us when they’ve destroyed our capacity to think for ourselves. Now they can do anything to us without any fear of a revolt! And just in case there is one they’ll make sure they are in charge of it. Only a widely based resistance has a chance of significantly altering our current trajectory. I don’t believe this is possible without a providential intervention.