"Arms industry rejoices: German car manufacturers should now produce tanks"

Nobody wants their eCar garbage, so they build tanks, climate friendly of course. Electric. Motto: If your shit doesn't work, make more shit, and don't forget de holy climate…

Hahaha, in my wildest dreams I could have never imagined how sick in the head politicians could be.

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I think these morons believe their own propaganda (fiction), hence their actions are governed by wrong insights while they're panicking.

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Empire is largely a set of mind viruses. There can be only one conclusion - Empire is planning a self-destruction of Europe. Future reality of Europe will be unrecognizable by its historical standards. We are all slated for major reductions, some more than others. There must be crisis, people must follow blindly, and no center of resistance will be allowed to rise above the chaos. They will make sure there are no military victories - just losers all around.

People have been made to lose the most elementary thinking capacity. Europe will fight Russia but this time it will be different! Let’s suppose Europe eventually gets to fight Russia directly. It will either be victorious in a conventional conflict or a loser. Even if it were to be successful, this would only lead Russians into using their nuclear weapons. How does the Empire propose Europe will win a nuclear war with Russia? The whole idea is preposterous! They have defeated us when they’ve destroyed our capacity to think for ourselves. Now they can do anything to us without any fear of a revolt! And just in case there is one they’ll make sure they are in charge of it. Only a widely based resistance has a chance of significantly altering our current trajectory. I don’t believe this is possible without a providential intervention.

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I agree: we've left behind any kind of standards, historical or otherwise (decency, for that matter, or sanity, too). 'Europe' today is barely recognisable, and we're all in for a very bad ride.

You know, Martin, take my vintage picture postcard collection as an example: sometimes I do get a bit melancholic as these images show a world that no longer exists--and that's not 'just' something that affects Cold War Europe.

As to you last paragraph, the media-induced alienation from reality, our human-ness, and, yes, each other and our selves is already very far progressed; we're not merely losing our ability to think independently, rather, we're losing the essential qualities that make us human, incl. the full range of human emotions, our capacities to interact with each other in ways that aren't merely transactional, and a whole host of other qualities (e.g., enjoying nature, friends, a moment of silence, etc.).

As to the last sentence of that paragraph, I do find myself increasingly drawn to scripture, mostly out of sheer desperation but in part due to hope, for my family, my children, and the world the latter will inherit.

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I agree with you that is more than our incapacity to think, which is just one manifestation of our decline.

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Yeah! Genau DAS ist es, was passiert. Überall auf der gesamten Welt ist das zu sehen, zu hören, zu (ER)spüren. Aber: Da gibt es dem Universum oder wem auch immer sei Dank immer noch diejenigen erwachsen gewordenen Menschen und deren Kinder (so wie meine Kinder z.B., die Zwillingsbrüder sind und gerade 19 Jahre alt wurden, Kinder einer Generation, die wissen, was sie wollen und was nicht und wohin sie wollen und wohin nicht) die so stark, so lebensbejahend, so unerschütterlich, so willensstark, so wertschätzend dem Leben und Lebendigen gegenüber sind, dass niemals etwas verloren ist. Niemals.

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Genau deshalb benötigt es JETZT unumstößlich, unabdingbar eines unmissverständlichen und unüberhörbaren milliardenfachen FUCK YOU!

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Martin is quite right on all counts and I believe it is much worse than he has stated - only providential intervention can change the course of what is happening right now.

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Emotional reactions prove my point that too many of us are now incapable of the most basic independence of thought. This is not a matter of opposition of ideas; people who have no ideas of their own mistaken propaganda implanted thoughts for their own. This is condition from which it is exceedingly hard to free oneself. It requires that which they no longer possess.

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Oh, emotions are fine, but they aren't a good indicator in the decision-making process. I suppose an apt name for the present condition might be the unwillingness to grow up/recession into childhood-like phantasies: a kind of collective Peter Pan Syndrome.

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Gott oder Götter haben noch niemals, zu keiner Zeit, auch nur irgendwann den Menschen dieser Erde vor der Bösartigkeit anderer (weniger) Menschen geholfen oder dagegegen "eingegriffen". Wie meine geliebte Mutter schon ihr ganzes Leben lang immer sagte: 'Hilf dir selbst, sonst bist du verlassen'. Es sind immer die Menschen selbst, die sich SELBST um sich und ihre Lieben sorgen, kümmern müssen, für sich und ihre Lieben SELBST und STÄNDIG einstehen müssen. Nichts und niemand sonst wird das jemals tun. Kein "Gott", kein Fabelwesen, keine Gerichte, keine Polizei, keine Regierung. Nada. Während der Covidianischen Todessektenkult-Jahre hat - wie immer in der Menschheitsgeschichte - der kleine Anteil von Menschen, ausgestattet mit Widerstandskraft- und willen, Mut, Selbstachtung und Aufrechtem Gang gezeigt, wie das geht! Und es geht nur so! Es zeigt uns allen dabei auch eines, nämlich dass die 'Pandemie der Angst' größer ist, als irgendwas anderes in diesem Leben.

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Friede sei mit euch. Ich werde für Sie beten, dass Sie das Licht von Jesus Christus sehen und seine Barmherzigkeit erkennen. Er kann Sie von Ihrem Zorn und dem Glauben befreien, Sie könnten die Welt allein verändern.

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Glauben heißt, nichts wissen und nichts wissen wollen und damit einhergehend, nichts tun zu müssen. Ich bin voller Liebe, voller Tatendrang, voller Lebendigkeit, voller Wertschätzung gegenüber allem Leben und Lebendigen, voller Selbstachtung, voller LebensBEJAHUNG. Wo siehst oder spürst Du hier "Zorn"? Außerdem: Zorn ist eine vollkommen natürliche menschliche Eigenschaft, ein natürliches menschliches Gefühl, eine Emotion. Es ist nichts Verwerfliches, Wut oder Zorn zu verspüren. Ganz im Gegenteil. Wut und Zorn waren in der bisherigen Menschheitsgeschichte schon immer sehr gute Triebfedern - eine Art motorische Kraft -, um positive, konstruktive Veränderungen herbeizuführen. Siehe die verdammte "Sklaven"Zeit, siehe Bauernaufstände- und kriege, siehe siehe siehe. Denkst Du, es hätte sich für die Menschen auch nur irgendwann irgendwas für sie zum Besseren verändert, wenn sie nur friedfertig, tatenlos und betend gewartet hätten, bis irgendein Gott daherkommt?

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>German Car manufacturers Now to Produce Tanks

Hey I've seen this movie before!

Third time's the charm Germany!

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Since both world wars were started by Austrians, I call for my home country to somehow get in on the action before someone else takes that particular honour.

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Just one question: do I get my MG3 back? If yes, I’ll get a EU tramp stamp.

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Huhum, I fear you must get a new rifle according tom NAFO standards, paid for by whoever.

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I'm sorry I laughed so hard at this omg. Just when I thought we had hit the peak of clownworld, we climb a little higher and there is the Matterhorn, snow covered and looming in the distance.

I should know by now: there is no peak to clown world.

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Exactly, and it's all going according to 'the plan™'.

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I trust Rheinmetall to divert some of the loot towards my baby.

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What loot? There’s but debt…

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Exactly. Since we’re screwed anyway might as well get a belt-fed out of it. And no, I’m not settling for an MG5. That’s for toddlers.

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I'm of the same thinking as Eugyppius on this issue:

Germany et al are using the "We must defeat Russia"-spiel to get around the climate&austerity scams, and will attempt to re-industrialise, even if it takes new coal plants to get'er done.

Obviously, it's a frog-boiling maneuver and the Greens and their friends must be maneuvered in such a way they become trapped between supporting re-industrialising or be labeled "Putinists".

I base this not on any detailed knowledge of German politics (cause I don't have that) but because that's what's happening here, and Sweden is usually a good indicator of German politics, us always trying to do the same as them and outdoing them too.

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I tend to disagree with that consideration, and I do so for the following reasons:

* there may be long-held plans (the Eurocrats are neither secretive nor very subtle about them), but they are delusional to an extent that I've never seen

* yes, the Greens are a problem, and while I don't discount the play you allude to, the Green scam has been bought lock, stock, and barrel by virtually all institutions (gov't, academia, media, judiciary, etc.), hence it's next to impossible to disentangle that ball of hair (except via martial law)

As to what's going on, my reading is that the Eurocrats are caught in a bind: they must move forward, at all costs, because that's the logic of the EU: it cannot simply, Hotel California style, permit countries to leave.

I think the EU leaders and their willing executioners are actually panicking; they don't know what to do, for they must surely know that they cannot act militarily without the US, but at the same time, they're actively alienating both Russia and the US, which is about the most stupid thing to do--but it's understandable if you imagine these people are panicking.

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I don't see a conflict between the EU leadership dropping the Green madness and them believing in it and trying to combine re-armament and re-industrialisation using methods heretical to the Climate Cult.

The reason for this is, that the more fervent a believer someone is, the better trained their mind is holding opposing, or even mutually exclusive ideas at the same time without perceiving any conflict: observe European feminists and the well-known, well-documented consequences of allowing men from Africa and MENA to migrate here in their millions.

Yet, the staunchest defenders of mass-migration and the "racism"-narrative are feminist women, despite women being the ones most affected by the negative consequences.

Or Socialist Democrat parties in general. The negative effects of neo-liberal economic policies are by now as obvious as the failure of communism was in the 1970s (to anyone visiting DDR or USSR at least), yet the Socialist Democrat parties persist in pushing through more and more neo-liberal reforms, which in reality has the effect of turning the state into a money-making machine for capitalists, where migration and unemployment and artificially low interest rates and ever-increasing taxes are used to keep things going despite everyone being able to see the crash coming.

A normal mind can do this indefinitely and without limits, simply due to how it identifies itself (which value-laden terms it uses for that process).

Therefore, I think what we'll see is increasing internal conflict among the globalist-infiltrated parties and related power structures, as people start sliding towards the two sides:

Trying to be fundamentalist and true to dogma, or trying to sound and appear as being it, while in reality not following through at all, but without changing any perception of self or policy.

To use a religious parallel: kind of how the former state church of Sweden goes begging for donations from people on their death bed, despite being of the five largest land-owners in the kingdom. To their clergy, there's no ethical conflict, due to how they identify themselves. Or the Socialist Democrat party having a special law made for them alone in the 1970s, allowing them and them alone to run a lottery to fund the party, targeting the lonely, the handicapped and the poorest seniors via aggressive telemarketing - no conflict between values and actions to them.

Or any number of examples, really.

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You see, my 'disagreement' here is technical: eugyppius and you recognise a 'plan' on part of these loons whereas I infer panic-induced ad-hockery, and here's why:

There's so much time, effort, lobbying, and political capital that's going into the average EU policy decision, it's hard to let go of these babies for precisely these reasons. Add to that the issue of what would a 'leader™' need least--to be seen as bowing to external or otherwise pressures beyond one's ability to control (lead) on, say, Russia, the climate scam, etc.

And that's precisely the position the EU leadership finds itself in: the US makes noise about tariffs, ends the climate scam (for now, I suppose), tells the EU to pay up for NATO 'protection™', and talks to Russia over Brussels' heads.

While we agree on the outcome, I don't think there's even a fraction of the careful action that went into these considerations at the EU level, which means it's shoddily done, badly set-up, and worse communicated. In short: they're panicking.

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