The Great Sorting is Here
As the EU announces 'innovative financing' of continued war, totalitarianism rears its ugly head out in the open: mandated CBDCs (rationing) and the greatest bubble of all times are coming
Oh my, now we must talk about the future of the occupation régime known as ‘the European Union’ once more—due to big news coming out of Warsaw, Poland:
The foreign ministers (clowns) of Germany, France, the UK (!!!), Poland, and Italy met to discuss what to do about Ukraine now that the United States appears poised to pull the plug once Mr. Trump is inaugurated (let’s wait and see if that actually happens).
Here’s the gist for normies and NPCs, courtesy of the Associated Press:
Germany will stand up to Russian intimidation, says foreign minister
Germany’s foreign minister vowed on Tuesday that her country would not be intimidated by Russia’s new nuclear deterrent policy, saying the mistakes of the past would not be repeated.
Annalena Baerbock told a news conference in Poland that Berlin will now heed the warnings of partners that border Ukraine. She was attending a meeting of foreign ministers of Poland, Germany, France and Italy on the 1,000th day since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
Baerbock said Germany and its partners “will not be intimidated” while “Putin is playing with our fear.”
“He didn’t just start doing this 1,000 days ago. He started back in 2014,” Baerbock said.
And just like that, what was common knowledge before February 2022—and which was admitted by then-NATO’s chief clown Jens Stoltenberg almost two years ago, too:
(If you’re up for a ‘fun™’ version thereof, check out the DoD’s ‘timeline’, which starts in Feb. 2022.)
Now, if I could only remember what happened back then…well, here’s a timely reminder by former Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych who, in an interview with the the Kyiv Post (‘Ukraine’s Global Voice’) explained himself—and mentioned the momentous decision of the Ukrainian government not to sign the EU Stabilisation and Association Agreement in late November 2013:
President Viktor Yanukovych reaffirmed on Nov. 26 [2013] his refusal to sign a political association and free trade pact with the European Union until he gets a better deal… Reuters quoted him as saying the EU offer was humiliating: ‘We don’t have to be humiliated like this. We are a serious country. A European one.’…
More about these weird things can be found below:
We hold, for the record, that whatever happened in 2014 was precipitated by the EU’s demands, which Ukraine’s president deemed unacceptable. The rest, as the saying goes, is history.
We must shift gears here.
Meet the New Tyrants: EU Commission
And this brings us to the low-information content of the AP’s ‘reporting™’:
Trump says he expects Europe to make a greater effort for its own defense in the face of Russia’s war with Ukraine.
Poland’s Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski said the meeting “agreed that Europe must take greater responsibility for its own security, and that includes a more balanced sharing of the burdens among NATO members.”
So, how and where would European countries find that kind of funding for ‘greater efforts’?
Well, I’m glad you asked, and for answers thereto, we now turn to the ‘joint declaration’ that came out of this Warsaw mini-summit, which was also attended by the British foreign secretary (click here for the UK version; here is the German version).
The key phrase in this long and winding document is this (emphases mine):
Today, we therefore consider it imperative to…
strengthen Europe’s security and defence, using all levers available to us, including the economic and financing power of the European Union and by reinforcing Europe’s industrial base. To this aim, we will build on the work in NATO, the European Union, among groups of Allies and with likeminded countries, discuss innovative financing, and remove obstacles to defence trade and investment;
What these fine people are saying out loud couldn’t be more threatening to the average person:
‘using all levers available’ reeks of martial law and the suspension of whatever little remains of constitutional governance
‘discuss innovative financing’ relates, I think, to what we recently discussed, that is, the EU Commission declared itself a ‘sovereign’ (their word) and will issue ‘EU Bonds’ and ‘EU-Bills’:
lastly, the declared intent to ‘remove obstacles to defence trade and investments’ means the suspension of procurement laws and regulations, which will make it easier for the EU Commission and its willing executioners among the member-state governments to ‘spend™’ (read: waste) enormous amounts of funding on arms and procurement.
Remember, there’s no weapons deal without corruption, grift, and profiteering.
Needless to say, none of mainstream/legacy media reporting talks about this key half-sentence with the ‘innovative financing’.
We note, in passing, that such ‘common EU debt’ will be taken out by the EU Commission (which isn’t legally entitled to do so courtesy of the Maastricht Treaty of 1992/93, which functions as the de facto EU ‘constitution™’)—and let’s hold, for the record, that the EU Commission has neither regular income streams with which to service said ‘EU Bonds’ and ‘EU Bills’ nor is the EU Commission responsible to anyone in the sense of parliamentary oversight over spending.
What the EU Commission has is a 5-year budget (which Ursula Von der Leyen blew through in less than half that time in her first term) and whatever trinkets the member-states commit otherwise. Oh, lest I forget, most of these 5-year funds are earmarked and cannot really be used to assure the potential creditors of on-time payment of interest.
If you made it this far and ask yourself: who’s going to buy the EU Commissions unsecured bills and bonds?
Well, back in early October, I tried to explain this to you by citing the Commission’s press release (linked in the above piece):
Today the Commission launches its EU Repurchase Agreement (Repo) facility, a form of short-term issuance of EU securities available on-demand to EU primary dealers, to further strengthen the role of EU bonds and, consequently, improve the overall efficiency and fluidity of the EU bonds market.
If you’re scratching your heads over the term ‘primary dealers’, this comprises a list of—at the moment 37—to be too fail banks with all the usual suspects. On that website, we also read that ‘the Commission will seek to work with banks active in supporting bond issuance and placements in order to successfully place its EU-Bonds and EU-Bills’.
If you’re asking yourself now: what could go wrong?
The most likely answer is: given the staggering levels of corruption, lobbying (Brussels is second-only to Washington, D.C., when it comes to the numbers of lobbyists per politician), and grift that’s already going on—and add the not-accounted for shenanigans related to ‘Covid™’—the most likely answer is: everything.
Buckle up, grab a helmet, and brace for impact.
Bottom Lines: The Shape of Things to Come
And here, dear readers, I’ll put on my tinfoil hat to outline what I consider the most consequences.
Going on a ‘defence™’ spending binge, financed by essentially war bonds, will result in massive economic dislocation. That much we know from history.
The way warring gov’ts have historically tried to manage this is by drastically regulating ‘the economy’. In WW1, the premier example is Imperial Germany (which provided the blueprint for the later Soviet command economy, go figure), replete with all the rationing of consumption that will enable people to buy into the war bonds scheme.
Speaking of war bonds once more—for this is what these EU Bills and EU Bonds are—they are ‘bought’ by the very same ‘primary dealers’ that stand to benefit from them. This will massively inflate the money supply (I heard that the average US T Bill is used up to 75 times, i.e., for every such T Bill there’s 75 derivatives), which requires the powers-that-be to clamp down on consumption.
This will likely be done via a digital euro, which will not be called a CBDC but rather offered to EU ‘citizens’ as a way of permitting them access to consumer goods without the need of calling a spade (rationing) a spade (well, rationing). Opt-in tyranny, once more.
And, lest I forget, war bonds are only good if one wins, hence once this course is decided upon, there’s no turning back as the EU Commission’s now committed to turn the EU—and, by extension, the EEC (sorry Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland) plus the UK (sorry Brexiteers, you blew it)—into perhaps the largest credit-based bubble of all time.
Underwritten explicitly by the major European countries—and implicitly by all those who will use the EU’s ‘preferential access to goods and services’ app = CBDB plus ‘Green Passport’ tech (which, at some point, will be mandated)—the next stage of collectivisation is here.
To this author, this all looks like the end of the middle class via inflation, involuntary/coerced opt-in for EU + EEC + UK citizens (sic), which will likely result in massive bouts of (perhaps even hyper)inflation—which is, after all, a form of taxation levied on the propertied middle classes (the new kulaks, if you will), staggering amounts of wealth that will be transferred from said former middle classes to the ‘primary dealers’ and their globalist associated.
Think early Weimar Germany writ-large.
Coda: what, then, is to be done?
Do not comply.
If you’re in a position to refuse any opt-in, do so.
If that means your life will become a tad more uncomfortable, it’s arguably a small price to pay to hold on to the simmering embers of liberty and freedom.
Every step towards acceding to these psychopathic plans and shenanigans—which are, make no mistake, clear to see—reduces your personal freedom and the possibility of your children and grandchildren ever getting to know that feeling.
Freedom is every man’s and every woman’s birthright.
One cannot relinquish that with which one was born.
One can but give it up on one’s own volition.
The great sorting is here, dear readers: compliance is slavery.
Non-compliance is everyone’s only choice.
Stay strong.
EU was an imperial project and the current status still betrays the EU’s origin. Empire has decided to diminish peoples of its own domain by wholesale destruction of culture, religions, national identities by a variety of means,… The obsequious nature of the European vassal political elites clearly comes across through their "planning" for their own destruction, even without overt pressure from incoming US administration. Europe, Five Eyes countries and Japan are all slated for major diminishment. This must be the sacrifice on the altar of demonic Globalism.
Empire is obviously not nation-state based, a common mistake often uttered by Europeans. Empire is supra national with embedded imperial structures in media, banking, military-spying-industrial complex, financial structures,… Empire rules directly; nominal governmental structures do what they are told to do. (This explains how governments behaved during the COVID psy-op.) All countries of the Western Empire are vassals, including the US. In order to liberate ourselves from the imperial parasite we must properly identify the enemy. Without this understanding they will successfully deflect and dilute our focus.
It looks like it will become very profitable to be poor soon.
Does it sound weird?
Well it's not. Go on full welfare, which means "the state" pays for yoyr residence, your power and water bill, and give you a handout for food and consumables - plus since a computer, a radio, a TV and a smartphone are both required to have and a right too, you'll also get that for free.
The state will go ever deeper into debt as more and more people become permanently unemployed, and the remaining middle and upper class will demand the state force the welfare recipients to go work to get their dole.
Same tired old out-of-tune recipe for disaster as two centuries ago, and one century ago too.
You can force the welfare recipient to go do something. That will require an department to handle all those "jobs", which costs money to run. And inspectors/handlers, and there actually being jobs to do, and said jobs not taking away opportunity from real businesses, and all of this stinking pile will then be auctioned to private contractors performing this service for the state, á la Thatcherism.
And it will cost magnitudes more than just welfare on its own. And eventually it crashes, slowly, as the money runs out and the economy becomes more and more geared on keeping the grift going until it grinds to a halt and the respective nations has to go deep deep into debt with foreign creditors and banks, putting up real-estate and natural resources as collateral for loans to keep the liberl progressive policies going.
Eventually, you might get a nationalist dictator taking power in a coup. If he's the real deal, that nation will immediately be embargoed by the USUK. If he's a Zelensky, he'll be allowed to do whatever he wants as lontg as the capitalists can plunder his nation further.
I'm torn between western capitalist oligarks - feudalists that they are - having learned nothing ot the 1910-1950 period, or that they have learned how to do it smarter this time.
But go poor - officially - and leech off the system while doing everything on the side in the black economy will be the way forward for a great many people. That, or joining the state's gangs of armed thugs.