As the EU announces 'innovative financing' of continued war, totalitarianism rears its ugly head out in the open: mandated CBDCs (rationing) and the greatest bubble of all times are coming
EU was an imperial project and the current status still betrays the EU’s origin. Empire has decided to diminish peoples of its own domain by wholesale destruction of culture, religions, national identities by a variety of means,… The obsequious nature of the European vassal political elites clearly comes across through their "planning" for their own destruction, even without overt pressure from incoming US administration. Europe, Five Eyes countries and Japan are all slated for major diminishment. This must be the sacrifice on the altar of demonic Globalism.
Empire is obviously not nation-state based, a common mistake often uttered by Europeans. Empire is supra national with embedded imperial structures in media, banking, military-spying-industrial complex, financial structures,… Empire rules directly; nominal governmental structures do what they are told to do. (This explains how governments behaved during the COVID psy-op.) All countries of the Western Empire are vassals, including the US. In order to liberate ourselves from the imperial parasite we must properly identify the enemy. Without this understanding they will successfully deflect and dilute our focus.
It looks like it will become very profitable to be poor soon.
Does it sound weird?
Well it's not. Go on full welfare, which means "the state" pays for yoyr residence, your power and water bill, and give you a handout for food and consumables - plus since a computer, a radio, a TV and a smartphone are both required to have and a right too, you'll also get that for free.
The state will go ever deeper into debt as more and more people become permanently unemployed, and the remaining middle and upper class will demand the state force the welfare recipients to go work to get their dole.
Same tired old out-of-tune recipe for disaster as two centuries ago, and one century ago too.
You can force the welfare recipient to go do something. That will require an department to handle all those "jobs", which costs money to run. And inspectors/handlers, and there actually being jobs to do, and said jobs not taking away opportunity from real businesses, and all of this stinking pile will then be auctioned to private contractors performing this service for the state, á la Thatcherism.
And it will cost magnitudes more than just welfare on its own. And eventually it crashes, slowly, as the money runs out and the economy becomes more and more geared on keeping the grift going until it grinds to a halt and the respective nations has to go deep deep into debt with foreign creditors and banks, putting up real-estate and natural resources as collateral for loans to keep the liberl progressive policies going.
Eventually, you might get a nationalist dictator taking power in a coup. If he's the real deal, that nation will immediately be embargoed by the USUK. If he's a Zelensky, he'll be allowed to do whatever he wants as lontg as the capitalists can plunder his nation further.
I'm torn between western capitalist oligarks - feudalists that they are - having learned nothing ot the 1910-1950 period, or that they have learned how to do it smarter this time.
But go poor - officially - and leech off the system while doing everything on the side in the black economy will be the way forward for a great many people. That, or joining the state's gangs of armed thugs.
My guess is that the non-compliers - those who refuse to be part of a draft or 'civil defence' (whatever that means) - will be cut off. No internet token, no atm. They will really ramp up the biosecurity state and make life bad.
Same thing will happen here depending on whatever BS is coming next. They're currently ramming through an internet bill to 'protect children' (this is different from the misinformation bill) and I'm not sure what that even means for my internet access lol. I will not comply with this so my days on Substack could very well be numbered.
For what it's worth, Australian media is not really discussing what is happening in Ukraine or Europe. It is very bizarre. We have sent a lot of money and arms to Ukraine as part of Five Eyes and now no one is talking about the recent...kinetic developments.
It could very well happen, but then again, there's likely 'shades of grey' when it comes to non-compliance, isn't it? I mean, you'd still need some people to do stuff, sign up for soldiering, manufacture arms, etc. I do see a host of exemptions, which means that the non-compliance will likely first hit those who can 'opt-out', which of course renders the whole 'prepping' thing quite…telling, as in making sure the gov't knows where the hard-core resisters are.
At this point, I'm more or less convinced that the EU is not reformable. It'll simply have to collapse under its own weight, Soviet-style. Individual countries (depending on the country) will perhaps be able to push through sensible reforms, starting with not-poking-the-bear anymore. And maybe even (gasp!) making some sensible deals with the bear, Hungary-style. Otherwise? Expect to become much, much poorer than you currently are. Also, when people suddenly become poorer, they tend to do stupid things to rescue the situation. One of the items on the stupid-things-to-do list is a civil war.
Also, I have to say I'm somewhat worried about the current escalation in/around Ukraine. Are we really going to have a WW3 because Biden wanted to rescue his legacy, and the likes of Ursula and Annalena have a visceral hatred for the bear?
Biden is senile and likely doesn't know he has a legacy to rescue, so I think, as someone sitting here in the US, this is all to take our eyes off something else you've mentioned.
Civil war. The US has to be brought to it's knees in the form of citizen disarmament and complete demoralization which means the arms the citizens posses in vast numbers and types must be wrested from their "dead cold hands" as dear ol' Charlton Heston once said. But how?
Bring in Trump. He has stated he will institute mass forced deportation of the million and millions of illegals all across the US on his first day of office utilizing the US military in defiance of the Law of Posse Comitatus that is already suspended (though most Americans are completely unawares as usual...) so martial law prevails. Most Americans will cheer this move on at first and then live to regret it terribly but too late.
An open military coup will be underway hiding as a civil war and it will be bloody, violent and escalate rapidly if all goes according to their plan. I am not saying I know it will go according to their plan, but I'm fairly sure it will be attempted.
Trump is so easily manipulable and so many sectors of Americans are so ripe for this picking, it seems inevitable. Alphas, preppers, etc., will be "neutralized" while the remainder (which are the vast majority...) of weakened obese incompetent Americans will surrender to totalitarianism.
If this plan goes awry, other more drastic measures will be employed and it will get progressively ugly.
No one will come to the rescue as the comeuppance of America has been long in the making.
As Trump said, "A storm is coming.". Then said, "I am the storm.".
As Bette Davis said, "Hang on, Kiddies. It's going to be a bumpy night." Indeed.
I thank the author for this article. Much appreciated. God Bless. We desperately need it.
I think 'civil war' is in the making, too, but it won't be like past experiences (think: US Civil War or even the Spanish one); most likely, it's a bit like Blade Runner and Demolition Man combined: there will be places that the central gov't controls quite well with a few accoutrements of '(post)modern life' for the masses (bread and circuses), but I doubt that effective totalising control will be feasible--at an 'economic' price tag anyways--in the outlying districts and counties (not that too many people would be living there anymore but it's a salient point that explains, quite well, actually, why the gov'ts are trying so hard to empty out the countryside by making it very hard to live there--that is, with gov't services).
You're right. The shape of the Civil War will be adjusted from past ones, just as modern warfare has morphed from WWII to the present day. But war has a way of becoming uncontrollable like wildfire, so we'll see.
One thing I'm certain of - the US has to be brought down for their plans to progress to a one world system. If that means economic disaster for America I think they'll do it.
We are living in scripted times; all countries will go bankrupt to make way for the new global (digital) coin and central led world. In reality, countries don't (really) exist, war is (mostly) scripted and the economy is a joke, as artificial as the body of the average celebrity.
It does not have to go like this, if enough people understand this and stop complying, we have a chance to change the world for the better.
While I'm a wee bit wary about the totalising nature of 'it' being 'scripted' from A-Z, it is getting quite hard to avoid the conclusion that certain 'guardrails' exist.
As to the economy, it is quite artificial (just look up, e.g., hedonic adjustments), and at some point it will collapse under its own weight. That won't be much to cheer on, though, for it means misery, chaos, and lots of deaths as supermarket shelfs go empty and esp. city-dwellers don't have many, if any, resources to tide them over more than a few days.
You know, the Club of Rome and their ilk once suggested a standard of living from the 1950s or 1960s would be manageable (key phrase here) to 'sustain' (their word, not mine), but the question is: at what price? I mean, 1950s 'Great Reset' style might be their vision, but this is so far removed from the average (Westerner's) experiences today, it won't come about by fair means; if you're right, the powers-that-be will make conditions so bad that the survivors will cheer 'rising standards' to 1950s levels.
A wee bit :) It is always good to be a wee bit sceptical, I agree. And no, I am definitely not cheering on the global economic implosion that is scheduled for the next few years. You have to realise that at the same time excess deaths are rising and fertility numbers are dropping, so society will implode on many levels. In my opinion we are living through a global genocide/suicide situation where people are eating poison, injecting themselves with it and breathing it while surrounding themselves with EMF.
Actually, I'd love the 1950 standard of living. I am already in a situation like that, rearing chicken and goats, growing fruits and vegetables etc. in a quiet little village. The only difference is this computer but to be honest, I'd love it if everything stopped working tomorrow. The only issue is, as you say, the city people who will be severely f-ed and they will come to the village to fill their empty stomach. Let's see how it will all turn out, I don't like hope but I also don't like fear so I'll just live my life according to how I feel right about it and I welcome death when it comes my way.
Oh, no, the collapse of supply lines--remember: most countries import 50 or more % of their food--will be very much…troublesome. And I don't mean to be fastidious, but most Westerners are spoiled to such degrees that what used to be a 'normal' diet 2 generations ago (meat perhaps 1-2 times per week) will appear like 'torture'.
You write: 'In my opinion we are living through a global genocide/suicide situation where people are eating poison, injecting themselves with it and breathing it while surrounding themselves with EMF.'
That sums it up.
As to the second paragraph, well, what shall (can) I add: we bought a farm outside a small town, we live on the edge of cell phone reception (for a few reasons), and we have but a handful of neighbours.
As to the 'fear factor', well, there's guidance in the Gospels, as far as I am concerned: 'do not be afraid' is about as useful as a maxim as anything.
The UN, imagines themselves to be “the gods”, unto which, by their stated goals, all of humanity shall be subjugated to.
satanic forces are hell-bent desperate to bring it The BEAST-SYSTEM of Global Governance.
It will be enthusiastically embraced, by those “left behind”, as it is part of “worship” unto The Anti-Christ and False Prophet, yet to be revealed.
Revelation 13:16-18 KJV
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
But not one moment before, “The Restrainer”, allows it to be so.
The presence of The Bride of Christ, is what prevents this from occurring…
I believe this “nuclear-noise”, is just that - noise to create fear and chaos neither of which, comes from The Lord.
Matthew 24:14 KJV
And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.
1 Corinthians 15:52 KJV
In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
EU was an imperial project and the current status still betrays the EU’s origin. Empire has decided to diminish peoples of its own domain by wholesale destruction of culture, religions, national identities by a variety of means,… The obsequious nature of the European vassal political elites clearly comes across through their "planning" for their own destruction, even without overt pressure from incoming US administration. Europe, Five Eyes countries and Japan are all slated for major diminishment. This must be the sacrifice on the altar of demonic Globalism.
Empire is obviously not nation-state based, a common mistake often uttered by Europeans. Empire is supra national with embedded imperial structures in media, banking, military-spying-industrial complex, financial structures,… Empire rules directly; nominal governmental structures do what they are told to do. (This explains how governments behaved during the COVID psy-op.) All countries of the Western Empire are vassals, including the US. In order to liberate ourselves from the imperial parasite we must properly identify the enemy. Without this understanding they will successfully deflect and dilute our focus.
It looks like it will become very profitable to be poor soon.
Does it sound weird?
Well it's not. Go on full welfare, which means "the state" pays for yoyr residence, your power and water bill, and give you a handout for food and consumables - plus since a computer, a radio, a TV and a smartphone are both required to have and a right too, you'll also get that for free.
The state will go ever deeper into debt as more and more people become permanently unemployed, and the remaining middle and upper class will demand the state force the welfare recipients to go work to get their dole.
Same tired old out-of-tune recipe for disaster as two centuries ago, and one century ago too.
You can force the welfare recipient to go do something. That will require an department to handle all those "jobs", which costs money to run. And inspectors/handlers, and there actually being jobs to do, and said jobs not taking away opportunity from real businesses, and all of this stinking pile will then be auctioned to private contractors performing this service for the state, á la Thatcherism.
And it will cost magnitudes more than just welfare on its own. And eventually it crashes, slowly, as the money runs out and the economy becomes more and more geared on keeping the grift going until it grinds to a halt and the respective nations has to go deep deep into debt with foreign creditors and banks, putting up real-estate and natural resources as collateral for loans to keep the liberl progressive policies going.
Eventually, you might get a nationalist dictator taking power in a coup. If he's the real deal, that nation will immediately be embargoed by the USUK. If he's a Zelensky, he'll be allowed to do whatever he wants as lontg as the capitalists can plunder his nation further.
I'm torn between western capitalist oligarks - feudalists that they are - having learned nothing ot the 1910-1950 period, or that they have learned how to do it smarter this time.
But go poor - officially - and leech off the system while doing everything on the side in the black economy will be the way forward for a great many people. That, or joining the state's gangs of armed thugs.
Luckily bill gates can fire up the lab meat factories
My guess is that the non-compliers - those who refuse to be part of a draft or 'civil defence' (whatever that means) - will be cut off. No internet token, no atm. They will really ramp up the biosecurity state and make life bad.
Same thing will happen here depending on whatever BS is coming next. They're currently ramming through an internet bill to 'protect children' (this is different from the misinformation bill) and I'm not sure what that even means for my internet access lol. I will not comply with this so my days on Substack could very well be numbered.
For what it's worth, Australian media is not really discussing what is happening in Ukraine or Europe. It is very bizarre. We have sent a lot of money and arms to Ukraine as part of Five Eyes and now no one is talking about the recent...kinetic developments.
It could very well happen, but then again, there's likely 'shades of grey' when it comes to non-compliance, isn't it? I mean, you'd still need some people to do stuff, sign up for soldiering, manufacture arms, etc. I do see a host of exemptions, which means that the non-compliance will likely first hit those who can 'opt-out', which of course renders the whole 'prepping' thing quite…telling, as in making sure the gov't knows where the hard-core resisters are.
At this point, I'm more or less convinced that the EU is not reformable. It'll simply have to collapse under its own weight, Soviet-style. Individual countries (depending on the country) will perhaps be able to push through sensible reforms, starting with not-poking-the-bear anymore. And maybe even (gasp!) making some sensible deals with the bear, Hungary-style. Otherwise? Expect to become much, much poorer than you currently are. Also, when people suddenly become poorer, they tend to do stupid things to rescue the situation. One of the items on the stupid-things-to-do list is a civil war.
Also, I have to say I'm somewhat worried about the current escalation in/around Ukraine. Are we really going to have a WW3 because Biden wanted to rescue his legacy, and the likes of Ursula and Annalena have a visceral hatred for the bear?
Biden is senile and likely doesn't know he has a legacy to rescue, so I think, as someone sitting here in the US, this is all to take our eyes off something else you've mentioned.
Civil war. The US has to be brought to it's knees in the form of citizen disarmament and complete demoralization which means the arms the citizens posses in vast numbers and types must be wrested from their "dead cold hands" as dear ol' Charlton Heston once said. But how?
Bring in Trump. He has stated he will institute mass forced deportation of the million and millions of illegals all across the US on his first day of office utilizing the US military in defiance of the Law of Posse Comitatus that is already suspended (though most Americans are completely unawares as usual...) so martial law prevails. Most Americans will cheer this move on at first and then live to regret it terribly but too late.
An open military coup will be underway hiding as a civil war and it will be bloody, violent and escalate rapidly if all goes according to their plan. I am not saying I know it will go according to their plan, but I'm fairly sure it will be attempted.
Trump is so easily manipulable and so many sectors of Americans are so ripe for this picking, it seems inevitable. Alphas, preppers, etc., will be "neutralized" while the remainder (which are the vast majority...) of weakened obese incompetent Americans will surrender to totalitarianism.
If this plan goes awry, other more drastic measures will be employed and it will get progressively ugly.
No one will come to the rescue as the comeuppance of America has been long in the making.
As Trump said, "A storm is coming.". Then said, "I am the storm.".
As Bette Davis said, "Hang on, Kiddies. It's going to be a bumpy night." Indeed.
I thank the author for this article. Much appreciated. God Bless. We desperately need it.
I think 'civil war' is in the making, too, but it won't be like past experiences (think: US Civil War or even the Spanish one); most likely, it's a bit like Blade Runner and Demolition Man combined: there will be places that the central gov't controls quite well with a few accoutrements of '(post)modern life' for the masses (bread and circuses), but I doubt that effective totalising control will be feasible--at an 'economic' price tag anyways--in the outlying districts and counties (not that too many people would be living there anymore but it's a salient point that explains, quite well, actually, why the gov'ts are trying so hard to empty out the countryside by making it very hard to live there--that is, with gov't services).
You're right. The shape of the Civil War will be adjusted from past ones, just as modern warfare has morphed from WWII to the present day. But war has a way of becoming uncontrollable like wildfire, so we'll see.
One thing I'm certain of - the US has to be brought down for their plans to progress to a one world system. If that means economic disaster for America I think they'll do it.
We are living in scripted times; all countries will go bankrupt to make way for the new global (digital) coin and central led world. In reality, countries don't (really) exist, war is (mostly) scripted and the economy is a joke, as artificial as the body of the average celebrity.
It does not have to go like this, if enough people understand this and stop complying, we have a chance to change the world for the better.
While I'm a wee bit wary about the totalising nature of 'it' being 'scripted' from A-Z, it is getting quite hard to avoid the conclusion that certain 'guardrails' exist.
As to the economy, it is quite artificial (just look up, e.g., hedonic adjustments), and at some point it will collapse under its own weight. That won't be much to cheer on, though, for it means misery, chaos, and lots of deaths as supermarket shelfs go empty and esp. city-dwellers don't have many, if any, resources to tide them over more than a few days.
You know, the Club of Rome and their ilk once suggested a standard of living from the 1950s or 1960s would be manageable (key phrase here) to 'sustain' (their word, not mine), but the question is: at what price? I mean, 1950s 'Great Reset' style might be their vision, but this is so far removed from the average (Westerner's) experiences today, it won't come about by fair means; if you're right, the powers-that-be will make conditions so bad that the survivors will cheer 'rising standards' to 1950s levels.
A wee bit :) It is always good to be a wee bit sceptical, I agree. And no, I am definitely not cheering on the global economic implosion that is scheduled for the next few years. You have to realise that at the same time excess deaths are rising and fertility numbers are dropping, so society will implode on many levels. In my opinion we are living through a global genocide/suicide situation where people are eating poison, injecting themselves with it and breathing it while surrounding themselves with EMF.
Actually, I'd love the 1950 standard of living. I am already in a situation like that, rearing chicken and goats, growing fruits and vegetables etc. in a quiet little village. The only difference is this computer but to be honest, I'd love it if everything stopped working tomorrow. The only issue is, as you say, the city people who will be severely f-ed and they will come to the village to fill their empty stomach. Let's see how it will all turn out, I don't like hope but I also don't like fear so I'll just live my life according to how I feel right about it and I welcome death when it comes my way.
Oh, no, the collapse of supply lines--remember: most countries import 50 or more % of their food--will be very much…troublesome. And I don't mean to be fastidious, but most Westerners are spoiled to such degrees that what used to be a 'normal' diet 2 generations ago (meat perhaps 1-2 times per week) will appear like 'torture'.
You write: 'In my opinion we are living through a global genocide/suicide situation where people are eating poison, injecting themselves with it and breathing it while surrounding themselves with EMF.'
That sums it up.
As to the second paragraph, well, what shall (can) I add: we bought a farm outside a small town, we live on the edge of cell phone reception (for a few reasons), and we have but a handful of neighbours.
As to the 'fear factor', well, there's guidance in the Gospels, as far as I am concerned: 'do not be afraid' is about as useful as a maxim as anything.
The UN, imagines themselves to be “the gods”, unto which, by their stated goals, all of humanity shall be subjugated to.
satanic forces are hell-bent desperate to bring it The BEAST-SYSTEM of Global Governance.
It will be enthusiastically embraced, by those “left behind”, as it is part of “worship” unto The Anti-Christ and False Prophet, yet to be revealed.
Revelation 13:16-18 KJV
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
But not one moment before, “The Restrainer”, allows it to be so.
The presence of The Bride of Christ, is what prevents this from occurring…
I believe this “nuclear-noise”, is just that - noise to create fear and chaos neither of which, comes from The Lord.
Matthew 24:14 KJV
And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.
1 Corinthians 15:52 KJV
In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.