Dr. Möller: 'No-one is interested in [Covid] treatment that costs cents'
Another day, another physician speaks out--a long-form feature of Dr. Heinrich Möller's 'Pandemic™' experiences shows corruption, criminality, and the utter contempt for life
I’ve written about Dr. Heinrich Möller before; two weeks ago, Claudia Marsal, writing for the Nordkurier, published a piece about vaccine injuries:
And just the other day, Ms. Marsal added a long-form feature about Dr. Möller’s experiences running the ER/acute emergencies unit of a small hospital in Bavaria, Germany.
Dr. Möller is now retired, and he wrote a book about his experiences. Entitled, Post-Vac: Die vertuschte Katastrophe—roughly, ‘Post-Vaccination Injuries: The Covered-Up Catastrophe’—(novum, 2025), he documents in great detail the corruption, utter ignorance of the powers that be, details the criminality of those who acceded to whatever narrative was pushed, and shows, in great detail, where the problems of the WHO-declared, so-called ‘Pandemic™’ caused massive—preventable—suffering and death.
Try to control you anger, disbelief, and, yes, curiosity to learn how that one ends. (Translation, emphases, and [snark] mine.)
A Doctor’s Confession: ‘Then I made the biggest wrong decision of my life’
Dr. Jörg-Heinrich Möller’s sobering realisation: ‘Nobody was interested in a treatment that only cost a few cents because production of the expensive vaccine had already started.’
By Claudia Marsal, Nordkurier, 27 Jan. 2025 [source]
Visitors from all over the country recently travelled to Malchow to listen to a doctor’s indictment. They were addressed by Dr Jörg-Heiner Möller, whose book Post-Vac: Die vertuschte Katastrophe [roughly ‘Post-Vaccination Injuries: The Covered-Up Catastrophe’] (novum, 2025) has already caused an uproar throughout Germany. The cardiologist got the audience in the mood for ‘hard facts and the crime of the century’ right at the start of his presentation [hear, hear].
Scenes like in Wuhan and Bergamo
The doctor revealed that he had been an intensive care specialist all his life. And as such, Dr. Möller began his book launch, he had also treated seriously ill corona patients in the first wave.
‘Our ICU was suddenly full. There were scenes like those in Wuhan and Bergamo. It was mainly older people who died, more men than women. We noticed that straight away,’ recalled the long-standing chief physician of a small Bavarian town clinic, adding:
In this desperate situation, a courageous anaesthetist took the bronchoscope and quickly established that there was hardly any virus, but that it was probably the body’s exaggerated immune [over]reaction that was causing these serious problems.
The small hospital staff then refined their treatment method and gave the seriously ill patients high doses of cortisone for three days, the specialist recalled:
After [implementation of that protocol], nobody had to be intubated. Nobody died after that either. At that point, we really thought we were saving the world.
But none of this came to pass.
Sent Letters to 40+ Clinics and Universities
The chief physician, who retired at the end of 2024, told the visitors that he had immediately contacted over 40 clinics and universities, Health Minister Jens Spahn, and virologist Christian Drosten:
But nothing happened, I received no response. That’s when I realised that nobody was interested in a cortisone treatment that costs just a few cents, because production of the expensive vaccine had already started [this is the part where we can clearly see the corruption that so severely hampered efforts, much like
, Dr. Paul Marik, and many others who advanced steroid-based treatment of Covid].
‘I was completely ignored’
His attempt to publish a scientific ‘paper’ also failed:
It was rejected, as was my offer to the media to explain how vaccination could perhaps have been avoided. I was completely ignored [this is the part where we see the utter depravity and corruption of legacy media].
When the vaccination campaign commenced a little later, he was nevertheless relieved and got himself vaccinated:
I tolerated it well. But then I made what was probably the biggest medical mistake of my life by also advising my partner to get vaccinated, too.
As a result, he could observe how the once very healthy, cheerful, sociable geriatric nurse became a pile of misery [this is the saddest part]:
Two weeks after the vaccination, we noticed that she was suddenly unbearably tired. We initially put it down to overwork. But then she developed muscle pain and visual disturbances, and she also began to have increasing problems completing her documentation at work. By then at the latest, we realised that it must be due to the vaccination.
Dialysis at the University Clinic
The couple immediately travelled to a university hospital, where the autoantibodies typical of post-vac were detected [more sadness ensues]:
They hooked her up to a dialysis machine, after which things started to improve. But the improvement only lasted five months, then everything came back. Since then, the disease has been getting worse and worse.
At this time, Dr. Jörg-Heiner Möller was already seeing patients from all over Germany:
They were suffering from post-Covid and post-Vac. From May 2022 to May 2023, I treated 228, exactly 158 of whom had post-vac, some with symptoms so severe that they could only lie in darkened rooms, and the majority were no longer able to work [this will exacerbate in the coming decades: as disability rates among the labour force rise, less young adults will enter the workforce, putting our economies under pressure from multiple sides; add to that—here in Europe—drastically rising energy costs (for everything) and a shrinking tax base, and you can clearly observe the end of welfare statism (and, presumably, worse) ahead]
Wrong Treatment in Rehab
Many had already spent time in rehabilitation clinics, the doctor summarised: ‘But the [post-vaxx] phenomenon was often not understood there.’ The attempts to mobilise these patients again because they had been wrongly misdiagnosed as psychosomatic led to them being all the more broken and sick afterwards:
They were then persuaded that nothing was wrong with them or that they were depressed. [which, in effect, meant that they were put on more drugs, and let’s note that we don’t know anything about drug interactions with, say, modRNA poison/death juices]
Möller knows that this is still the case for those affected today. The doctor went on to explain that the cognitive disorders suffered by many as a result of the vaccination are misinterpreted as dementia: ‘Added to this is the inability to socialise in large groups—that’s disastrous because it isolates people socially and then really leads to depression.’ Möller then wrote to the Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI), asking why these chronic vaccination injuries were not recognised. The answer was that this was not even clinically tested, he told the audience in horror [this is perhaps the single-most obvious reason to defund and abolish public health institutions like the PEI or the Robert Koch Institut [Germany’s FDA and CDC, respectively]: they don’t do their job, their employees take orders from politicos™, and mislead the general public—so they’re useless for we, the people, and what they do is providing air cover for the crimes and corruption of Big Pharma and Big Academia].
Reprimanded By Management
At this point, the doctor turned to the Uckermark Kurier in 2023, who publicised his experiences: ‘All hell broke loose after that.’ The cardiac specialist told the audience in Malchow that he had been summoned to his management several times, where he promised not to make any more public statements: ‘I then went into hiding so that I could continue treating my patients.’ [first, do no harm, appears a timely reminder that the corruption and decadence at the top (politicos™, PEI, RKI) are matched by utterly spineless willing executioners everywhere; note that clinic management—like university administrations—typically consist of a figurehead (a university-trained specialist, here a MD) assisted by career bureaucrats holding non-specialist degrees, e.g., MBAs, degrees in ‘public administration’ or the like].
Until the end of his professional career last year, these patients repeatedly presented with similar complaints: extreme fatigue, difficulty swallowing, shortness of breath, tachycardia, visual disturbances, says Möller:
But to this day, people still don’t want to see it.
In his patient group, 13% developed other illnesses in addition to Post-Vac, including rheumatism, Crohn’s disease, Hashimoto’s…
But the worst is the incurable ALS, a disease of the nervous system that always leads to death. In these patients, it started with muscle tremors shortly after the vaccination.
‘I want to hear handcuffs click’
The former chief physician is convinced that many experts knew about these side effects of the vaccination: ‘Even [sic] at the PEI. But they didn’t react sensitively. I finally want to hear handcuffs click.’ Even the inventor of the new mRNA method had warned about this, Möller added with concern [referencing, I suppose,
].In the course of the evening, Möller also described various treatment approaches aimed at breaking the inflammatory arc. However, he bitterly concluded that high doses of cortisone were only successful in the early stages of the disease and not in the longer term. He fears:
A new type of autoimmune disease has emerged that can no longer be cured [perhaps the term vaccination-induced acquired immune deficiency syndrome, or VAIDS, might be useful to describe this?]
In addition to chronic vaccine damage, there are also acute cases such as sinus vein thrombosis and much more: ‘Formerly healthy young people are dropping dead, but somehow nobody cares ...’ According to Möller, there are also more and more cases of so-called turbo cancer: ‘But people are looking the other way, that’s how we deal with facts in Germany.’
‘Nobody is crying out’
The European Medicines Agency (EMA) is different [is it? I mean, their latest available ‘Covid-19 Vaccine Safety Update’ is dated 6 Oct. 2022 and their dedicated website makes many un-supported claims, such as ‘Estimates indicate that millions of lives have been saved by COVID-19 vaccination.’ (emphasis in the original)]. It reported half a million cases of chronic fatigue after vaccination at an early stage. ‘On 28 November 2024, the PEI followed suit with 975,000 reports of damage [note that those 975K is a higher number than the 500K reported by the EMA: do you need more proof of their utter uselessness?]—but nobody cried out. We live in a dictatorship of “political correctness”. If everyone says that there is no vaccine damage, then you can't say that either’, says the doctor: ‘Nobody dares to investigate post-vaccination injuries.’ That is devastating [here, I disagree with the good doctor: this isn’t ‘political correctness’ per se (although it plays a role as a symptom, if you like), the underlying disease is what the Bolshevik revolutionary mistakenly considered an academic George Lukács called ‘Reification Theory’, which claims, simply put, that as long as a large segment of a population believes something to be true, it becomes true, with political correctness being but one of the manifestations of this process; more below].
The book launch concluded with shocking reports from affected people, who had previously listened in bewilderment to Dr. Jörg-Heiner Möller's explanations, only to then report on their own fates. To summarise: they have become seriously ill—but nobody takes responsibility for it. Like other patients, Dr. Jörg-Heiner Möller’s partner is now suing BioNTech: ‘But actually, they all just want their old lives back.’
Bottom Lines
I’ll merely point to three main points here:
First, the preponderance of evidence that shows the dangers and, in my view, crimes perpetrated by those with the authority to stop this madness, is overwhelming. Just take this weeks postings about another doctor’s experiences—Erich Freisleben, MD, and his case reports—or the over 5,000 adverse events reported to the European Medicines Agency involving suspected Covid-19 vaccine adverse events in children (!) aged 0-2 (!!) in 2021 (!!!) when the modRNA poison/death juices were not ‘authorised™’ for that age braacket:
It is hard to avoid the conclusion, second, that public health institutions at both national and supra-national levels are utterly corrupt, basically useless, and offer no societal benefit whatsoever. That is, if they ever did, as this paper entitled ‘Accident mortality among children’ by S. Swaroop et al., which appeared in the Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 15, no. 1-2 (1956): 123-63, indicates (the following quote is on p. 123-4):
In January 1955 the Government of Sweden, in a communication submitted to the WHO Executive Board, made the following statement: ‘In many countries, death through accidents is now the main cause of deaths among children 1-15 years. In some countries and age-groups the mortality rate for accidents alone is as high as the mortality rate for all diseases together.’ A proposal was accordingly made that the importance of the problem be studied through a statistical investigation in different countries. It was felt that in some countries it would probably be necessary to stimulate interest in this field for obtaining at least some information concerning the importance of accidents as a factor of mortality. The Board adopted a resolution requesting the Director-General of WHO to examine this problem. During the discussion of the problem it was remarked that deaths from accidents among children in the age-group 1-15 years should be split up into various sub-groups by age as well as by type of accident, in order to focus attention on the type of action which was needed in each case.
The WHO was founded in 1948. Here’s what Swaroop et al. found:
You saw this correctly: in the 1950s, WHO commissioned an enquiry into the leading causes of death—and learned that ‘all accidents’ by far outweighed virtually all infectious diseases by a wide margin.
If we’d take the 1950s data for the US as a proxy for first-world, advanced public health and occupational safety standards—which, I’d add, were probably well below today’s standards across vast swathes of the globe—it begs at least two major questions:
Do we (still) need the WHO and its ancillary national public health bureaucracies, esp. if they don’t do their jobs of, say, pharmaco-vigilance?
If the world was very healthy in the 1950s, what are public health officials doing, actually?
If you’re asking yourself now: have these odds improved since the early 1950s, well, judging from this piece of information by ‘NSC Injury Facts’ for 2023, it doesn’t look like public health expenditure is money very well spent:
You may also wish to peruse the CDC’s overviews, but they do crunch essentially the same numbers, which all begs the question: what is it that public health officialdom is doing for, well, public health?
Finally, mention shall be made of the apparent, fundamental misunderstanding of Western society after the 1930s/40s: instead of what ignoramuses in legacy media call ‘liberal democracy’, we live in a ‘Truman Show’-like mostly fake world that may, in reality, be more accurately described as an amalgamation of FDR’s ‘New Deal’ (which was inspired by Mussolini-style Fascism) augmented by esp. the economic controls of National Socialism (as per Dal Hitckcock’s considerations of ‘Twentieth-Century Capitalism’ in Harper Magazine’s published in March 1941), and massive bouts of Soviet-style ‘internationalism’, or ‘globalism’ in today’s parlance.
If you’re up for literary references, I suggest that we’re somewhere between Brave New World, 1984, and Fahrenheit 451, peppered by Terry Gilliam’s 1985 movie ‘Brazil’ (which was originally titled ‘1984 1/2’, by the way).
Dystopia isn’t in the making; it has arrived decades ago, and what we’re observing with the Covid-19 fiasco is merely—that this dystopian ‘break-away civilisation’ is currently in the process of swallowing everyone and everything not yet assimilated, BORG-style.
What a shit-show of a future, eh?
‘If the world was very healthy in the 1950s, what are public health officials doing, actually?’
That’s the question I keep asking people. Humanity is the most medicated and most medically surveilled we’ve ever been… and yet we’re probably the sickest both physically and mentally collectively than at any time in our history.
It doesn’t appear to be working… but again you raise this point and it’s quickly shot down.
The doctor has replaced the priest… it’s become dogmatic. Whistleblowers are treated as heretics.
I was never a fan of sci-fi and horror movies only to find that real life beats it all.