'Pandemic™' Experiences of a German GP
Meet Dr. Erich Freisleben, MD, an 'ordinary' GP who was now--in Jan. 2025--'permitted' to share his experiences with legacy media
Every now and then, a crack in ‘the narrative™’ approved and lived by every politico™, journo™, and expert™ appears—and then we, the people, are permitted to a little bit of information confirming, as it were, long-held and, presumably, widely-shared experiences.
It is in this spirit that I shall link to a brief segment broadcasted by German state media outlet Deutschlandfunk on 24 Jan. 2025. Entitled, ‘The Pandemic Viewed by a GP’ (orig. Die Pandemie aus Sicht eines Hausarztes), a brief 5:02 minute-long segment features Dr. Erich Freisleben—check out his website—and he had quite a few things to say, in particular about the consequences of using the modRNA poison/death juices.
My thanks go to my colleague Camilla Hildebrandt who first alerted me to the segment and, upon prompting, provided me with a German language transcript. It is this transcript you’ll find translated below, with emphases [and snark] added, but I’ll encourage everyone who understands (enough) German to listen to these 5:02 minutes.
Dr. Erich Freisleben on Vaccination Side Effects
Via Deutschlandfunk Kultur/Political Features, 24 Jan. 2025 [source]
[this is the intro by the broadcaster] During the pandemic, Berlin GP Dr. Erich Freisleben vaccinated hundreds of people against the coronavirus. However, unlike many of his colleagues, Freisleben was puzzled by numerous side effects of the mRNA vaccines that he observed in his patients and subsequently documented in detail. In the political feature, the specialist of internal medicine argues why people who are suspected of having been vaccinated deserve more attention and support than they have been given to date [which is a very polite, if not almost British, understatement—as well as an indictment of all governments of the past 5 years].
[Dr. Freisleben] When most of my patients felt that the arrival of the vaccine in late 2020/early 2021 delivered them [from the pandemic], I initially offered the vaccination to everyone over the age of 60. I provided them with verbal and written information based on my 40 years of professional experience as a GP and specialist in internal medicine trained in infectious diseases, explaining all the aspects I was aware of. From a medical point of view, however, a few characteristics of the virus and the new mRNA vaccines that were already known at the time made me act with caution.
We knew that the mortality rate of the corona wave from Wuhan was only 0.25% [sadly, no data is referenced; I looked for information using ‘infection rate fatality’ as a prompt, but I couldn’t find concrete data for either the flu or Covid (as most ‘official’ references, from Our World in Data to PubMed (e.g. this paper) to Johns Hopkins University ; I did find this hilariously misleading piece in the L.A. Times claiming ‘Covid-19 remains deadlier than the flu’, which is making many problematic comparisons and claims, such as references to hospitalised patients, brings up scary models about risks, and, at the bottom of the piece, there is this—in my view stunning, if likely involuntary—admission:
The COVID-19 patients were a little older, on average, than the flu patients (73.9 versus 70.2 years old), and they were less likely to be current or former smokers. They were also more likely to have received at least three doses of COVID-19 vaccine and less likely to have shunned the shots altogether.
[so, back to Dr. Freisleben—who is clearly on to something here.]
In addition, most infected people who died from the virus were already quite old at around 83 years [which is higher than life expectancy in Germany, which stands at 78.2 for boys/men and 83 years for girls/women]. From a medical point of view, caution was also required because we were dealing with a completely new vaccination principle, which by its very nature is a transfection, i.e., a transfer of genetic information, and is normally subject to the strictest safety requirements [Moderna also said that modRNA tech is ‘gene therapy’ in their Q2/2020 filing with the SEC]. But instead of the usual vaccine development period of ten years, the mRNA vaccines were already being used throughout the population after just nine months of development [and that’s a generous timeline here, I’d submit, as patent filings for parts of the modRNA tech used from 2020 onwards clearly pre-date the WHO-declared, so-called ‘Pandemic™’ by years, as this ‘network analysis of Covid-19 vaccine patents’ in Nature Biotechnology, 39 (2021): 546–8, indicates].
In the months that followed, I vaccinated hundreds of patients with the mRNA vaccine. I noticed that an unusually high number of these patients complained of side effects after vaccination. For example, a third of my patients had very high blood coagulation values after the second shot.
When one of my patients, an almost healthy 62-year-old who had been vaccinated elsewhere, died of a sinus vein thrombosis in early May 2021, I began meticulously questioning all of the people I had vaccinated and analysing their blood work in detail. By September [2021], I had registered 20 serious and persistent side effects of the vaccine, including severe chronic inflammatory reactions of the nervous system, circulatory disorders, and thrombosis [please refer to the bottom lines below for further information]. I reported these observations in writing to the relevant authorities and described the complex symptoms and laboratory findings in an accompanying letter. I then stopped my own vaccination activities.
By the end of my professional career in October 2023, I had seen around 300 patients with severe vaccination side effects and had to employ a doctor in my practice specifically for this purpose, who relieved me of the burden of documenting and reporting the side effects. 262 of these cases are documented anonymously with laboratory results on my website [this is a kind of ‘gold mine’ for anyone who pursues any kind of redress of grievance in this matter since, as of Nov. 2022, the EU has managed to batter the CDC into censoring the foreign reports in VAERS].
In connection with the corona vaccination, I have recorded three deaths, two cases of paralysis from the feet to the neck, several cases of facial paralysis, many severe fatigue syndromes, persistent pain syndromes, visual disturbances, dizziness, heart failure, shortness of breath, hair loss and various skin changes, and much more [when the Swine Flu™ shots were rolled out, it took e.g. Norwegian authorities 1 (!!!) suspected case of narcolepsy in Norway to stop the vaxx campaign—this shows you how much less value public health officialdom (and Big Pharma and the gov’t) ascribes to your health and life].
Since no investigations have been carried out in this regard, susceptibility to infection, excess mortality, unclear sudden deaths, low birth rates, and other issues will remain suspected to be linked to vaccination for as long as scientific studies are unable to provide an all-clear [which, in my opinion, they never will as this would trigger massive lawsuits, cripple Big Pharma forever, and render virtually all politicians—as well as ‘experts™’ and ‘journos™’—liable for a whole range of offences, incl. high treason, quackery, (accessory to) mass-murder exceeding genocidal thresholds (easily), and, most importantly, given the highly organised and premeditated nature of the vaccination campaigns, kill off the golden calf of our post-1945 existence: the dogma that Hitler’s Germany was both uniquely evil and must considered a ‘civilisational rupture’ (Zivilisationsbruch)]
Now, five years after the outbreak of the pandemic, we should finally give people with severe vaccination side effects the attention they deserve and not penalise them twice by trivialising their symptoms and dismissing their claims as unfounded.
Bottom Lines
There were good doctors, even if it took some of them—like Dr. Freisleben—a few months to catch on.
I suspect that his work since Sept. 2021 may be considered a form of atonement, even though—following Dr. Freisleben’s statements—he may have provided ‘informed consent’ to the best of his abilities before he stopped injecting people with the modRNA poison/death juices.
If you read German, I highly recommend a visit to Dr. Freisleben’s website—click on https://erichfreisleben.de/ and the header Dokumente (documents) to quickly get to where he posted a lot of his case files, links to internet resources, etc.
I suppose that I will provide some more translations of Dr. Freisleben’s content, for I think they are highly pertinent and would otherwise be inaccessible, if not ‘hidden in plain sight’ due to his comparatively low profile, which, I suspect, is partially due to the mischievous deeds of the unsavoury crew of Covid perpetrators, incl. politicos™, journos™, experts™, and a whole array of willing executioners.
Shame on all of them; and may justice prevail in the end.
"modRNA poison/death juices" are not there to fight viruses that don't exist or pandemics that never were, but to INSTALL a BIO-CYBER-INTERFACE in the injected.
I wonder when the people finally wake up to the reality.
Read my blog: https://coronistan.blogspot.com/p/nichts-zu-sehen-hier-bitte-weitergehen.html
It is unbelievable that this gargantuan crime has been going on for so long without either the general public or an opinion-forming minority putting an end to the madness. On the contrary, only relatively few "nutcases" seem to be aware of it. But the best thing is that doctors not only have no idea about all this, but feel attacked when you talk about these things and ask about toxic waste-free alternatives.
I would like to point out again that they have probably been using this technology for more than 20 years, without of course telling anyone. How do I get that? Well, in July 2000, the first so-called infection protection law was passed in the banana republica of Germoney, in which so-called microorganisms were already mentioned, which at the time everyone probably thought were so-called viruses, but never nanotechnology.
IfSG § 21 Vaccines
In the case of a vaccination ordered on the basis of this law or a vaccination publicly recommended by the highest state health authority or a vaccination in accordance with Section 17a paragraph 2 of the Soldiers Act, vaccines may be used that contain microorganisms that can be excreted by the vaccinated person and absorbed by other people. The fundamental right to physical integrity (Article 2 Paragraph 2 Sentence 1 of the Basic Law) is restricted in this respect.
— Law on the prevention and control of infectious diseases in humans (Infection Protection Act - IfSG)
(translated with Google Translate)
To make it very clear: These injections have one main goal: to implement a bio-cyber interface.
"They didn't give you a vaccine. They gave you a biological to cyber interface. So it would easier for them to log in to your face, your body, every day with AI for precision AI healthcare."
— Sabrina Wallace ( https://rumble.com/v636ine-368140010.html?start=188 )
"They tethered you to the cloud. They wrote an algorithm only for you and your blood bone tissue and DNA. Everything you see right there is remotely available."
— Sabrina Wallace ( https://rumble.com/v636ine-368140010.html?start=1810 )