Vaxx Injuries in Germany: a MD's Testimony
Meet Jörg-Heinrich Möller who's a retired cardiologist, originally 'not against vaccination', and, upon seeing the carnage, is speaking out about vaccine injuries
You know, the weird quality of strong politically-motivated beliefs (ideology) is that you can only use them so much to paper over reality. Every now and then, cracks open due to mis-use of ideology, and through these cracks, well, the light comes in, as Leonard Cohen would have it.
Today, I’ll have such a moment for you, courtesy of the Nordkurier.
Try to control you anger, disbelief, and, yes, curiosity to learn how that one ends. (Translation, emphases, and [snark] mine.)
‘Post-Vac, the covered-up catastrophe’: A Doctor Spills the Beans
By Claudia Marsal, Nordkurier, 13 Jan. 2025 [source]
The former chief physician criticises: ‘Many colleagues made it all too easy for themselves by dismissing the clinical picture as psychosomatic, which increased the suffering of the patients.’
Dr Jörg-Heiner Möller contacted the Uckermark Kurier twice at the beginning of the coronavirus crisis because he appreciated its polyphonic reporting on the coronavirus. In an article at the time, the cardiologist also reported on the escalating number of cases—and how difficult it was for him as a doctor to find solutions for his patients. The specialist in internal medicine had already been working intensively on the topic of post-Covid and post-vac [vaccine injuries] for months at that time.
Affected People From all over Germany
At the Bavarian clinic, where the 66-year-old doctor had long been employed as head physician, patients from all over Germany had suddenly contacted him. The doctor quickly realised that 120 of the 170 people in his care were post-vac patients who had contracted the disease shortly after being vaccinated [well, with Covid-the-disease being one of the side-effects of the modRNA poison/death juice, this is hardly surprising, isn’t it?].
The first thing the heart specialist always explained to those affected was that autoantibodies had formed against the body’s own receptors, which in turn led to the disease. In very few cases—only five per cent of the patients in his care—PostVac or PostCovid regressed spontaneously.
Destroyed Lives and Suicides
‘Everyone else became permanently ill, 40% were even unable to work.’ As early as February 2023, he took stock: ‘I see destroyed lives and suicides.’ Almost all of these women and men had been through a veritable ‘medical marathon’ to get their old lives back, explained the veteran head physician, who dedicated himself to the fight for the vaccination victims from then on:
Because in most cases, no abnormal laboratory values were detected, nor were there any pathological medical examination findings. And so many medical colleagues made it all too easy for themselves by dismissing the clinical picture, which they did not understand, as psychosomatic, thereby increasing the suffering of the patients even more than they already did.
Dr Jörg-Heiner Möller is now retired and has written a book about Post-VAC: The Covered-up Catastrophe [Amazon link].
A Move on the Chessboard of Power
In his book, the doctor describes ‘a powerful system that suppresses the truth of vaccine damage’. In his foreword, the author quotes the French writer Alexis Jenni:
Those who suffer never have the desire to remain silent. Those who do not suffer, on the other hand, benefit from suffering. It is a move on the chessboard of power, a hidden threat, an invitation to remain silent.
Jörg-Heiner Möller, MD, who was not initially an opponent of vaccination, as he emphasised, describes in the work the abysses of power that opened up to him when he slowly began to become critical and question the narratives of those in power. Anyone who would like to meet Dr Jörg-Heiner Möller and talk to him is welcome to come to the Malchow church on Thursday, 23 January from 6 p.m.
The event with the new editor-in-chief of Nordkurier, Philippe Debionne, which was originally planned for this day and had already been announced in advance, has been cancelled due to work commitments and has had to be postponed to Wednesday, 30 April.
The evening with Dr Jörg-Heiner Möller will be the 45th event in the Malchow series, which was launched in 2020. The renowned speakers have already included former ZDF presenter Peter Hahne, chief physician Sven Armbrust, economist Stefan Homburg, emergency doctor Paul Brandenburg, psychiatrist Hans-Joachim Maaz, Arche founder Bernd Siggelkow, lawyer Alexander Christ, psychologist Harald Walach and many more. The topics addressed included not only coronavirus and the war in Ukraine, but also the media crisis, gender stereotyping and the general political situation in Germany.
Bottom Lines
Every time something like this comes up, it gets more painful to relate it. The amount of gaslighting is so immense, it boggles the mind.
By contrast, legacy media is totally devoid of such stories/reporting.
The descent into un-reality is gruesome, and I’m wondering how far back we may be able to claw us as a society.
Some golden calves of the ‘Pandemic™’ era will remain with us, like the role and function of ‘public health’ (sic) officialdom.
Until next time, when we’ll repeat most of these errors (not mistakes, which were not made).
Make no mistake, new injections are already lined up for you and me.
Just say no.
Thank you for reporting. It is beyond heartbreaking to consider what so many people, trusting their health authorites and their doctors, have suffered and are suffering after having taken these crap injections.
As Transcriber B I do not transcribe video in languages other than English, but surely there must be a load of German language videos out there about the injuries and deaths somewhere on rumble, odysee, and other sites that have not been so heavily censored as have been Big Tech sites such as YouTube, FaceBook, Instagram, etc.
If anyone wants to take a look at what I have transcribed from 2021-23 that is in English (generally covering USA-Canada, UK-Ireland, Australia-New Zealand) the transcripts are gathered under the category "Bereaved and Injured Speak Out":
Some people I've talked to, vaccinated ones, vituperously defend the vaccine despite being on their 6+ shot and despite having had Covid multiple times, and despite now suffering from injuries due to repeated infections.
It's very much an article of faith, and some kind of "2-minute hate"-session stuff.