Meet Jörg-Heinrich Möller who's a retired cardiologist, originally 'not against vaccination', and, upon seeing the carnage, is speaking out about vaccine injuries
Thank you for reporting. It is beyond heartbreaking to consider what so many people, trusting their health authorites and their doctors, have suffered and are suffering after having taken these crap injections.
As Transcriber B I do not transcribe video in languages other than English, but surely there must be a load of German language videos out there about the injuries and deaths somewhere on rumble, odysee, and other sites that have not been so heavily censored as have been Big Tech sites such as YouTube, FaceBook, Instagram, etc.
If anyone wants to take a look at what I have transcribed from 2021-23 that is in English (generally covering USA-Canada, UK-Ireland, Australia-New Zealand) the transcripts are gathered under the category "Bereaved and Injured Speak Out":
Some people I've talked to, vaccinated ones, vituperously defend the vaccine despite being on their 6+ shot and despite having had Covid multiple times, and despite now suffering from injuries due to repeated infections.
It's very much an article of faith, and some kind of "2-minute hate"-session stuff.
The Empire is very strong but also vulnerable to the power of awakened critical mass of people. That is why they have been waging a war on our minds, preventing the emergence of that critical mass. Evidence of menticide is all around us.
It seems to me the Berlin Wall is an apt analogy. It seemed so formidable, it lasted such a long time, and then one day, boom, gone. I think that will happen with this covidian vax con also, but it may yet take some time.
A very good analogy for how vulnerable totalitarian systems truly are, but we ought to keep in mind that the critical mass of people needed would not have so easily arisen just a few short years before the event. The Western spooks were deliberately undermining communist regimes. The Soviet regime was no longer willing to intervene.
Our position is closer to East Germans’ of earlier years. Western people’s minds are much more controlled and there is no external force which will undermine that control. We must do this alone, against very sophisticated controls. Our task is more difficult but this totalitarian system remains just as vulnerable as the East German regime was.
I think (we) Westerners lack previous experiences with tyrannies, which puts (us) Westerners at a disadvantage, relative to our Eastern European friends.
Four year ago (2021), I shared this with my FB friends. There is no doubt in my mind that my formative experiences contributed to my distrust of all authorities.
"I was about six when I witnessed police (militia) brutally beat a drunk miner who said something he should not have said, beating and dragging him on the sidewalk all the way to the police station. This wasn’t an exception but almost a daily occurrence.
The most interesting part I so vividly remember is not the actual beating but how regular people were rationalizing it by blaming the victim for "having a big mouth". This is how people behave after they’ve adjusted to living under tyranny.
Sadly, that is what I am increasingly witnessing all around me here in the good ole US of A - an "adjustment" of ordinary people to living under tyranny. But this tyranny is not of the primitively brutal variety which I’ve witnessed as a young boy; this one is of a technologically superior variety, one which is not porous, but a hermetically enclosed Panopticon.
Where we are heading is much worse than the tyranny of my youth, and yet so many citizens have so easily morphed into mere obedient subjects, or worse, into cheerleaders for totalitarianism. While I understand how this can happen to people, I cannot help but holding them responsible as enablers of our enslavement. There is a growing disdain within me for such people.”
Just today at my dental visit I was horrified to learn that my dentist, her assistant and the assistant's sister all in their 30's, are suffering with extreme symptoms that came immediately after Covid vaccination. Why horrified? Because I believed the truth tellers but it's a shock to be faced with this over and over again, while the older folk who have had turbo cancers and heart valve replacements are clueless and I can't hit them over the head with "the truth". Meanwhile my communist learning 35 year old who just completed a second Bachelors this time to become an Registered Nurse has been so indoctrinated but I don't know how or when because at about the age of 16 she decided against my wishes to take the Gardisil vaccine. When you have arguments over ideoloy with family and neighbors that's unpleasant and I push the pause button as much as I can but to meet strangers in a professional setting, relationship and hear that my excellent young dentist has to keep taking time off, it's so horrifying.
I am wondering what you think could be the best possibly outcome IF President Elect Trump's nomination of Robert F Kennedy Jr for head of Health and Human Services is approved. The RFKJr team has worked tirelessly for two years and it might come to nothing, or, if nomination is accepted he might blow the whole cancerous mindset wide open. Trump wants to discover the autism connection but we have to reveal the criminality of modern western govt harming its citizens. MUST we imitate Basher el Assad in principle because there's something in the heavenly realms being acted out in realities in our time?
The history of the CIA since about 1947 has many or most Americans sickened if they aren't lost in space but to bring their bad deeds right up to the pullout of Afghanistan and to learn that FBI agents took 2nd jobs or new careers working in media and thereby pushing the vaccine lie? And lets remember a modified mRNA is NOT A VACCINE - n'est pas?
Among the people I know personally, the denial is a wonder to behold. Truly. I gave up on trying to say anything, it seems they've chosen to stay strapped on to the medical-industrial conveyor belt—— or at least, they are treating anything nearing the topic of the injections as taboo.
That said, I transcribe the video testimonies of many jab-injured people who are quite awake to having been conned, and some are very angry indeed, and also trying to warn others.
Same here, and the most important thing, it seems, is that they both reflexively stop talking about it once you engage while, at the same time, confess their faith in, say, other jabs, such as the flu shots.
Yeah the denial is disheartening. People who have been injured rarely go there as to the real cause. I think this is due to the fact that to admit to harm from the vaccine is to admit that officialdom is trying to kill you and that realisation would probably cause your entire reality to come crashing down.
As for Trump (the father of the vaccine apparently) or RFK Jr. (Fruit Loops Bad)… I wouldn’t have much hope of them doing anything about it. They are very much part of the cabal. They would not be in their positions were they not. Just look how RFK Jr. has pivoted from these jabs are killing people to it’s the food that’s doing it (MAHA or whatever).
They’re just going to lead you down a blind alley and memory hole everything. If you look at popular culture people have been conditioned to the hero vs. villain archetypes.
The controllers of the world know this and to quote Albert Pike, ‘whenever people need a hero we shall supply him’.
Try not to get caught up in it. We’re literally stuck in a Matrix/Truman Show.
I know Kennedy well enough to believe he will pursue lawsuit after lawsuit but yes if the "medical scientific" community doesn't come to an honest relatively cohesive consensus, clinical practice and public opinion won't change. But, if the growing (intl) volume of crying out loud by doctors and sci PhD's gets louder and louder, the general public might wise up even if the family doctor prefers to remain silent.
The insurance industry must have been getting involved already but I don't see evidence of that being available for all to see, meaning online.
I don’t think Kennedy will do anything meaningful in relation to vaccines. The dangerous germs virology narrative bs has to be protected at all costs.
We’ll get some performative horse manure akin to the empty room Ron Johnson Covid hearings or perhaps a Tucker Carlson furrowed brow master class in bad acting… but fundamentally nothing will change.
In order for change to occur you would need a mass awakening from the huddled masses… but look at other comments on this thread… whenever difficult topics are raised people panic and scuttle off to their next flu shot appointment.
I would love to be wrong but I bet you a fiver things will be even worse in 18 months than they are now. Until the public at large wake up from their brainwashed, cowardly stupor it’s going to be more of the same ad infinitum…
Thank you for reporting. It is beyond heartbreaking to consider what so many people, trusting their health authorites and their doctors, have suffered and are suffering after having taken these crap injections.
As Transcriber B I do not transcribe video in languages other than English, but surely there must be a load of German language videos out there about the injuries and deaths somewhere on rumble, odysee, and other sites that have not been so heavily censored as have been Big Tech sites such as YouTube, FaceBook, Instagram, etc.
If anyone wants to take a look at what I have transcribed from 2021-23 that is in English (generally covering USA-Canada, UK-Ireland, Australia-New Zealand) the transcripts are gathered under the category "Bereaved and Injured Speak Out":
Some people I've talked to, vaccinated ones, vituperously defend the vaccine despite being on their 6+ shot and despite having had Covid multiple times, and despite now suffering from injuries due to repeated infections.
It's very much an article of faith, and some kind of "2-minute hate"-session stuff.
Totally hear you.
The Empire is very strong but also vulnerable to the power of awakened critical mass of people. That is why they have been waging a war on our minds, preventing the emergence of that critical mass. Evidence of menticide is all around us.
It seems to me the Berlin Wall is an apt analogy. It seemed so formidable, it lasted such a long time, and then one day, boom, gone. I think that will happen with this covidian vax con also, but it may yet take some time.
A very good analogy for how vulnerable totalitarian systems truly are, but we ought to keep in mind that the critical mass of people needed would not have so easily arisen just a few short years before the event. The Western spooks were deliberately undermining communist regimes. The Soviet regime was no longer willing to intervene.
Our position is closer to East Germans’ of earlier years. Western people’s minds are much more controlled and there is no external force which will undermine that control. We must do this alone, against very sophisticated controls. Our task is more difficult but this totalitarian system remains just as vulnerable as the East German regime was.
I think (we) Westerners lack previous experiences with tyrannies, which puts (us) Westerners at a disadvantage, relative to our Eastern European friends.
Four year ago (2021), I shared this with my FB friends. There is no doubt in my mind that my formative experiences contributed to my distrust of all authorities.
"I was about six when I witnessed police (militia) brutally beat a drunk miner who said something he should not have said, beating and dragging him on the sidewalk all the way to the police station. This wasn’t an exception but almost a daily occurrence.
The most interesting part I so vividly remember is not the actual beating but how regular people were rationalizing it by blaming the victim for "having a big mouth". This is how people behave after they’ve adjusted to living under tyranny.
Sadly, that is what I am increasingly witnessing all around me here in the good ole US of A - an "adjustment" of ordinary people to living under tyranny. But this tyranny is not of the primitively brutal variety which I’ve witnessed as a young boy; this one is of a technologically superior variety, one which is not porous, but a hermetically enclosed Panopticon.
Where we are heading is much worse than the tyranny of my youth, and yet so many citizens have so easily morphed into mere obedient subjects, or worse, into cheerleaders for totalitarianism. While I understand how this can happen to people, I cannot help but holding them responsible as enablers of our enslavement. There is a growing disdain within me for such people.”
I suppose you lost a bunch of your FB 'friends' over this one?
I started losing “friends” long before that when I started warning people in early 2020 that COVID was just another engineered event.
Just today at my dental visit I was horrified to learn that my dentist, her assistant and the assistant's sister all in their 30's, are suffering with extreme symptoms that came immediately after Covid vaccination. Why horrified? Because I believed the truth tellers but it's a shock to be faced with this over and over again, while the older folk who have had turbo cancers and heart valve replacements are clueless and I can't hit them over the head with "the truth". Meanwhile my communist learning 35 year old who just completed a second Bachelors this time to become an Registered Nurse has been so indoctrinated but I don't know how or when because at about the age of 16 she decided against my wishes to take the Gardisil vaccine. When you have arguments over ideoloy with family and neighbors that's unpleasant and I push the pause button as much as I can but to meet strangers in a professional setting, relationship and hear that my excellent young dentist has to keep taking time off, it's so horrifying.
I am wondering what you think could be the best possibly outcome IF President Elect Trump's nomination of Robert F Kennedy Jr for head of Health and Human Services is approved. The RFKJr team has worked tirelessly for two years and it might come to nothing, or, if nomination is accepted he might blow the whole cancerous mindset wide open. Trump wants to discover the autism connection but we have to reveal the criminality of modern western govt harming its citizens. MUST we imitate Basher el Assad in principle because there's something in the heavenly realms being acted out in realities in our time?
The history of the CIA since about 1947 has many or most Americans sickened if they aren't lost in space but to bring their bad deeds right up to the pullout of Afghanistan and to learn that FBI agents took 2nd jobs or new careers working in media and thereby pushing the vaccine lie? And lets remember a modified mRNA is NOT A VACCINE - n'est pas?
Among the people I know personally, the denial is a wonder to behold. Truly. I gave up on trying to say anything, it seems they've chosen to stay strapped on to the medical-industrial conveyor belt—— or at least, they are treating anything nearing the topic of the injections as taboo.
That said, I transcribe the video testimonies of many jab-injured people who are quite awake to having been conned, and some are very angry indeed, and also trying to warn others.
Same here, and the most important thing, it seems, is that they both reflexively stop talking about it once you engage while, at the same time, confess their faith in, say, other jabs, such as the flu shots.
Yeah the denial is disheartening. People who have been injured rarely go there as to the real cause. I think this is due to the fact that to admit to harm from the vaccine is to admit that officialdom is trying to kill you and that realisation would probably cause your entire reality to come crashing down.
As for Trump (the father of the vaccine apparently) or RFK Jr. (Fruit Loops Bad)… I wouldn’t have much hope of them doing anything about it. They are very much part of the cabal. They would not be in their positions were they not. Just look how RFK Jr. has pivoted from these jabs are killing people to it’s the food that’s doing it (MAHA or whatever).
They’re just going to lead you down a blind alley and memory hole everything. If you look at popular culture people have been conditioned to the hero vs. villain archetypes.
The controllers of the world know this and to quote Albert Pike, ‘whenever people need a hero we shall supply him’.
Try not to get caught up in it. We’re literally stuck in a Matrix/Truman Show.
Or rather: the 'Musk Show', here to replace the defunct 'Biden Show'.
I know Kennedy well enough to believe he will pursue lawsuit after lawsuit but yes if the "medical scientific" community doesn't come to an honest relatively cohesive consensus, clinical practice and public opinion won't change. But, if the growing (intl) volume of crying out loud by doctors and sci PhD's gets louder and louder, the general public might wise up even if the family doctor prefers to remain silent.
The insurance industry must have been getting involved already but I don't see evidence of that being available for all to see, meaning online.
I don’t think Kennedy will do anything meaningful in relation to vaccines. The dangerous germs virology narrative bs has to be protected at all costs.
We’ll get some performative horse manure akin to the empty room Ron Johnson Covid hearings or perhaps a Tucker Carlson furrowed brow master class in bad acting… but fundamentally nothing will change.
In order for change to occur you would need a mass awakening from the huddled masses… but look at other comments on this thread… whenever difficult topics are raised people panic and scuttle off to their next flu shot appointment.
I would love to be wrong but I bet you a fiver things will be even worse in 18 months than they are now. Until the public at large wake up from their brainwashed, cowardly stupor it’s going to be more of the same ad infinitum…