Dr. Freisleben's Documentation
Believe it or not, the good doctor compiled over 200 case reports, and today, we'll take an in-depth look at these documents
In yesterday’s posting, I brought to your attention the ‘Pandemic™’ experiences of one Dr. Erich Freisleben, a German GP, who spoke about his very own ‘Road to Damascus’ with respect to the modRNA poison/death juices.
Broadcast, to my rather great surprise, by state broadcast outlet Deutschlandfunk, Dr. Freisleben mentioned one specific thing that stood out, at least to me: until his retirement in October 2023,
I had seen around 300 patients with severe vaccination side effects and had to employ a doctor in my practice specifically for this purpose, who relieved me of the burden of documenting and reporting the side effects. 262 of these cases are documented anonymously with laboratory results on my website
In connection with the corona vaccination, I have recorded three deaths, two cases of paralysis from the feet to the neck, several cases of facial paralysis, many severe fatigue syndromes, persistent pain syndromes, visual disturbances, dizziness, heart failure, shortness of breath, hair loss and various skin changes, and much more.
If you’ve missed yesterday’s posting, you may read up on it here:
Today, we’ll take a first look at Dr. Freisleben’s meticulous records of a few of these 262 cases on his website, which can be accessed by clicking on his website—https://erichfreisleben.de/—and click on the header Dokumente (documents) in the top-right corner.
It’ll take you to a table with two columns, and the file we’re discussing today is called Verlaufsberichte, or case reports; it is in the third line in the left column and contains case reports plus Dr. Freisleben’s commentary from 2021 through Jan. 2024.
As always, translation, emphases, and [snark] mine.
Also, these case files being a kind of compilation of evidence of malfeasance and wrong-doing on part of those who manufactured, distributed, and order these modRNA poison/death juices to be used (until today!!!), I’ll add two more things: first, j’accuse; and, second, thank you, Dr. Freisleben, for documenting these cases.
Introductory Comment by Dr. Freisleben
The documentation of the adverse reactions [orig. Nebenwirkungen] of the new type of vaccine that I have briefly outlined may seem a little dry at first. Few people will read through all the short reports. However, these have an unbeatable advantage in the confusing discussion about contradictory studies and statements by experts: they are comprehensible! Every word is backed up by real research results or real statements from people affected and can be verified.
You can recognise patterns of the disease just by skimming these adverse events reports. Nevertheless, these obvious patterns have not led to the recognition of a new type of vaccine adverse events by the Paul Ehrlich Institute [which begs the question—not why the powers-that-be don’t see these patters but who told them to stand down]. The number of adverse reactions from my patient base in relation to the total number of people vaccinated says something about the frequency of side effects. And the number of new patients affected by it in an individual doctor’s experience says something about how much the problem is generally overlooked or denied [can’t emphasise this enough: it’s a damning indictment of all the ‘experts™’ at the competent (sic) authorities].
My documentation has some shortcomings. The courses are often only documented up to the time of reporting and not for the entire duration of treatment. Above all, the brief descriptions of the side effects do not show all the suffering that is associated with them. The fact that mothers can no longer care for their children, that students have to give up their education, that athletes become invalids, that the economic basis collapses, that the realisation of life’s dreams is abruptly ended—all this cannot be depicted, but at best only hinted at.
I need to interrupt the flow here for a moment and note that it takes a special kind of (moral) courage to do what Dr. Freisleben has done: show empathy, go beyond that which was required, and make his documentation available.
The above paragraphs are followed by the following lines, which I’ll also reproduce to underscore the importance of a moral compass and adherence to one’s convictions in times of adversity.
But this suffering is what deeply affected my inner medical mission. In caring for the patients and documenting the adverse reactions, I pushed myself to the limits of what I could personally achieve. Please forgive me for the many small shortcomings in my reporting. I was unable to do more [we’ll best let posterity—and God—judge Dr. Freisleben, I suggest]. When several hundred more or less serious emergencies are added to the patients of a large GP practice [orig. Versorgerpraxis], documentation, aftercare, follow-up, reflection on what has happened, and, above all, the formal reporting system all suffer. My assistants have had to turn away hundreds of requests for help [while I don’t know Dr. Freisleben personally, I would think that this was a most painful experience for him]. For the things that I did document and report, I was supported by dedicated paid and voluntary helpers. Each report takes an average of forty-five minutes. My documented 200 cases therefore took 150 hours, i.e., a full month of a physician’s labour, just for the formal reporting process; around 100 cases still need to be reported. Reporting them is not just a duty that I fulfil instead of many hundreds of doctors. It also authorises me to certify a person’s fitness for vaccination [i.e., write exemptions], which protects them from further damage.
Yes, Dr. Freisleben documented all these cases and reported them to the competent (sic) authorities whose case workers have had access to these data—and didn’t do a damn thing. Shame on them.
Dr. Freisleben concluded his introduction in the following way:
I received a lot of support from individuals and especially from my medical assistants, my colleague, my assistant, and later my assistant-in-training. I expected my wife, children and grandchildren to be very considerate of my lack of presence. This documentation is intended to put an end to this exceptional situation. I hope that it will help to encourage other colleagues to shed light on the darkness. In the end, we should come to an appropriate balance between the advantages and disadvantages of the new vaccination principle. Above all, however, we are called upon to come to terms [orig. aufarbeiten, i.e., the very same term used routinely with respect to the crimes of Hitler’s régime] with all the mistakes that we as a society have made during the pandemic. In my view, this is less about apportioning blame and more about learning how to do things better in the future.
While one may or may not disagree personally with the final sentence, I do think it reflects a very considerate position; while I don’t know for sure, I doubt that Dr. Freisleben means letting those responsible off scot-free, for otherwise he may not have used the word aufarbeiten—which translates into ‘coming to terms with’—, which in German discourse is typically used to reflect on the ongoing myriad ways of acknowledging, remembering, and offering atonement for the crimes committed during the so-called Third Reich (1933-45).
A Summary of Dr. Freisleben’s Documentation
The following data and considerations are Dr. Freisleben’s, and they reflect the state of affairs in his GP practice as of August 2022:
No. of documented and reported adverse drug reactions: 200
No. of side effect reports still outstanding: approx. 80- 100
Average no. of patients in my practice per quarter: 2,600 patients
Estimated no. of vaccinated patients: 1,560 patients
No. of vaccination adverse reactions among my patients: 52
Share of vaccination side effects from my regular patients: 3.3%
No. of vaccination side effects in new patients: 230-250
Number of patients affected, broken down by age brackets
0-20 years: 5; up to 30 years: 24; up to 40 years: 25; up to 50 years: 49; up to 60 years: 47; up to 70 years: 32; up to 80 years: 15; over 80 years: 3
By way of comparison, the average age of death in the pandemic was 83.
Assessment of the degree of improvement of my treatments (significant improvement means that the symptoms are more bearable and basic activities of life can be carried out again). A complete restoration of the original state of health is still the exception rather than the rule. Older cases 1-100 fared better in terms of treatment outcome. For cases 101-200, there is a lack of sufficient observation time, but despite the increasing sophistication of the treatment methodology, a change in the nature of the adverse reactions themselves also seems to be involved [this is something that I’ve not heard yet—and it is definitely something that needs to be considered]. Initially, neurological symptoms were often more drastic; cortisone often helped promptly. Later, possibly with the increase in the number of vaccinations or boosters, symptoms became more complex and the persistent weaknesses more difficult to influence [I read this as follows: it’s not just the dose that makes the modRNA poison/death juices so problematic, but also their changing composition]. As the virus variants became more harmless at the same time, in my view the disproportion in the benefit-harm ratio increased.
And with these technical preliminaries noted, we shall look at three of Dr. Freisleben’s case reports now to give you an impression of what his patients experiences, nay, suffered from.
Three Case Reports by Dr. Freisleben
The first case documents the travails of a 70 year-old men who suffered from incipient cancer in 2020, but following radiotherapy, he was documented as ‘well’ prior to injection with two doses of Comirnaty.
Case 1, age: 70 y, sex: m
Medical history: no significant previous illnesses
1st vaccination with Comirnaty Biontech (15/04/2021)
2nd vaccination with Comirnaty Biontech (06/05/2021)
02.11.2020: first presentation, no significant pre-existing conditions
03.11.2020: CT thorax: tumour right posterior upper lobe, metastases paratracheal lymph node
13.11.2020: inpatient admission to Emil von Behring, pneumology department
15.02.2021: small cell lung carcinoma, chemotherapy, etoposide / cisplatin; skeletal scintigraphy o.p.B. radiotherapy, prophylactic whole brain radiotherapy (GD 30 GY in 15 fraction completed on 21/04/2021; then well-being)
15.04.2021: first vaccination Comirnaty
06.05.2021: second vaccination Comirnaty
14.05.2021: drowsiness, loss of strength, depression, confusion, loss of taste, inappetence [loss of appetite]
17.05.2021: first aid Helios Klinikum laboratory: D-dimer 1.18 (normal value: 0.5)
24.05.2021- 29.05.2021 Helios Klinikum: CCT o.p.B. clinically progressive deterioration; refusal to eat, confusion, bedridden, incontinence, loss of taste
04.06.2021: ex juvantibus therapy with prednisolone 40mg in decreasing doses (working diagnosis: immunological reaction after second vaccination)
07.06.2021: rapid and radical improvement: patient comes to the practice independently
01.07.2021: after temporary improvement and after discontinuation of prednisolone again gradual deterioration with symptoms as before, prednisolone again
02.07.2021: immediate improvementBlood work and D-dimers: 1629/CRP 29.4 (18.05.2021); 1607 / CRP 29.4 (11.06.2021); 3564/CRP 65.7 (01.07.2021).
As you can see, this is a very meticulous report, which incl. ‘alternative’ (any but Remdesivir) treatment options and blood work, incl. D-dimer testing.
I’ve read many of these case reports, and I’m offering the following one as my second example:
Case 57, age: 37, sex: female
Medical history: no previous illnesses
1st vaccination with Moderna on 19/06/2021
2nd vaccination with Moderna on 31/07/2021
3rd booster vaccination with Moderna on 27/01/2022
Symptoms after booster vaccination:
1 day after vaccination, left side of face numb, left-sided paresis, visual field restricted, hearing loss on the left, tinnitus, headache on the left
03.02.2022: hospitalisation: ED multiple sclerosis with facial nerve palsy on the left, nuclear with hyperacusis [increased sensitivity to sound and a low tolerance for environmental noise], loss of the left trigeminal nerve, facial numbness
The initial diagnosis of multiple sclerosis was made 7 days after the booster vaccination and was not reported as a vaccination side effect by the hospital
10.02.2022: blood work: agonistic antibodies against M2, ET, ß2 receptor positive, D-dimer 959 ng/ml (elevated); prednisolone therapy initiated
16.02.22: symptoms clearly regressed
And here’s a third case report:
Case 200, age: 45 years, sex: female
24/11/2021 Vaccination with Vaccine Janssen Ad26 COV2-S from Johnson& Johnson (Batch XE395)
History: mild allergic diathesis, once increased post-operative haemorrhage. Symptoms: approx. 10-15 min after vaccination: flushing (reddening of the face), generalised urticaria [rash], dyspnoea [shortness of breath], laryngeal oedema with hoarseness [oedema of the larynx], nausea, dizziness, headache, chills, tachycardia, hypertensive derailment [elevated blood pressure]. Emergency care at the vaccination centre.
Recurrent anaphylaxis for almost a year, frequent spontaneous urticaria with accompanying hypertensive derailment, neurological symptoms with pain in the back of the head, concentration disorders, etc. as well as neuropathic pain in the extremities, especially the right foot, and blood coagulation disorders. Effective therapy with Omalizumab [Xolair] for the allergic symptoms.
Attempts to discontinue medication lead to a complete recurrence of symptoms with all initial symptoms in the patient.
There was hardly any improvement in the neurological symptoms (see above), but nattokinase, alpha-lipoic acid, melatonin, intermittent fasting, and low-dose naltrexone showed initial positive effects. The patient has been continuously unable to work since November [2021].
Reading these case files is very painful, but there’s no way reading them may account for even a fraction of the suffering of these people.
Bottom Lines
I wish there was anything else I could do other than trying to document, to the best of my abilities, at least a small number of these godawful things.
As you know, I’m doing this on the side of my regular job (university professor), living on a small farmstead (involves outdoor and other work, incl. with livestock, in any kind of weather), and trying to raise, together with my wife, our two children.
A lot of the time, my ‘snark’ is cynical and suggests ‘alternative’ meanings to one or the other utterance.
Not this time: these case files make for heart-breaking and gut-wrenching reading, and I sincerely hope that Dr. Freisleben’s extraordinary efforts will be recognised at some point in time.
For the time being, the main perpetrators all receive Orders of Merit, from Dr. Fauci to Christian Drosten (his partner-in-crime) to Alena Buyx (who chaired the Orwellian-named German ‘Ethics Council’) to the people who wrote the notorious ‘Proximal Origin of Sars-Cov-2’ paper (which, incidentally, has still not been retracted) while those who sought to adhere to the Hippocratic Oath and listened to their conscience—like Dr. Freisleben, as well as many, many others (here’s looking at you, e.g., Drs. Charles Hoffer, Pierre Kory, Mary Talley-Bowden, and many more)—being side-lined, shunned, and declared loons.
At some point, we, the people, will arise from our slumber and demand justice.
And once this day comes, the evidence compiled—like the case files by Dr. Freisleben—will serve as indictments for the prosecution.
Thank you for what you did.
Dear Epithemius and dear Dr. Freisleben (if he might be reading this)-- I salute you for your courage and your caring about the people who have been victims of this ungodly crime against humanity.
I would like to share with you that, among my many transcriptions of censored video of 2021-2023, there are many instances of doctors, nurses and other health care professionals speaking out about the deaths and the injuries, and also many quite shocking testimonies from the bereaved and the injured. In addition, from early on it was clear that the deaths and injuries were being grossly (and gross is too mild a word) under-reported.
I could list many more transcripts than there might be space or readers' patience for here in the comments section. So I will point to the general archive:
And the index (which is in-progress):
Also, of note, there are a number of transcripts of tetsimony and excerpts from interviews with people discussing the data, including reporting to VAERS (the US Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) and other governments' reporting systems.
My transcripts are of English language video. I do not doubt that similar videos in large quantities exist (or did) in German, Spanish, French, and other languages.
For those reading this who may not be aware, when posted these sorts of videos were quickly taken down by Big Tech-- YouTube, Instagram, FaceBook, pre-Musk Twitter, LinkedIn, etc, and for the few videos that remained there, or ended up elsewhere, the search engine results (notably Google) would bury them. Where is "elsewhere"? Primarily bitchute, odyssey, rumble, telegram, and some on Gettr and, of course, the post-Musk "X." I found these by looking every day since 2021, and also every day combing through many Substacks.
May those who committed fraud and malfeasance be held accountable before the law. And may it be remembered that this happened.
I lean into the theory that the perpetrators of this crime never intended for so many people to drop dead so quickly.
I suspect that the long term plan was for the shots to induce cancers over so a long time frame that it would never be traced back.
I’m not sure how much credence to give the ‘nano bot’ or ‘hidden technology’ in the shots theories? Anything is possible I suppose.
And why? Peak oil? Resource depletion? The ability to play God?
The political shenanigans going on worldwide are a good distraction from the ongoing carnage.
Just last week another middle aged acquaintance was found dead at home (no cause given). I keep meeting people who have been diagnosed or know someone diagnosed with a ‘rare’ form of cancer. These things are no longer rare.