Die Fackel 2.0, an Independent Webzine
Welcome, dear reader, to my webzine. In these pages, you will find independent journalism, somewhat snarky historical and contemporary commentary, and the occasional ‘footnote’ with memorable images. If you like the content, please subscribe to my little newsletter:
A Little Bit of History About Die Fackel 2.0
This webzine began in autumn 2021 with a few lines, mostly as a kind of diary, or personal journal, to document at least part of the madness that engulfed Austria during the WHO-declared, so-called Covid ‘Pandemic™’. Back then, I penned two brief introductory pieces about my motivation, and since ‘the Internet’ never forgets, I might as well link to them here:
Please note that Die Fackel was originally a journal by Vienna-based journalist and commentator Karl Kraus (1874-1936) whose biting commentary were ‘directed…at the press, German culture, and German and Austrian politics’.
What Can You Expect in Die Fackel 2.0?
Here, I cover contemporary politics, from a specific Central and Eastern European perspective, sometimes with a partially Scandinavian bent, thereby providing context to a number of political and historical issues that may otherwise be inaccessible to the English-language reader.
The content in these pages comes in three distinct categories:
Translations of what I perceive as ‘important’ pieces that are unavailable to an English-reading—international—audience. Depending on the perceived familiarity of my readers with the topic, or lack thereof, I provide a few introductory as well as so-called ‘bottom lines’ to add context and, well, commentary.
Original articles based on what I consider ‘journalistic’ forays, which come with a distinct focus on/about Central and Eastern European topics, if only because there are many more comparable websites that focus on more ‘Western’ topics already.
And, finally, opinionated pieces, or rants, which I labelled as ‘footnotes’ (explanation below). They may include a picture, meme, or otherwise absurd statement.
Who is Behind Die Fackel 2.0?
Finally, a few words about me, the person behind this webzine.
In my offline life, I am a professor of early modern and modern European civilisation at a public university somewhere in the Old World. Apart from my own research, I am using the pages of Die Fackel 2.0 here to add a bit of information here and there, as well as to engage in contemporary commentary.
When I started these pages, I adopted the pen name ‘epimetheus’, a figure from Greek mythology indicating ‘afterthought’. Sometime in the past couple of years, I have begun to use my real name, but as the winds of change are blowing, once more, in the face of free speech, I have now reverted to my ‘old’ alter ego, or pen name, perhaps also because I am a historian.
I am offering these pages here for free, without barriers or prejudice, and I shall add that all opinions expressed therein are mine (except for those so referenced), mine alone, and have nothing whatsoever to do with anyone else, least of all with my employer.
If you wish to reach out, please use the comment section or reply to the emails you receive upon subscription.
A Brief Reminder
If you like what you read in either of these pages, you are very warmly invited to subscribe to my little newsletter.
Content is and will remain free for the time being. Given the uncertainty of our day and age, I will, over the coming weeks or months, enable paid subscriptions as these daily postings consume a considerable amount of my spare time.
Should you elect to chip in a few coins, please be assured of my gratitude.
While I cannot—and will not—guarantee you will like everything I write about (many things I thoroughly dislike myself), I am certain that there will always be plenty of food for thought on a variety of issues.