And more JABS to get you healthy again

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With 'new and improved' modRNA products, of course.

Oh, lest I forget, mortality is also up. Who would've guessed…

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The culling is working

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Let's be serious; only one explanation fits: Climate change!!

According to our noble and wise leaders, we must eliminate all sources of evil to remedy this unfortunate human-caused disaster already upon us. Namely, cars, trucks, food, industry, a few billion people in the global south and east, and whatever else they imagine. As soon as we have reached this divine goal, the remaining 500 million people can use their private jets for their daily commute!

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Isn't it too cold for climate change right now?

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Aug 30, 2023·edited Aug 30, 2023Liked by epimetheus

I just read your guest article @ TKP, with the GWUP image at the top.

Those kind of institutios, which seemed like thinly veiled pharma propagandists to me 20 years ago already, making fun of some legit charlatan doctors to generate a reputation (-> Bauernfänger für Gebildete...), unfortunately, have quite an impact among people who want to belong to the "rational" tribe & who fell for the "Skeptic(TM)" false label...

Wouldn't it be nice if scientists who see through this and are not afraid of speaking out, to found a body that actually does what they claim to do - be pro science and uncover fakers?

Including prices like "Blender des Monats" (like Gigerenzer's Unstatistik des Monats), where it is shown how people, including those of the pseudo skeptics*, manipulate, cerate false impressions and really often lack any base for their claims.

* who don't find it too openly stupid to exclude something as legit target of skepticism, inventing the propaganda term "wissenschaftsskeptisch"... i.e. perverting what skepticism actually is: No orthodoxy gets a free pass.

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Exactly. Most members of 'polite society'--who used to be labelled the 'juste milieu' back in the mid-19th century--I think fear nothing more than being ridiculed.

Using the weapon of choice of the willing executioners of the powers-that-be, ridicule and projection, dissenters are harassed, publicly shamed, and their lives and careers get ruined. By contrast, if even a fraction of these insults and 'occurrences' would be levelled against the juste milieu, they immediately turn into cry-bullies.

Since you read my piece over at TKP (which I didn't post here due to its supremely parochial nature), you might be interested in another such piece I wrote last Christmas:


German version: https://tkp.at/2022/12/21/impfgegner-als-volksverraeter-kulturkampf-statt-wissenschaft-an-der-oeaw/

Same shit, different smell, though.

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And then, there's the really dark side of science: (has strong vibes of Soviet Union)

Developing psych strategies of publicly pathologizing doubters - and there are no legit doubters, it's a priory fixed that it has to be wrong...


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Norbert Häring is one of the voices decrying these things, thanks for sharing the link (I'm a fan).

Ever heard of the Amadeu Antonio Stiftung?


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Yes, with Stasi-Kahane as (former) head... they're also unscrupulous, pure evil 1984 style propagandists.

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It's almost like the entire population was subjected to some sort of mass medical experiment and a whole load of people got really, really ill. Couldn't happen in Germany of all places?

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How would anyone know? I only consume legacy media, hence I shall believe, unquestioningly, whatever the powers-that-be tell me /sarcasm

Reality has a nasty habit of eventually catching up with make-believe.

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It's hard to tell what exactly is going on. One possibility is that people are sicker than they used to be, and another is that, as a result of the corona event, people are choosing to stay home for ever milder illnesses. Mind you, these two things are not mutually exclusive.

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A little bit of anecdotal evidence from a suburb of Washington DC;

I was out for a bike ride and decided to stop at a local outlet mall.

What really struck me was the fact that several of the stores were closed (at 6:30 pm), with signs on their doors saying that the closing was due to lack of staff.... and asking customers to come back in the morning, when they promised, the stores would be open.

The signs didn’t indicate if the lack of staff was due to sickness or to inability to hire employees......but either way it’s a bad sign, if the stores are closed they can’t sell their products.

A scenario that doesn’t get seem to be mentioned very often:

What if, instead of being orchestrated by our governments or the WEF types, the whole Covid thing (meaning the virus, the lockdowns, areas of vaccine development, etc) was part of a Chinese military operation to soften up the US and it’s allies prior to a planned attack on Taiwan and war with the USA?

Apparently there are Chinese defectors and American military officials who think that the above scenario is a real possibility, is happening, and have evidence to support their claims.

Something to think about....

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I know of several otherwise successful restaurants that have permanently closed due to staff shortages. Where are all the workers? Dead? Disabled? Living in mom’s basement? 💁🏻‍♀️

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They would have never done deliberately! It is just a simple mistake. This is indicated by their wholesale retrenchment. But wait! This isn't really happening, is it?

Brace yourselves for more bio-weapons and more totalitarian nightmare. Let's face it, Humanity failed the KOVID test! As a consequence of that failure they intend to give us a barrage of "tests" until most are chronically ill, enslaved or dead. But the worst is yet to come - demographic collapse! Most who "survive" will believe all of this was natural, bound to happen. :-(

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Seems quite plausible.

It'll get worst before it changes.

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Today is my 60th BD & I feel like I’ve just been born. Has anyone read 180 by Feargus Greenwood.. 😯... history is way different from what I was taught & I’m having trouble to get even those around me to believe it ... even with his undeniable references in the book .. & most are awake .. just can’t process all this information

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deletedAug 29, 2023Liked by epimetheus
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Aug 29, 2023·edited Aug 29, 2023Author

And it mirrors what people like Ed Dowd have been pointing to in the US context.

Same shit, different smell.

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