What the actual fuck???

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How would I (TF) know?

And I freely admit that was my first reaction, too.

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Sounds like satire, but then again our “systems” increasingly look like a farce. Hard to tell the difference these days.

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I thought so, too, but as you say, it's getting increasingly hard to tell apart…

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Is it a joke, Prof?

Or is the unstoppable progress of Germany americanization in an Epstein style?

Sorry guys, but Germany is over, is on its knees to US Criminal Class, one for all the silence behind the North Stream or the propaganda on Russia attacking EU borders..

When you have a German puppet no better than Zelensky at the top of EU Commission for a second mandate, it's pretty easy to understand who rules Germany and most of idiot voters in EU.

So no surprise they are pro pedophilia and similar psychopathic behaviors.

Putin please drop the bomb!

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It is a good question, I mean, it could be fake or a psy-op, or it could be both.

Given the rather high level of engagement in their faq section, I tend to think it’s real butnit might be a psy-op, too, at the same time.

I also concur with your opinion on the submission here. It’s a digrace.

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I've not been around since a while nor writing, I spent most of time on checking AI generative tools and consequences. But I suggest you to check my last 4 new post with videos from an healthy german duo that use that tech with heavy poisoned irony on the Criminal Class ruling. ;)


Post and videos must be watched in the right order from first to last, they released them in that order.

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Thanks for the consideration--I always read your posts, and they are very interesting, indeed.

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I threw up a little in my mouth.

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And that was my second reaction, too.

What a sick world.

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These public pleas and platforms and acronyms are more of the strategic deployments by the Freak Perverse Globalists and thier foot soldiers-our national leaders-to allow, endorse and normalize the pervs societal legitimacy-whether its trans men, drag queens in elementary schools ,LGBTQ2+++pride flag saturation in banks, public institutions, and on button wearing ,rainbow draped children and teens-thinking it a grassroots movement-when it’s a scary, pervasive well-funded-top-down thought campaign.

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That’s my reading, too.

Somewhat ot, but I’m about to board a train: it’s got rainbow stripes on the outside…

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I get angry and scared at the same time.But I have my activist ways….

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And then there's the parental aspect, too.

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God, I order one meteor strike please. This is getting so bad.

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Think of Sodom and Gomorrha, though, for as much as I share your sentiment, I do believe there's a few good souls left in Germany.

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Yes they are humans as well but only in an outside form. People as such have severe mental disorders, usually brought on by some sort of early childhood vaccinations.

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What the fuck is this shit?!!!

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Well, could by satire, but it could be real…

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Oh, I'm sure it's real. Satire cannot be done like this anymore. I've learned my lesson. You know, laughing out loud, to the point of tears, applauding the author for having written such amazing satire - only to realize it wasn't satire. Oops. I've gotten older and wiser. So, not satire.

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That's also what I'm thinking. It looks and 'feels' (sorry for the pun) too real to be satire.

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Pedophilia, defined as sexual attraction to pre-pubescent children, is indeed perfectly legal. (As is attraction, sexual or otherwise, of any kind at all.) Acting on that attraction will land a MAP(TM) in prison, as it should. I see no issues with people with such, err, inclinations being able to access psychiatric care, and I believe there is medication for reducing sexual desire, which really ought to be given out to people who ask for it with essentially no questions asked. Other than that? The MAPs(TM) would do well to understand that this is their cross to bear, and if they stumble, they'll be locked up for a long time. Seems fairly simple to me.

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Re: "Instead, you can simply use your imagination or legal images, e.g., from Instagram [note that pedophiles are checking out strangers’ pictures online]."

Actually, that's something that parents would do well to understand. As a purely practical matter, there's nothing to stop a MAP(TM) from jerking off to a picture of your kid. Or rather, there is: be very careful about the kinds of pictures (if any) that you post of your kids for all the Internet to see. (I know that you're careful about this, Stephan, but I meant in general.)

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I don't get it that people--parents--put their children's pictures on the web for a variety of reasons (machine learning of facial recognition software would be another one of these reasons for not doing so).

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Technically, you're correct, of course.

How it's practical to do anything about it, well, I don't know…

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I don't know much about female ones, as to what to do with them, but for males, who are found guilty, sentence should be surgical, not chemical, castration. Maybe, lots of them were abused as children themselves and think it normal - that's why the chain needs breaking. Seems this past time is very popular with rich and famous, us only discovering their crimes after they die. I'm sick of LGBTQ+++ etc., and wonder if it's all a distraction from other things happening, or, part of the Brave New World Order? Probably both.

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The „female“ ones are self-identified and are likely men. Bonus: In just over one week, Germany‘s disastrous self-ID law takes effect, and these cockfrockers (hat tip to Rex Landy) will be legally recognized as women here.

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Well, in that case, their balls should be removed also!

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SODOMY AND Castration followed by extremely painful AND VERY SLOW PUBLIC EXECUTION

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You don’t listen, right? Why do you keep emphasizing on their (alleged) illegal activities, when they state multiple times, that they don't engage in illegal activities? I find a group of pedophiles who are vehemently AGAINST abuse of all kind very positive and something that needs to be encouraged. I don't see a problem with this website, if what they are saying is true. From what they are saying, I don’t have reason to believe, it isn’t.

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