Who/what exactly is Continental Europe? Does the Czech Republic count? Because the Czech Prime Minister announced last week that "vaccines" would not be mandated. He said he didn't want to deepen division in society. So, I'm cautiously optimistic for CZ, even though we're still dealing with the mask theater, twice per week testing at work and the like.

The interesting thing about CZ is that the old government passed "vaccine" mandates back in December (not universal, but for the over-60's and people in certain professions), just before handing over power. The new government (which came into power something like a week after the mandate) said it would get rid of the mandate for the over-60's, and that it would see about professional groups. This was right when Omicron came onto the scene. Well, now the vaccinators are looking silly, and the new government (being new) is able to roll back the mandates without losing face. After all, they are the *old* government's mandates. (They're still saying that you should get "vaccinated" and blah-blah-blah, but no mandates.)

I should also say that the old government's election loss had nothing to do with the mandates. They lost the election in October. Then the President (who's somehow involved - mostly ceremonially - in naming the new government) landed in hospital and stayed there for over a month, and so the transfer of power got delayed. Fortunately!! If it hadn't been, maybe the new government would have passed the stupid mandates itself, and we'd be right where Germany is.

Lesson? Austria/Germany/France need a new government. The people who imposed mandates cannot roll them back without losing face, but a new government might be able to (even if they said stupid things in the past, they didn't actually implement them, since they weren't actually in power).

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Jan 24, 2022·edited Jan 24, 2022


Great article.

I wrote this comment on Eugyppius’s substack but I’d love your thoughts if you don’t mind.

Here’s a question: This feels like we are running down the clock. If we hold out and this goes bust…will the EU go up in smoke? If Kennedy is right and this is about digital currency ( makes sense - the two economies too big too fix, they’ve already failed: Italy and France- they seem to be the most aggressive in pushing vaccine passports) Is this a play to save the European economy? I’m just not making sense of Germany doubling down while England loosens up. What’s going on?

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A large proportion of the Brits almost managed to convince the British that they, too, lost WW2 as well!


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History repeats itself. Over and over and over again…

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Jan 25, 2022·edited Jan 25, 2022

Good morning epimetheus,

“…power grab against its own people”

That’s a line. That’s pretty much all of everything right there.

Looking forward to your next Austrian dispatch.

Also according to latest AB substack Israel has had more covid infections in a week( last week) than it had in all of 2020. Amazing. I had hoped my life would be interspersed with the gentle drama of a Terence Malik movie. But it’s gone full Sci-fi.

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