
If you want a really deep dive on the UN and child grooming through 'sex education,' Dr Rima Laibow has given presentations about the decades-long push for this which has come directly from the UN. You can see the language start in the 70's and then where we are today. It's totally wild. She shows all the old documents.

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Do you have any particular talk, book, or link in mind that you could share?

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26Liked by epimetheus

Try searching banned dot video. There are some old interviews on there.

Edit: she is also on Substack but I do not really follow her nowadays. https://drrimatruthreports.substack.com/

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Thanks for the references, will have a look.

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Yep, humanity is the target! And if anyone mounts a muscular defense that person is automatically an extremist, bigot, racist,… If you are under attack and don’t defend yourself, the chances are you will lose. They have modified a critical mass of us to effectively neutralize us. There was a time when I believed that when people are hurt by the system and then exposed to the truth, they would open their eyes. KOVID has dispelled me of such delusions. People are losing their loved ones and they are unable to put two and two together.

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You don't sand your ground, they'll push you.

You stand your ground, there's a reason they must put up 'something'.

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Jun 26Liked by epimetheus

Oh, what a mess... These people make a mess out of every good idea. I remember when us girls (aged 11 at the time) were taken out of class for some nurse or whatever she was to explain to us how periods worked. I remember it freaked me out, but in retrospect, I'm quite glad I got the lecture. My family didn't bother explaining this to me (heh), and it's important to explain these things to young girls *before* they get their first period, and preferably early enough for them to get used to the idea, so that "when it happens" doesn't freak them out. (Be honest: if you suddenly started bleeding inexplicably, you'd be pretty freaked out. So, why wouldn't an adolescent girl be equally freaked out?)

Fast forward to 2024. The lecture is being given to 9-year-olds and involves porn. Bravo, my dear sir.

I'm finding all of this so damn depressing. It's not like there aren't plenty of problems in the world. Some of them are probably intractable. (Can climate change be "solved" in any meaningful way?) But even those that are fairly solvable turn into a godawful mess once these people are put in charge. My reaction is increasingly "let's just hope they don't hear about this problem, because they'll just make it 10 times worse." And that goes for perfectly solvable problems, too.

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That's how I feel in a nutshell--well put.

Eric Sevareid, a US journalist in the 1970s, once quipped:

'The chief source of problems is--solutions.'

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Jun 26Liked by epimetheus

Re: "The chief source of problems is--solutions."

Sort of. It's perfectly true that humans often find themselves confronted with a problem, and then they address the problem, but that causes a different problem elsewhere. For example: grandma has a serious health problem. Modern medicine comes to the rescue and extends her life, yay! Yeah, except that now she needs extensive long-term care, placing a heavy burden on her family and/or wider society that wouldn't have existed if nature had been allowed to take its course, as it always had until, oh, mid-20th century or thereabout. Life is tragic that way.

Okay, now explain to me what "problem" is solved by showing porn to 9-year-olds?

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The short answer is: the increasingly desperate fetish of sick people.

Longer form: I'm not kidding you, click on the archived link above, the problems cited (in 2016) are 11 year-old girls from places like Nepal; it would be good, it was argued, if they received some form of sexual education. Fast-forward to today, this BS is 'taught' in all schools world-wide (because of UNESCO) and it opens the door for all kinds of perverts, pedophiles, and their ilk who pretend to 'teach' at schools.

Fun fact: the gut who came with this idea, on Robert Muller, a former assistant secretary-general of the UN in the 1990s, is also the sick mind whose ideas inform the US 'common core'. UNESCO's CSE is a kind of 'global' outgrowth of this one-size-fits-all approach pioneered in the US, and you can see its results in the news item above.

There's tons of such articles, by the way, often tucked away in 'tabloid' papers because those news organisations that consider themselves more 'serious' won't report on these issues. Note also that no-one talks about the problem (sick perverts in schools), its proximate cause (the decrees or ordinances authorising these contents, such as the Austrian one cited above), and even less about the mind-blowingly absurd and sick thoughts (Muller once penned a long-form 'book' entitled '2000 Ideas for the Year 2000' or the like, if memory serves) that are now part of the UN 'Agenda 2030' and the like.

I recommend a tinfoil hat.

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