UFO/UAP 'Stuff' and 'AI'
Turns out that Grok first and foremost points to US 'Military and Government Technology' as the likeliest explanation for the recent bruahahahaha
Long-term readers know that I’m quite skeptical of what is called ‘artificial intelligence’ or AI. My main beef here is that it’s reactive instead of intuitive, as AI’s is little more than an—admittedly super-fast—calculator.
Bear with me for a moment: consider the fact that what is available to the likes of you and me (proles, or hoi polloi) is little more than what is called a ‘large language model’ or LLM. It’s not much more than a glorified calculator for letters and words, for there is not an original thought coming out of these LLMs.
You see, these AI/LLM things make uncounted billions of calculations when you enter a word or sentence—to determine the most probable next word or clause. This is what I mean by them being reactive.
In your typical face-to-face conversation, humans are considering any input in light of their own believes, principles, experiences, etc. before offering a reply. AI/LLM does not, hence my consideration.
This isn’t to say that they are useless, for I think that the margin of error in everything we humans do renders AI/LLM eminently suitable to reduce the potential for ill consequences in, e.g., diagnostic endeavours (use an AI/LLM ‘second opinion’), data analyses (see below), or in the most obvious ways of breaking down long and convoluted texts.
As you may or may not remember, when that ‘AI’ hype commenced in 2023, I endeavoured to query ChatGPT and asked it to ‘describe fascism’ and ‘communism’, which was—wild: while the AI/LLM noted both have detrimental outcomes, ‘communism’ was sugar-coated by ChatGPT adding:
It is essential to distinguish between the theoretical concept of communism and its practical implementations in various countries.
Of course, ChatGPT offered no comparable reservations about ‘fascism’…please find out ‘more’ by clicking on the below link:
UFO/UAP According to Grok
For fun’s sake, I queried Elon Musk’s version of such an AI/LLM, which is called Grok, and asked it the following question: what is the most likely explanation for the UFO/UAP seen in the skies these days?
Here is Grok’s—relatively accurate—answer (emphases mine):
The most likely explanations for the UFOs/UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) seen in the skies these days revolve around a few common categories:
Military and Government Technology: There’s a significant portion of UAP sightings attributed to advanced military technologies, including drones, surveillance aircraft, or experimental crafts. These could belong to the U.S. or foreign governments, with capabilities that might not be publicly disclosed or fully understood. The Pentagon’s All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO [I didn’t know such an entity existed; link added for your convenience]) has reported that many sightings have been identified as drones, balloons, or clutter like birds and weather phenomena. However, some incidents involve objects with ‘unusual flight characteristics’, which remain unexplained but could potentially be advanced, secretive technology.
Misidentified Ordinary Objects: Many sightings can be explained by misidentified conventional objects such as weather balloons, commercial drones, satellites, or even natural phenomena like the movement of planets or stars, especially when viewed under certain atmospheric conditions. Reports from both military personnel and civilians have often been resolved as such upon further investigation [very redundant in light of the preceding paragraph; I honestly expect AI to be ‘better’ than that].
Sensor Errors or Misperception: Some incidents might be due to errors in radar or visual perception, where environmental factors or technical issues lead to the misidentification of known objects or the creation of false positives. This includes scenarios where sensor data might be spoofed or misread [another highly likely aspect].
Potential for Psyops or Psychological Operations: There is speculation on social media platforms that some UAP sightings could be part of psychological operations by governments to incite fear or confusion, possibly linked to broader strategic objectives. However, this remains a theory rather than a confirmed explanation [muahahahaha, because the US gov’t has never lied to anyone…].
Natural Phenomena: A less commonly discussed but scientifically plausible explanation includes natural atmospheric or plasma phenomena such as plasmoids, which could appear as lights or orbs in the sky, especially under conditions where the Earth’s magnetic field might be interacting strangely with the atmosphere [anyone up for the pole shift?].
While no evidence has been found to substantiate extraterrestrial origins for these sightings, the government, through reports and investigations, acknowledges that a small percentage of UAP sightings remain genuinely anomalous, warranting further study. The current understanding points towards a combination of these explanations rather than a single cause for all sightings, suggesting that while most can be explained by known phenomena or technology, there are still cases that require more investigation to understand fully.
For fun’s sake, I’m offering my non-genuine two cents here, too:
Commercial (and military) flights are still ongoing, which is highly unusual if the airspace around airports (and then some) would be under constant ‘assault’ by drones, weather balloons, or anything else. This fact alone should make anyone extra-wary about these UFO/UAP ‘sightings’ because airports are typically shut down for way, way less, yet now we are to accept air travel to be as close to ‘normal’ while all these things are hovering around?
This brings me to my second thought: many, if not all of these UFO/UAPs might actually be holograms and thus not real in the sense of actually existing objects. (Of course if that’d be the case, the many sensors, radars, etc. would have to be manipulated, hence I’m way less sure about this than the former notion.)
I suppose a combination of both aspects might be closer to reality than a simple either-or consideration. If you’d add to that the fact that most drones are made in China, the role of the US security apparatus frantically testing new gadgets (having observed the role of drones in Ukraine) is added to my list, which is also in line with Grok’s no. 1 reason.
Post Script
I also queried Grok to ‘define fascism’ and ‘communism’, and the really weird thing is that the former reads almost verbatim as the definition offered by ChatGPT 1.5 years ago.
As regards the latter, a slight improvement over ChatGPT can be seen:
In practice, countries like the Soviet Union, China, Cuba, and others have implemented versions of communism or socialism as transitional stages, with varying degrees of success, criticism, and deviation from original Marxist theory. These implementations often include state control over the economy and political life, which has led to debates about whether these states truly represent communism or if they are merely socialist states in transition.
Cirka 1990, central Sweden, the area around lake Siljan especially, experienced a Summer of UFO-sightings. It started out as initial sightings of "weird orange lights" moving across the sky, the lake, and so on with the usual stuff for these types of mass-hysteria.
After about two months the whole thing had abated, though the region still sticks out in the national average when it comes to UFO-reports.
(It is also the same area that experienced the greatest Witch-hysteria recorded in Sweden ever, several centuries ago and it took a concerted effort by the church and the Crown to put an end to it back then.)
The simplest explanation for the mass-sightings of "unexplained" drones is intensity/frequency of reporting, and the "Chinese whispers" do the rest; once the ball gets going, it's akin to an avalanche and must spend its energy before stopping. It need not be more sinister than a bunch of dudes starting to reporting "weird drones over New Jersey" and succeeding in getting the signal strong enough for it to become "true" to people.
Compare with George Floyd or Rodney King riots for the same phenomenon: signal strength plus willingness to believe plus biased interpretation of official responses plus need to defend your position as your personality and status has become tied-in; also compare Christian Drosten and the German Covid-response, and how he continue to act and speak even though the evidence for what fiasco it was is simply overwhelming.
When you can see an actual landed or crashed space-craft of obviously non-human origin, then is the time to believe it. While remembering that our beliefs don't make it real, they only make it feel that way: something I feel and fear Americans especially are very bad at remembering.
Regarding the definition of communism: this is just sophistry invented by Lenin because the existence of the USSR falsified Marx‘ theology of history. Marx used socialism and communism interchangeably but was adamant that a backward country like Russia had to first industrialise and thus develop an exploitative bourgeoisie and the complementary proletariat before the revolution would inevitably take place.
So far I find the various LLMs utterly useless for any subject matter which requires more than pat answers.