Cirka 1990, central Sweden, the area around lake Siljan especially, experienced a Summer of UFO-sightings. It started out as initial sightings of "weird orange lights" moving across the sky, the lake, and so on with the usual stuff for these types of mass-hysteria.

After about two months the whole thing had abated, though the region still sticks out in the national average when it comes to UFO-reports.

(It is also the same area that experienced the greatest Witch-hysteria recorded in Sweden ever, several centuries ago and it took a concerted effort by the church and the Crown to put an end to it back then.)

The simplest explanation for the mass-sightings of "unexplained" drones is intensity/frequency of reporting, and the "Chinese whispers" do the rest; once the ball gets going, it's akin to an avalanche and must spend its energy before stopping. It need not be more sinister than a bunch of dudes starting to reporting "weird drones over New Jersey" and succeeding in getting the signal strong enough for it to become "true" to people.

Compare with George Floyd or Rodney King riots for the same phenomenon: signal strength plus willingness to believe plus biased interpretation of official responses plus need to defend your position as your personality and status has become tied-in; also compare Christian Drosten and the German Covid-response, and how he continue to act and speak even though the evidence for what fiasco it was is simply overwhelming.

When you can see an actual landed or crashed space-craft of obviously non-human origin, then is the time to believe it. While remembering that our beliefs don't make it real, they only make it feel that way: something I feel and fear Americans especially are very bad at remembering.

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Hihi, all true, and I merely add one more thing for your consideration:

Just look at all the stuff that is now commercially available and ask yourself one simple question: would it be possible that 'the powers that be' have (much) improved versions thereof that are not disclosed?

Once you go for, dude, that's exactly the case, I suppose most of these 'phenomena' can be explained via Occam's Razor (and note that, much like the 'AI' hedging its bets by noting that a few of these may not be explained thus, I'm not ruling out these notions).

Finally, as to the propulsion/energy notions connected to this, if there would be 'super-odd' crafts (the 'orbs', for instance) by one or the other alphabet soup entity, there is simply no way their energy/propulsion system--irrespective of its nature--would not be disclosed and monetised at some point in the near future. The best comparison is cell phone communications, with 5G merely being the latest stuff the military/intel community has decided to throw to the public as they have long since moved on.

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Regarding the definition of communism: this is just sophistry invented by Lenin because the existence of the USSR falsified Marx‘ theology of history. Marx used socialism and communism interchangeably but was adamant that a backward country like Russia had to first industrialise and thus develop an exploitative bourgeoisie and the complementary proletariat before the revolution would inevitably take place.

So far I find the various LLMs utterly useless for any subject matter which requires more than pat answers.

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Well, Lenin knew Marxian 'theory' was wrong by 1905; in 1906-07, the German Social Democrats (thus, I'd submit) bade farewell to violent revolution and acceded to the 'bourgeois' parliamentary incrementalism at the Mannheim convention.

Lenin's key invention was the 'vanguard', i.e., a bourgeois/technocratic elite caste that would drag the proletariat along into the revolution. (As an aside, Mussolini's blackshirts were explicitly modelled on Bolshevik brutalos.)

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Per your Postscript: These States indeed do represent Communism, due to the fatal error of Karl Marx in holding that human nature is good but has been corrupted by the State, and if the State is changed a dictatorship is necessary for a time but will wither away as human nature improves. In fact the exact opposite is true, and human nature can and will corrupt any State, but Communism with its centralization of power is an easy target.

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Exactly, to say nothing about the fundamental flaw in mistaking occult dogma for economic-political theory…

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My experience is only with the early ChatGPT. It was making many factual errors which, after pointed out, the "AI" came back with something like apologizing for missing that fact. I then stopped actively interacting with AI since it was obviously not very "intelligent". I can only imagine what happens to mankind when a critical mass of people begins to ape only what AI serves them. At the moment I see AI mostly as another enslavement control tool.

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I never use it; my university has bought Microsoft's 'Copilot' (which I never use), and of course this BS is pushed by the powers that be, never mind that we're now discussing scrapping take-home exams--because students complain they are 'too easy to cheat'…

My best guess is all social media is a kind of 'dual use' thing: partial (auto-) surveillance and part 'AI' training (plus the obvious agit-prop benefits for mind-control).

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Hihi, basically, I consider 'AI' a glorified Wikipedia shaker, and that's all it is (plus a massive grift).

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I look at all this ufo/uap stuff as a distraction. Rikards comments about signal strength etc is spot on. But I would add to this that the signals & amplification are probably manipulated by the authorities.

Off on a tangent, as i often do, MKUltra is continuing to this day and all the alien drama that is drip fed to us plebs is part of the mind control operation (experiment?)

Also we can only speculate on the tech that governments have. If we look at the tech available to the average person, it's not much of a jump to think that government tech is way more advanced.

I'm thinking less about the easily viewed tech such as the drones we can see, and more about the nano tech/bots. Drones small enough to fly through door lock & air vents is no doubt in development already.

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Exactly my reading: it's a huge distraction, esp. as none of this 'mania' has made it to European legacy media. I spoke to a friend of mine the other day (he's an engineer and typically very well-informed) and he had absolutely no idea…

Mind-control efforts are also ongoing, and I'm all enough to remember the 'X Files' with one of its core storylines being that 'the gov't' wishes to micro-chip all humans: guess what--no need to do so, for now everybody carries a 'SMART' phone with him or her all the time revealing *way* more (and then some) than a tracking device ever would, to say nothing about the internet, which I think is a gigantic, partially off-track op (I say partially because it has benefits for dissenters, flows of information, etc., but I doubt this was the intention behind this originally military-grade network). And then there are the wear- and connect-able things, such as wireless earphones, fridges, laundry machines, etc., to say nothing about modern cars…

The question, thus, that arises is this: what do the powers that be wish to distract us from?

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I'm not so sure about the microchipping of humans... that's musk's role in trumps team, neuralink is ramping up production & further development. The problem with our mobile devices is they can be left at home. But I do agree, these digital tethers are going to become our controllers and access to everything in the very near future.

Regarding the distraction.... there is so much. Bidens desire to drag us in to ww3, his pardoning all & sundry, trumps plans (which scares the crap out of me). The immigration influx (USA).

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I suppose that the immigrant invasion is a distraction; my money would be on the cover-up of the massive transfer of wealth from the bottom to the few at the top. If that also involves WW3 (or worse), I doubt the wannabe overlords would mind even hundreds of millions of dead (of us) either.

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Bread & circuses 😉

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