To call the covid jabs a crime against humanity doesn’t begin to capture the gravity of the crime.

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The sad thing is--there's still so many of pretend (?) that all of this was somehow o.k., even after all the 'disclosures'.

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This is so infuriating. I also cannot believe that they're STILL demanding that **** in 2024. On a second thought, I cannot believe that I cannot believe it: have I learned nothing?? Yes, these people really will sink that low. They really will.

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They already sank that low before Covid. The 'Pandemic™' merely provided them an outlet.

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The whole thing stunk from the start. None of their data regarding risk of death (99.9% survival rate or whatever) or age of those who died ‘of/with’ Corona (83 years old) made any sense with regards to the stringent measures they imposed. I spent months trying to reconcile this. You then have to come to the conclusion it’s malicious.

As regards to why I didn’t take it? I would love to say I was blessed with unique insight but alas my aunt was one of the first groups to be vaxxed and she succumbed to a heart attack a few hours after her second dose of Moderna which the authorities promptly ignored and cremated her before an autopsy could be performed (convenient for them I guess).

As tragic as that was it did make people back off in regards to my decision not to take it. You can’t really argue with sudden death and I only had one ‘friend’ who claimed her heart attack could have been caused by ‘anything’.

So my excuse was iron cast (funny how you have to justify your personal decisions in clown world nowadays) but it didn’t stop them from relegating me to second class citizen. What hurt most was no one in my circle (or wider society) stopping to think this was somehow wrong? It’s just been memory holed like everything else.

I spend more time alone these days as I know when the shit hits the fan again I’ll be promptly be thrown under the bus.

Oh yeah a final note I did finally get Corona after test number 75 or so (thanks 3G system). It was a 3 day headache and I wouldn’t have known unless I hadn’t decided to go to a pub on my day off work and needed a QR code to enter. So whatever I had you didn’t need a ‘vaccine’ for.

Strangely enough while I was quarantined an old friend (and healthiest person I knew) dropped dead at 47of a massive heart attack warming up on the basketball court during his lunchtime break from work. I couldn’t fly back for his funeral and even that wasn’t enough to wake any of my friends up. Healthy people just die of nothing these days it seems…

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This is all so horrible. I am so sorry. And 75 tests omg. I never tested. I refused. I feel so bad for people who were caught in that terrible situation. Thank you for sharing your testimony.

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No worries it could have been worse. They set a deadline that testing for access to public life was to cease. But then the Ukrainian invasion happened and it all ended overnight. Funny that… I was preparing myself for the fact that my second class status was going to be more or less permanent. There was no end in sight. Had that invasion not happened I’m not sure where we would be at right now. I just keep wondering what’s next? WW3, grid shutdown, Internet outage, more fake virus bullshit?

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I'm at a point where I wouldn't (even, lol) rule out a fake 'alien invasion' to bring about 'global unity' akin to the Emmerich movie 'Independence Day'.

A 'real' shooting war against, e.g., Russia, China, or 'even' Iran, I'd think, is way too risky.

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Personally I think they are pivoting to false flag and then war. I have been watching military spending and there are a lot of unusual purchases.

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Let's hope you're wrong. :-( Though Judge Napolitano's ex-CIA guy (what's his name?) has suggested that something similar was a real possibility. And Gilbert Doctorow seems to think we're headed for WW3.

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I definitely hope I am wrong. I don't know the people you are referencing but there are multiple lines of evidence suggesting a very large multi-polar war in the near future (probably accompanied by deliberate grid down scenario etc).

If it makes you feel any better, I live in a large city and I don't care. I am not afraid and I am not going anywhere. There is no where to run.

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Yeah, I'm not going anywhere either unless they forcefully evacuate me. What's the point? If this grows into WW3, no part of Europe will be "safe" anyway.

Judge Napolitano has a popular YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/@judgingfreedom/streams). He has some good guests on there. The ex-CIA guy (I just looked up his name: Ray McGovern) is one of them. Gilbert Doctorow is another. Plus John Mearsheimer, Scott Ritter, etc.

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I kinda wonder how much of it was demand destruction. Barring a subsegment of the population from participating in the formal economy will certainly have that effect. Which makes me wonder what they're going to do next. Could be anything, really. It doesn't need to be medical in any way. Loyalty oaths of various kinds might do it. Or who knows what else.

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google 'bonhoeffer on stupidity ' on the why...

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I got offered the jab of course, everyone was. I rang up my doctor and had a chat, since the norwegians had been sounding the alarm on the Astra-Zeneca version leading to aneurysms, clotting, bleeding and such.

(I'm still suspicious about that - why the great big alarum about a jab from a corporation without ties into the US/EU blob, but none about Pfizer, hm?)

Doctor asks, why the questions? Because part of my family has a history of clotting, even at an early age, and if I have a higher-than-average probability of such for genetic reasons and the jab further increases this probability, then maybe Covid is the lesser danger given my overall health being ruddy good.

Good thinking, the doctor says, and that was that.

I mention this because if we are to bring doctors around to being on the side of the patient, and of medical science and good practice and having a professional integrity - we need positive examples.

Also, a lot often hinges on /how/ you phrase your doubts. The Machine always detests and tries to crush grandstanding, but it is virtually helpless to what it perceives as deferential-in-tone asking for advice-style of manipulation. That goes for its organic extensions, aka civil servants too.

I'll never regret boning up on sales-techniques when I was young.

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I actually never talked to a doctor about taking that crap; over here in Norway, it was all done in pop-up jabbing centres, and virtually everyone I spoke to was excited to 'beat Covid'.

Well, when I, being in my early 40s and thus right in the middle of the age distribution (and hence virtually the last cohort to offered the poison jab) 'finally' received my 'your vaccination appointment is on………' text message, I was neither in the country nor would I have gone. It was late June 2021.

As to your point about grandstanding: I think you're correct insofar as 'the machine' doesn't detest this or that; the people you're interacting with get almost 'shocked' that you're willing to show free will, initiative, and stand up for something. Out of this cognitive shock emerges this visceral hatred because your mere presence functions like holding up a mirror to them, and they don't like what they see (their reflection), hence the projection of anger at--you.

I think it was Jordan Peterson who said that most people during 'the Pandemic™' actually enjoyed ratting out their family members and neighbours; he also likened it to Hitler Germany, adding that most people apparently behaved like any mob at any time

My beef here isn't, actually, that doing so renders Nazi Germany less 'special' (you know I occasionally write about this trope) but the simple fact is: before 1 Sept. 1939, if you were a German, that man's politics worked for the overwhelming majority of Germans. The difference to the present 'democratic™' system of order couldn't be bigger.

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A thought,from experience: that visceral reaction can be turned into anger at the liars-in-charge. In a group, it is difficult but not impossible (barring violent reactions) but one-on-one it is easier as the peer pressure control mechanisms aren't present.

I don't know if Peterson addresses that in any of his talks, how to counter that effect.

I'm just been saying "I don't mind if you want X, but I don't and it's my body/house/land/whatever. Shouldn't I have last say if it's mine?"

Since that is most often met with (fallacious/specious) rattling off of regime-media facts, it is easy to counter if one has looked into the issue. F.e. as I did: mentioning or even showing the VAERS numbers of side effects.

"This is all the reported side effects of all vaccines for 30 years, notice how few they are? And this bar here is for Covid. Notice that Covid injections caused more side effects and more deaths than all the other injections put together, but in 1 year instead of 30."

From there, it is just a short hop and skip to Neurosedyn, Sulfapral, birth control pills, asbestos, PFAS, flame retardants, PVC, and so on - all being declared fine by Experts(tm), then found out to be extremely bad for us.

By that point, the angry person confronting you will have lost the ear of the group, especially if they are 50+, since they remember those things - and winning the group is the point; the angry one will switch sides or at least relent.

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Very fair points; as to your question re Peterson--not that I can remember; he kinda reverts to faith-based conversion (as in AA) about as many times as I care to listen to him.

As to the 'turning' of people: that is something I also do, with rather comparable results. Problem is, it doesn't work on 'younger' people, which is quite problematic.

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This is so sad. Well done to the oncologist of your father-in-law. Sorry about your mother-in-law.

Here in Western Australia, it was not possible to visit people in the hospital unless jabbed, and at the height of it, even if you were jabbed and 'recently positive.' The premier of our state who was one of the worst jackboots in the world - his highly vaccinated son got 'covid' and went to the hospital on the Friday, but neither he nor his wife could visit...all the mandates were dropped the following Monday for the entire state.

They do not give a flying fuck unless it affects them.

I have a friend who works at the hospital where his son was admitted. They all agreed, including security, that if the premier or his wife tried to show up and sneak in they would crash tackle him and use force to prevent him from entering the hospital. That is how much he is hated and how much misery he caused here.

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Yes, my father-in-law dodged a major bullet; turns out, though, at 80+, he's as fit and agile as can be while virtually all around them, people who are 15-20 years younger keep dying suddenly, many of cardiovascular problems, albeit with few, if any, of them having a pre-history of issues.

As to your PM, well, in Austria it's election season (general election in two weeks), and they all pretend that nothing really happened, all was well, and there's nothing to see here. (Except for the Freedom Party and a small, still-sane-but-still-Green party which may or may not pass the 4% threshold).

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I have an older person in my family who is not vaccinated and he is incredibly fit - in much better shape than me for sure. Last summer he was shovelling sand in 42C all day and perfectly fine. Imagine if he were vaccinated.

As to politics(tm) an interesting development in Australia. There have been some vigorous anti-war protests outside a military tech conference in Melbourne. These people are hard-left and it was organised by the Greens, who were all in on the shots and covid response.

I do not think these useful idiots will ever understand that they literally injected themselves with military technology, and the covid response was a military operation. Slap a white coat on someone and call it 'health' and the left(tm) just goes along with it.

My greatest wish is that these vigorous anti-military protestors will understand what really happened during covid. They will turn on their masters.

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I don't think these useless idiots will turn on their masters; I think they'll just move on to the next thing to virtue-signal about: like they did by pivoting from heckling 'Covid deniers' to 'Putin fanboys' to 'trans haters' to…whatever.

I also think a lot of them are mentally unwell, because they can't see the splinters in their own eyes; I'll just give you one example from personal experience--when I 'caught' Covid: I 'tested positive™'--one of my (highly jabbed, queue-jumping) brothers asked me if I would get vaccinated after 'recovery'. I, of course, denied this because (you know why). He then came at me pointing to the vaxx mandate (it was late January 2022 in Austria), to which I replied 'my body, my choice', which 'triggered' him to object comparing 'vaccine-induced protection™' to abortion. We still talk, but I'm kinda unhappy I didn't retort that I consider abortion legalised/normalised murder.

As to the trans™ thing, I've also been called a 'Nazi' because I insisted my brother cited any studies about possible benefits of 'transitioning' (there are none).

It's all so incredibly sad, but I doubt these useless idiots will turn on their masters. The latter will make up some new 'issue™' and make them attack in the same direction but for a different enough 'reason™'.

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Yes, I agree, although if you would have told me Gen Z would be so anti-Zionism 20 years ago I would have never believed it. But as you say: they just have new masters. We just have to wind them up and point them in the right direction lol. Imagine if we could get them to see "vaccines bad!"

But then, these are also the people who say "queers for Palestine" which is a head-scratcher and proves your point. It's all so clowny.

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It is, exactly, the way you say it is. Clown world, just before a big bang changes everything, and, no, it won't matter if WW3 or the like is brought about intentional, as a reaction, or by accident.

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Yes - I was just having this conversation the other day. Kinetic WW3 could EASILY start because someone accidentally presses a button in response to a rogue missile or computer glitch. Then, everyone loses control and NORAD commad centre lights up like a Christmas tree.

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I gave in to pressure briefly in spring 2021 and went to get injected, but for reasons I don’t want to go into even under the pseudonym it didn’t happen at that time, and that was the only time I weakened.

Then, around September 2021, the mandates were kicking in and the first really bad news about the goo (that I was aware of) started coming in. Think about the fact that those two things happened simultaneously: after having been proved a failure by the standards of normal vaccines almost immediately in early 2021, they were now proving dangerous at the same time they were becoming required. Fucked up a little, maybe?

Fortunately nobody was in a position to really turn the screws to coerce me, but the one person who could make my life materially worse for not getting the shots did just that.

These are the days of miracles and wonders.

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Good for you.

Over here in Norway, authorities insisted 'all vaccination is voluntary', and since I'm 'middle-aged', I was offered the poison juice only in late June 2021, i.e., after I had seen more than enough to rather decline this offer.

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Oh my God you dodged a major bullet.

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Its an F-ing flu at most.

To treat people this way-to call them unclean-to bar them from homes,workplaces and keep them out in parking lots is crazy.The perpetrators are the ones with deep behavioral pathologies.

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At least in my family's case, it was even less than a cold.

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Years ago when I wanted to get the shingles shot, my doctor said, Wait! You NEVER get a vaccine when it first comes out.

Enough said.

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And that one was 'properly authorised™', isn't it?

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Ein herzliches Dankeschön sowohl an Epimetheus als auch an Frau Münz, all diese furchtbaren Geschehnisse für die Zeitgeschichte zu konservieren

My sincere thanks to both Epimetheus and Mrs Münz for preserving all these terrible events for contemporary history.

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I'm merely the messenger here, so, all kudos should go to Ms. Münz.

And, more importantly, there's so much blame, I suspect there's enough for virtually everyone.

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The thing that I keep coming back to is that most of this is simply about control. "I am the boss, and what are you going to do about it?" The people doing this are not so much the established elites, but the peri-elites. Yes, I made up that term. ;-) They're not the super-wealthy or anything like that. Just the relatively high-status people (journalists, life science PhD's, etc.) who are being squeezed and who can sense that their socio-economic position is shaky and that they could lose it all in an instant. The corona event was a way for them to reestablish control, which they did masterfully for a bit, but the problem (for them) is that they've significantly increased the share of the population that absolutely loathes them. ("If those people tell you that water is wet, go check!") The other thing I keep coming back to is how much this resembles late stage communism. Not Stalinism or anything like that. No. Late stage communism, when the end was nigh. Their end is nigh, too, as they keep burning one room after another (telling themselves it's all under control, and the fire cannot possibly spread to the important rooms) in order to demonstrate that they're still in charge. Sadly, there is no guarantee that things won't get even worse when the whole house ends up burning down.

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An idea I've been toying with for about a decade now is this:

We humans need something to hate, to other and ostracise. It is normal to us to do so, in part to keep groups together, in part to let out aggressions in a societally acceptable or even lauded manner. It's simply the way we are.

But since 1945, every westerner has been conditioned to think "Hate equals evil", for rather obvious reasons. Well, what if this conditioning simply causes a build-up of emotions that most are unable to process correctly since the outlet has been removed?

Enter Covid. Enter Trump. Enter "climate deniers". Enter racists, fascists and nazis (the media definition). Enter Putinists.

The system of society itself found outlets that were narratively acceptable to hate, publicly (because emotions must be displayed before at least one other human to be expressed/processed), and here we are now: hate has become normal, but there's no cultural framework limiting its expression, or linking it to anything real.

(I use "hate" as a catch-all term here for all the "negative" emotions.)

Therefore, defending pedophile groomers dressing up as women and fondling children in public is lauded, while saying "Ireland for the irish" is a hate-crime, and the one saying it not only may be hated, but you're almost obligated to publicly partake in the hate-ritual against those who are narratively wrong.

Something like that. It's a bit difficult to convey on english, since I thought it up in swedish.

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It looks like there's a maximum 'Dunbar's number' and once a human society expands beyond this number, all the good things, empathy, and altruism humans are clearly capable of shift into reverse.

Or this entire crap is about trauma-bonding used to forge our mass societies into something new, like, a global one world order or the like.

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Oh, my dear academic and journo colleagues: don't overthink their actions (although I think you're correct).

For them, it's all about having been in a position to 'splain things' to the hoi polloi before Covid; but since the WHO declared this 'Pandemic™, these same 'peri-elites' (good term; historians call them 'subalterns'), their innate feelings of superiority ('I hold a PhD, trust me') have been weaponised by the addition of virtue-signalling--now these same people can also feel extra-smug about them 'knowing better' but also 'doing better'.

I don't think your late-stage communism analogy is correct, esp. since our economic life is similarly centrally planned (although not to the same degree mismanaged--yet), albeit by a cartel run ostensibly by sycophantic creeps in the pay of High Finance. We call them 'central bankers'.

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Peripheral elites ?

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Something like that. People who are not quite elite, but form the layer around the elite. Or, when in doubt, let the dictionary tell you:


in American English

(ˈpɛrə; ˈpɛri)

1. around, about, surrounding, enclosing

periscope, perichondrium

2. near



Alternatively, use our host's term (he's a historian, so he would know): subalterns. It's one of those words I'd heard, but never really knew the meaning of, so I made up a word that apparently means the same thing.

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google " bonhoeffer on stupidity " ....

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Me: we don't understand what 5G is, but the radio signal can interrupt the life of a body and kill it, without the person whose body it is. knows they are vulnerable to the 5G beam, because their body has evolvwed a disease which kills them, like for example a turbo cancer, which some people would be automatically susceptible to - and other won't.

So 3G was transmitted a few months before I became a Type 2 Diabetic and now that 3G has been switched off, with 4G, my Diabetes is self curing itself, in conclusion, if I had submitted to Pfizer or Moderna Covid vaccination, that 5G transmission would have killed me, probably with a turbo cancer.

That is the facts of the matter

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I'm with you on the EMF radiation problem, no doubt this is going to get worse.

Then again, this is all so normalised: people 'nuke' their 'food' using microwave ovens and many prefer to drive EVs, which are a bit like microwave ovens for humans.

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