Aug 20Liked by epimetheus

I guess it ties in with what Katherine Watt uncovered… the Covid response was essentially ran by the U.S. DOD. It’s essentially a giant military operation and they’ve changed the laws over the past 50 years so that they’re essentially untouchable. I’m not sure they can generate the same hysteria around Mon(k)eypox as they did around Covid but I’m sure they’ll try. I know I was sceptical about the 5G thing and the connection with Graphene Oxide. That it’s essentially a way of flicking a switch and making everyone sick. But at this point I disregard nothing (no matter how outlandish it sounds) but it’s one way of driving fear. The problem is the information sphere is so flooded (intentionally so I believe) that it’s almost impossible to discern any truth. So to quote one of my favourite films… ‘Stay frosty (and alert)’.

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Well, what else could I add here? There's literally a ton of things I would have dismissed as 'totally outlandish' until a few years ago…no longer.

The one thing that kinda bugs me here is--it's quite…'easy' to see through these machinations, esp. since they're 'occurring' so quickly after the (mostly fake, I think) 'drama™' about the revisions to the IHR and the so-called 'Pandemic Treaty™': you'd think that they'd be a bit more, well, circumspect in their doings?

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Aug 20Liked by epimetheus

Given the apparent usual symptoms of whatever they're marketing as mpox (monkeys election season pox), you'd think it would be much easier to generate hysteria than with covid because the symptomology is much more visual (and engaging for a western audience), the CFR is higher, and also the situation is different than pre 2020, now a large part of the population has been injected with DNA altering neuroweapons, with potential neuromodulation capabilities (that seems to be one of their goals).

With covid they managed to impose tyranny worldwide out of thin (virus-free) air, so if they up their game this time, who knows what could happen. I think they'll just use this non-emergency to create moderate chaos and steal the US election somehow.

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Wolfgang Wodarg, MD, a former member of 'the European Parliament™' who, correctly, called out the Swine Flu scam 15 years ago, took to Twitter or X the other day and said the mpox symptoms look like Herpes zoster running amok, but we really don't know what underlying condition or pathogen the images shown by 'the Experts™' relate to.

Moreover, much like the sentiment you're expressing, I think there's a lot that could happen between now and November, incl. an economic downturn: remember Lehmann Brothers in 2008? Without that 'drama', whether staged and/or played up by legacy media (I think it was both, and then some), it's hard to see Barack Obama 'winning'.

At this point, it's quite clear, I'd argue, that if we're seeing an economic crisis™ in, say, late September of this year, that Wall Street has decided to discard the Democrats in favour of something else.

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Aug 21Liked by epimetheus

The moneybox virus could also be used to mask illnesses and deaths resulting from the covid jabs. How very convenient!

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Thou shalt not speak of such 'coincidences', eh? It's a possibility.

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Aug 20Liked by epimetheus

No problem. I’m not sure how bipartisan this is, at this point I get the sense that much of the US federal bureaucracy is on autopilot, with many agencies continuing and enhancing existing programs and making up new ones to justify their existence (and running the government with continuing resolutions instead of a real budget is making things much worse).

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Fair enough, although I'm wary of any political connotations, I'd merely add that 'the Deep State™' (whatever that means) is, fundamentally, a-political, with 'politics' being the side show attraction for us.

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Aug 20Liked by epimetheus

“most prominently, I think, one Ron Brown, a former US Secretary of Commerce and, according to Wikipedia, the current chair of the Democratic National Committee—are listed in the ‘notable people and alumni’ segment at Wikipedia.”

I may be missing something, but I’m pretty sure that Ron Brown (former Secretary of Commerce and FORMER head of the DNC) died in a plane crash in 1996….. back in the Clinton administration.

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Ha, thanks for noting this--I'm too young (and ignorant of US politics) to have known this. I suppose my point was that this is as bipartisan an effort as it is pervasive.

Thanks, once more, for pointing this out; I shall update this accordingly.

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