The Monkeypox Grift is Coordinated out of DC by the Shady 'Alliance for Biosecurity'
Squire Patton Boggs, the world's largest legal/lobbying firm is running the 'secretariat' for the little-known DC outfit that's coordinating the MPox scam
A little bit after I posted my first instalment of the Monkeypox Puzzle yesterday,
added another crucial piece of information: pointing to the original 2022 declaration of a ‘public health emergency of international concern’, or ‘PHEIC™’, Malone added that it was about to expire—today.This, in turn, I would argue, is why, as I suggested at some length, the WHO knowingly conflates ‘cases’ (whatever that means) of MPox stemming from ‘clade I’ and ‘clade II’.
By way of comparison, this would be akin to considering the original ‘wild-type’, or ‘Wuhan strain’ of Sars-Cov-2 with the current alphabet soup.
To continue the shenanigans begun two years ago, the illusion of an uninterrupted, continuous ‘PHEIC™’ must be kept up at any cost. For WHO, its billionaire donors—here’s looking at both state (e.g., Germany, the EU) and non-state actors (e.g., Bill Gates, his foundation, etc.)—and Big Pharma, there’s way too much at stake; in fact, it’s everything they strove for since at least the 1990s, if not since the WHO’s founding in 1948: global domination.
Today, we’ll revisit the crucial stepping stones of the past few years, though, to consider the ‘proximate origins’ of the current Monkeypox fad, courtesy of fellow humanities scholar and independent journalist Martina Binnig.
As always, translation and emphases mine.
A Small Monkeypox Puzzle
By Martina Binnig,, 16 Aug. 2024 [source]
For all those who like to do puzzles, here are a few puzzle pieces on the subject of ‘monkeypox’. You can put them together yourself. Have fun doing the puzzle!
Puzzle piece 1: In March 2021, a tabletop exercise on the topic of ‘monkeypox’ took place as part of the Munich Security Conference. Participants included Jeremy Farrar, then Director of the Wellcome Trust and, since the second quarter of 2023, Chief Scientist at the World Health Organisation (WHO). The exercise is sponsored by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, among others. In the scenario of the exercise, an outbreak of monkeypox is set for 15 May 2022.
Puzzle piece 2: From 18 May 2022, more and more cases of monkeypox are actually reported. Especially in Europe. On 23 July 2022, the WHO declares the outbreak a public health emergency of international concern. On 11 May 2023, the international health emergency is lifted again.
Puzzle piece 3: On 28 November 2022, the WHO announces that ‘monkeypox’ will henceforth be called ‘Mpox’ (as a synonym for ‘monkeypox’). This surely sounds more serious. [that might also have to do with the premeditated conflation of both kinds of MPox: see, two different names, two different ‘PHEIC™’]
Puzzle piece 4: On 18 September 2023, BioNTech publishes a press release on its ‘strategic partnership’ with the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI for short). Behind CEPI stands an alliance of the WHO, the EU Commission, individual governments, research institutions, pharmaceutical companies, foundations and private donors, which was initiated in Davos in January 2016. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is also significantly involved. CEPI has set itself the goal of developing vaccines within 100 days. This mission is supported by the G7, the G20 and leading industry representatives. The partnership between BioNTech and CEPI is expected to contribute to the development of an mRNA-based Mpox vaccine, among other things.
Puzzle piece 5: On 23 October 2023, the EU Health Emergency Response Authority (HERA) signs a contract with the pharmaceutical company Meridian Medical Technologies for the provision of drugs against monkeypox, smallpox, and cowpox. [Meridian, the manufacturer of the EpiPen™', in turn, is owned by Kindeva Group, ‘a global force in combination drug delivery and manufacturing’ that owns ‘10 R&D and manufacturing facilities’, all of which are located in the US and the UK (go figure); long a self-declared global leader for ‘sterile injectable, pulmonary, nasal, transdermal, and intradermal finished dose [delivery]’, their biggest thing right now, it seems, is their quest to ‘eliminate the syringe’ and go for ‘ıntradermal and inhaled/nasal systems’, thereby, presumably, doing their share to reduce ‘vaccine hesitancy’, nevermind informed consent or bodily autonomy].
Puzzle piece 6: On 29 May 2024, BioNTech and CEPI announced that they are expanding their partnership to strengthen ‘the African ecosystem for mRNA vaccines’, for example with vaccines against Mpox.
Puzzle piece 7: On 5 August 2024, BioNTech published its results for the second quarter of 2024, showing revenue of EUR 316.3 million for the six months to 30 June 2024, compared to EUR 1,444.7 million in the same period of the previous year. The net losses amounted to EUR 1,122.9 million as of 30 June 2024, compared to a loss of EUR 311.8 million in the same period of the previous year. Although the company suffered heavy losses in the first half of 2024, BioNTech expects total revenues of EUR 2.5 to 3.1 billion for the 2024 financial year [which, if history is any guide, can be accomplished by governments mandating certain medicinal (sic) products because there’s no better customer than a captive audience].
A Good Day for Big Pharma
Puzzle piece 8: On 8 August 2024, the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, which incidentally also likes to take part in simulation games, announced in its newsletter that the WHO is convening a panel of experts[™] to determine whether the spreading Mpox outbreaks in Africa constitute a global health emergency. On the same day, the disease control organisation responsible for Africa, the Africa CDC, sounds the alarm: a new variant of the Mpox virus is spreading rapidly in Central Africa.
In the first seven months of this year, there were 14,250 confirmed cases in Central Africa, which is 160% more than in the same period last year.
Thus spake Jean Kaseya, Director General of the Africa CDC, at a press conference [again, note the conflation of all kinds of ‘cases’ and, once more, the cumulative nature of this tally].
Puzzle piece 9: Surprise! On 14 August 2024, the WHO declares the Mpox outbreak a ‘public health emergency of international concern’ (or ‘PHEIC’ in short; it’s pronounced like ‘fake’). The WHO website states:
WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has determined that the upsurge of mpox in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and a growing number of countries in Africa constitutes a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC) under the International Health Regulations (2005).
Note that Tedros’ declaration was made on the advice of ‘an IHR emergency committee of independent experts’.
The Director-General will now make preliminary recommendations to countries based on the findings of this committee. Committee Chair Professor Dimie Ogoina said:
The current upsurge of mpox in parts of Africa, along with the spread of a new sexually transmissible strain of the monkeypox virus, is an emergency, not only for Africa, but for the entire globe. Mpox, originating in Africa, was neglected there, and later caused a global outbreak in 2022. It is time to act decisively to prevent history from repeating itself.
Tedros had already initiated the procedure for the emergency authorisation of mpox vaccines last week [surprise], which would speed up access to vaccines. This emergency authorisation also enables partners such as Gavi [hi, Mr. Bill] and UNICEF [ain’t their kind of game, but schoolkids are very impressionable and parental rights are under assault everywhere] to procure and distribute [add: ‘experimental’] vaccines. WHO anticipates an immediate funding requirement of 15 million US dollars to support the measures. In order to enable an immediate increase in funding, the WHO has released 1.45 million US dollars from the WHO Emergency Fund and is appealing to donors to finance the entire requirements for the fight against Mpox [how and what do we call a public-private partnership that is removed from national or international law?].
Puzzle piece 10: Also on 14 August, the EU Commission announced that the bloc’s Health Emergency Response Authority (HERA) will procure and donate 175,420 doses of the MVA-BN® vaccine from the Danish company Bavarian Nordic [let the grift commence] as an immediate response to the monkeypox (Mpox) outbreak in Africa. In addition, the pharmaceutical company itself will donate 40,000 doses to HERA. MVA-BN or Modified Vaccinia Ankara-Bavarian Nordic is the only Mpox vaccine authorised by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) (and marketed as Imvanex®). HERA has been working with Bavarian Nordic since the Mpox outbreak in 2022 [another one of these little surprises, I suppose]. Currently, only two African countries have granted emergency use authorisation for the MVA-BN vaccine. But last week, the WHO asked Bavarian Nordic to submit an Expression of Interest for the Emergency Use List (EUL) of the vaccine. This could accelerate access for African countries that do not yet have national regulatory approvals. In addition, HERA is working with the Africa CDC to improve Mpox diagnostics and sequencing in the region [because Africans desperately need testing, surveillance, and vaccine stuff, instead of, well, other things, such as plumbing and water treatment, clean drinking water, or less exploitation by Western multinationals (here’s looking at mining in the DRC, for instance)]. A grant of 3.5 million euros is planned for early autumn [it’s early days, this amount will surely mushroom]. Africa CDC has called on the international community to support them in mobilising 2 million vaccines. So it’s a good day. For pharmaceutical companies like Bavarian Nordic and BioNTech.
Bottom Lines: the Alliance for Biosecurity
I personally like Ms. Binnig’s accounting of the chronology that led us to this particular point in time. I have taken the liberty to add bits and pieces throughout, but I wish to add one more, bigger issue here:
All the named pharma companies—Bavarian Nordic, Meridian Medical Tech, and the Kindeva Group—are, according to Meridian Medical Tech’s Wikipedia entry, members of a yet another, particular outfit:
Meridian is a member of the Alliance for Biosecurity,[7] which is a group of companies that work towards preventing and treating severe infectious diseases, especially those that present global security challenges.[8]
For once, I’ve elected to keep the references here to ensure maximum transparency. If you would follow that link to the Orwellian-named ‘Alliance for Biosecurity’, here’s their membership as listed on Wikipedia:
Apart from Bavarian Nordic and Meridian Medical Tech (note the ‘/Pfizer’ addition), I’ve highlighted Emergent BioSolutions, that notorious J&J and AstraZeneca jab-producing company with ‘manufacturing problems’. Try these kinds of major problems—incl. producing stuff that permanently injures and/or kills people—as a small and medium-sized business to find out if your company also has what, back in the USSR, used to be known as protekcija.
Of course, the aptly-named ‘Alliance for BS’ (my term) also has its own website (which is extra-awesome), which offers this wonderful definition of a new kind of fascism for the 21st century (it’s their mission statement):
Biosecurity intertwines with numerous government agencies in often opaque processes. The Alliance navigates these complex areas on behalf of all its members—biopharmaceutical companies as well as laboratory and academic partners.
Of course, the ‘Alliance for BS’ has hired a high-powered international law firm, Squire Patton Boggs, to serve as its ‘secretariat’. With its HQ located in Washington, DC, it is, according to Wikipedia, ‘one of the largest law firms in the world by total headcount and gross revenue, twelfth largest firm in the UK by revenue, and one of the top 12 by number of countries occupied’.
Moreover, ‘Squire Patton Boggs’ is currently among the largest lobbying firms in the world’, as the same Wikipedia entry also holds. Call me surprised (not).
Other than Big Pharma, their clients include luminaries, such as…well, I’ll let Wikipedia do the ‘splainin’:
The company has lobbied on behalf of the Saudis and continues to do so even after it was speculated that their client Prince Mohammed bin Salman had ordered the 2018 murder of a Saudi-born Washington Post journalist named Jamal Khashoggi for criticizing the absolute monarchy.
Interestingly, John Boehner, a former Speaker of the House, Trent Lott (a former US Senator), and a large number of other US politicos—most prominently, I think, one Ron Brown, a former US Secretary of Commerce and, according to Wikipedia, the current [UPDATED: the reader by the name ‘mark’ pointed to Mr. Brown’s position being a former] chair of the Democratic National Committee—are listed in the ‘notable people and alumni’ segment at Wikipedia.
To summarise: all the players involved in the MPox shenanigans are con-nected via the ‘Alliance for Biosecurity’, a somewhat shady umbrella organisation headquartered in Washington, DC, whose ‘secretariat’ is run by one of the leading legal/lobbying firms, Squire Patton Boggs, whose clients, among others, include the more nefarious rulers of this planet.
And now WHO, CEPI, GAVI, and the other UN agencies—UNESCO (!!) is named explicitly—as well as the EU, Big Pharma, and virtually every other disgusting corporate actor, too, are saying, once more, ‘trust us’ and ‘follow the Science™’.
Buyer beware.
I guess it ties in with what Katherine Watt uncovered… the Covid response was essentially ran by the U.S. DOD. It’s essentially a giant military operation and they’ve changed the laws over the past 50 years so that they’re essentially untouchable. I’m not sure they can generate the same hysteria around Mon(k)eypox as they did around Covid but I’m sure they’ll try. I know I was sceptical about the 5G thing and the connection with Graphene Oxide. That it’s essentially a way of flicking a switch and making everyone sick. But at this point I disregard nothing (no matter how outlandish it sounds) but it’s one way of driving fear. The problem is the information sphere is so flooded (intentionally so I believe) that it’s almost impossible to discern any truth. So to quote one of my favourite films… ‘Stay frosty (and alert)’.
No problem. I’m not sure how bipartisan this is, at this point I get the sense that much of the US federal bureaucracy is on autopilot, with many agencies continuing and enhancing existing programs and making up new ones to justify their existence (and running the government with continuing resolutions instead of a real budget is making things much worse).