The Madness of Frauds, Summer 2024 Edition
Believe it or not, 'the Experts™' are baaaaaaack prognosticating hundreds of 'heat deaths'--that is, if you wish to believe the modellers who so brilliantly 'helped' us during Covid
In many ways, the below is a continuation of the BS offered to us last summer:
Believe it or not, but reality is a strange thing: last year, we’ve been told about the hottest summer in 125K years (which was quite a psy-op), and which I’ve documented in two postings last year:
Today, we’ll explore the decline of ‘the Science™’ further, again making reference to Central European depravities. Recently, we looked at academic ‘Virology™’ (see here), today we’ll check out ‘the Experts™’ who’re doing modelling for ‘the Climate Catastrophe™’.
WTF is ‘Complexity Science’?
As reported by Austrian tabloid Heute a few days ago on 4 July 2024, ‘the Experts™’ are back at work:
Last weekend was a preview of the rest of the summer. Days with temperatures well over 30 degrees are already the norm, as are tropical nights [i.e., nights with temperatures above 20 degrees Celsius] in succession. Climate change is making sure that the situation will continue to heat up rather than cool down. It is now up to us to decide how we will live with the heat in future.
For this reason, researchers, emergency services, home and hospital operators are working on the development of a scientifically based heat early warning system for Austria. Complexity researcher [sic] Peter Klimek is leading the ‘HeatProtect’ project at the Complexity Science Hub (CSH) [go ahead, click on this link—it’s really a thing] in Vienna. They are currently looking for various ‘hotspots’ in the data.
Are you intrigued now? Here’s ‘more’ from the CSH’s website:
Heat waves and high temperatures place a burden on the population, especially on vulnerable groups such as the elderly, children and people with chronic diseases…It is therefore crucial to raise awareness of the health risks [remember: it’s all ‘One Health’] posed by heat at the policy, institutional and individual levels and to take proactive measures to reduce thermal stress. To this end, heat protection plans including a short- and medium-term catalogue of measures have already been developed at national and country level. However, an evidence-based evaluation and basis for prioritisation as well as tools for implementation are missing.
This is what the ‘Complexity Science™’ does:
The HeatProtect project creates a sound data basis for decision-making and digital solutions…By combining these data, particularly affected areas can be identified and classified using Key Performance Indicators (KPI). This makes it possible to better determine both individual and structural heat risk and to develop short-term acute measures as well as medium- to long-term strategies.
Together with project partners and stakeholders from the health and care sector, we are developing solutions for the effective handling of acute heat waves for clients and employees in a co-creation process. The aim is to design an efficient early warning system based on weather forecasts in combination with the defined KPIs in order to warn and inform individuals and institutions in time. On a medium- to long-term scale, climate risks, the local impacts of adaptation measures as well as the consequences for the health sector are investigated.
The project leaders are Daniela Meier and—Peter Klimek.
Now, where have I read that latter name before?
Oh, yes, Peter Klimek was one of the modellers who worked on the Austro-Covidian mandate régime: ‘Peter…operated a model used by the Austrian government to forecast the COVID-19 epidemics in Austria’, as his faculty profile, linked above, indicates.
And now these craven critters are at their expertise™ (sic) again. Lest you ask yourself, what about their previous Covid ‘successes’? Well, here’s from an article that appeared last year (3 Feb. 2023) in the that dastardly woke-fied ZeroCovid rag Der Standard:
Corona expert Klimek: ‘The last lockdown can be described as a lockdown round of honour’ [orig. Ehrenrunde, or victory lap]…
How do experts assess this step? ‘The pandemic is in a phase where we don’t have to fear an acute overload of the healthcare system due to corona alone’, said complexity researcher and government advisor Peter Klimek on Friday on [state broadcaster] Ö1 Morgenjournal [the morning news]: ‘And even for the current wave that is currently approaching, it is to be expected that there will be a high incidence of infection, but it is not to be expected that this will translate into severe courses that could put hospitals under pressure as long as it does not combine with too many other waves of infection’…
Klimek is asked about the fact that Austria took very restrictive measures during the pandemic, but according to figures from Johns Hopkins University, Austria had more coronavirus deaths than Germany or Switzerland. What went wrong? ‘You have to look at it in terms of the phases of the pandemic’, replies Klimek. ‘If we make a direct comparison with Switzerland, the statistically more meaningful figure is the excess mortality rate, i.e., how many more people died than expected.’
It can be seen that Austria initially had a lower excess mortality rate compared to Switzerland until around summer 2021, before the tide turned, especially from autumn onwards with the wave of delta infections. ‘We lost a lot of ground in this phase, where we simply didn’t get the vaccination coverage or vaccination campaigns up and running as quickly’, summarises Klimek.
The fact that Austria’s coronavirus policy has been fickle at times has not helped either. ‘Part of the problem was that we were sometimes very late in reacting’, says the expert. ‘In other words, we only took measures when the waves of infection were already very high, which meant it took us a very long time to implement these measures and, as a result, the willingness of the population to participate was lost.’ We were ‘trapped’ in this spiral.
Nuff said, I s’ppose.
Trust ‘the Experts™’, Follow ‘the Science™’
Back to the above-linked piece in Heute:
The number of tropical nights in Austria’s major cities has more than doubled in the past 30 years, and the trend is rising [no mention of the so-called urban heat island effect]. One big question is how all this will affect an ageing population with many people suffering from several illnesses at the same time, and ultimately the operation of hospitals, care homes and the number of call-outs for emergency services. This is because, according to the latest presentation of the ‘National Heat Protection Plan’, which has been revised after seven years, there are up to 500 heat-related deaths per year on average in Austria.
Data from 57m Hospitalisations
‘For this project, we can draw on a wealth of data from 57m hospitalisations over 22 years, 50,000 ambulance journeys, 10m weather data points from high-resolution time series, and survey data from paramedics, nursing staff, and hospitals on dealing with heat, which we use to examine the connections between periods of heat and the burden on the healthcare system’, said Klimek in an interview with APA.
Remember: this is the same Peter Klimek who was both consistently wrong with his Covid models.
How Does Heat Affect Diseases?
Analysis of these data should form the basis for developing specific packages of measures for institutions [we are warned]. Ultimately, the hope is to be able to provide targeted information on when, for example, more attention needs to be paid to the water supply for residents and room ventilation in specific retirement homes or when rescue organisations should increase their capacities as a precaution.
The early warning system should also be a key pillar in the planning of long-term measures. These include urban greening and urban spatial planning.
The ongoing project also aims to close ‘knowledge gaps’ by 2026. For example, the delays with which excess mortality increases after heatwaves and how heat affects disease patterns.
Bottom Lines: Pay the Piper, Call the Tune
The Austro-Covidian mandate régime was one of the reasons I began this little newsletter.
Peter Klimek is one of the key ‘Experts™’ who seamlessly switched from Covid modelling to…climate modelling and heat mandate plans.
None of this should surprise anyone who’s been paying attention.
Remember, the future is an ‘opt-in’ tyranny, and, not unlike those who elected to ignore and/or ridicule the Covid mandates, ‘heat’ will be a problem for those who believe the nonsense spouted by—‘the Experts™’, such as Peter Klimek.
Believe it or not, but these clowns will continue to run roughshod over you as long as you let them.
Don’t be that guy.
In Germany, we have a summer wave of Drosten appearances in the media, because he has a book to sell.