If 'Technocracy' is 'Rule by Experts', What is This?
Watch Climate Scientist (sic) Karsten Haustein of U Leipzig Wet Himself Intellectually, Amplified by Legacy Media and Contradicted by Official Data
Reference is made to my recent posting:
Today it’s time to point out the moral depravity of German legacy media and the intellectual dishonesty of both editors ‘doing journalism’ and ‘experts’ obliterating their integrity and credibility. What a spectacle to behold (/sarcasm).
As always, translations and emphases mine, as are the bottom lines.
Historical Heat Record: July [2023] Likely the Hottest Month in Thousands of Years
By Jan Kixmüller, Tagesspiegel, 27 July 2023 [source]
A recent analysis has now confirmed that July 2023 was the hottest month on record worldwide. While Germany was closer to the average, many places experienced excessively high temperatures.
July will be the warmest July month in probably 120,000 years, according to an analysis published on Thursday by climate researcher Karsten Haustein from the University of Leipzig. According to the paper, the global mean surface temperature in July 2023 will significantly exceed the warmest month since weather records began.
The analysis by climate researcher Haustein has now been confirmed by the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) and the European Earth observation programme Copernicus, preceded by identical assessments by other institutions. For his analysis, he evaluated data from weather forecast models, weather stations, radiosondes, satellites and natural climate archives, such as tree rings or cores from ice and sedimentary rocks.
The average temperature in July 2023 will be 1.5 degrees above the pre-industrial level. ‘We may have to go back to the Eemian warm period around 120,000 years ago to find similarly warm conditions’, Haustein writes in his study. However, the temperature data going back to this time would not provide a sufficiently high temporal resolution for a reliable statement on this…
Of course, July is not quite over yet, Haustein said when presenting the results. Nevertheless, taking into account the weather forecasts for the coming days, one can already say that a record level will be reached. The climate scientist is convinced: ‘Even if the next few days get cooler, we're still in record territory.’
Commenting on the analysis, climate expert Friederike Otto of Imperial College in London said that the global average temperature alone would not kill anyone—but extreme weather events like the current heatwave in the Mediterranean would. These are clearly linked to the ‘hottest July ever’. The consequence: ‘Every year, thousands of people die in Europe alone as a result of extreme heat.’ Despite all possible efforts, it will not get any cooler on Earth, Otto said. Therefore, people must adapt and be enabled to live with extreme conditions in summer…
Developments in Germany are less record-breaking. July temperatures are expected to only minimally exceed the average for the years 1991 to 2020 after a rather changeable second half of the month. ‘The north and parts of western Europe were lucky to spend the month largely under a cloud cover’, climate researcher Haustein said in this regard. ‘While most other densely populated regions experienced above-average temperatures, as one would expect on a rapidly warming planet.’
Bottom Lines
So, we note that the sensational header is, well, not supported by the study author, even though the second paragraph is contradicted by paragraph four. Well done, Mr. Kixmüller.
Back in 2006, by the way, the German Meteorological Service wrote the following lines (source):
‘In the archives of the German Meteorological Service we cannot find a month that was hotter and sunnier than July 2006. This month beats all records.’ This is what Wolfgang Kusch, President of the German Meteorological Service (DWD), said with regard to the Germany-wide weather observations going back to 1901…
Across Germany, temperatures were 5.2 degrees above the multi-year average of degrees above the long-term average of 16.9°C.
The above press briefing also contains a table showing excess temperatures in all federal states in July 2006:
By contrast, this is a screen shot/compilation from state broadcaster ARD in July 2006—when Germany hosted the football world cup and made it to the semi finals—and July 2023:
Back in 2006, when it was ‘much hotter’ than in 2023, people cheered their football team and no-one really cared much, if at-all, about the warm summer weather.
By contrast, in 2023, with temperatures obviously less high in Germany, the imagery used—perhaps augmented by the weather announcer wearing a bright, red dress—is much more drastic.
If you’d excuse me now, I’m off to the beach.
I hope that what we've been seeing for the last 3-4 years is the cresting of the wave of this madness.
One sign of such an event is increased disparity between claims and reality, and increased desperation in the tone of the messaging, as well as increased infighting around the "food-trough" of public funding.
When well-established "big names" in the climate scam-business suddenly swerve under the flag of "science means being open to all perspectives" and other such cases of heresy against the Cult of CO2, we're at the brink; being of the avant-garde means knowing when to turn your coat before the wind does after all (while never falling for the temptation to think your coat affects the wind).