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I hope that what we've been seeing for the last 3-4 years is the cresting of the wave of this madness.

One sign of such an event is increased disparity between claims and reality, and increased desperation in the tone of the messaging, as well as increased infighting around the "food-trough" of public funding.

When well-established "big names" in the climate scam-business suddenly swerve under the flag of "science means being open to all perspectives" and other such cases of heresy against the Cult of CO2, we're at the brink; being of the avant-garde means knowing when to turn your coat before the wind does after all (while never falling for the temptation to think your coat affects the wind).

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If there is one thing I know about clown world: there is no peak. It will just get clownier. Then, it will collapse into clown-world singularity.

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Yeah, but it'd be nice if it was time for the clowning to switch from climate to something else.

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I for one see, as a mildly positive aspect of this madness, that humanity's ambition to 'control the weather'--'own' it, as the Pentagon in a report years ago put it so ambitiously--are either total rubbish or worse. In other words, if this is what 'owning the weather' looks like, count me among the not too impressed.

As to clown-world singularity, history offers lessons: 'those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities', as Voltaire put it.

I suspect this clowning to get ever weirder, with the point being not the insanity per se but the wish (determination) of 'the powers that be' to elicit acclaim to each new absurdity du jour, which a certain share of people may also (sincerely) believe.

This is a tale as old as time, with perhaps the only (partial) exception being the consideration proposed by Jesus: 'render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's.'

While I'm personally not (overly) religious or spiritual, I do consider this as an immensely powerful concept, for it implies autonomy of one's spirit and, perhaps, even soul. Granted, the Roman Empire was probably a tad more tolerant of other religious movements that reign supreme in our time (e.g., woke-ism, the Trans crowd, etc.) and certainly not an ideal venture for, say, humanity; yet, I'd propose that, even taken at its 'face-value', it is impossible to understate the subversive nature of the above sentence of scripture.

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Absolutely. In the terminal paragraph of my battlefield philosphy article I wrote:

"The solution is, and always has been, do not comply. If you do not want to do something, do not do it. An elegant well-sourced explanation backed by data is not required. ‘No’ is a complete sentence. Once you commit, you go all the way. Therefore, the battlefield is not in the scientific, but the moral and spiritual, which is why noncompliance is, and always has been, a decision made with the higher faculties."

Moral courage does not necessarily need to come from the religious/spiritual, but it is a decision made from the 'higher faculties' (as it were).

Many would consider me to be a 'Jesus follower' after a childhood in the Catholic church, followed by hard atheism, then a recent epiphany. I still hold a great fondness for the Catholic Church and its history and mourn it's deliberate subversion.

So, I have been...pretty much where everyone else has been. As the biggest sinner around, I stand in judgement of no one.

Edit: except for the murdering covid cowards of course.

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My prediction is that the climate clowning will continue indefinitely. It is an 'invisible enemy' that can be used to take away everything we have. They may take a slight off-ramp into 'peak oil' clowning but it will be related to climate clowning. I sincerely apologise.

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22C is a little cool; 18.7C is chilly. 30C - 35C are normal summer temperatures. (OK, maybe not in Germany, but in the Middle Atlantic States of the US. Down in Texas 40C is the normal high in the summer.) I’m going to ignore this stuff until the high hits 35C for at least 60 days. Anything less is just summer.

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Aren't you cold?

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I set my aircon to 18C and if it actually reaches that then it's damn chilly

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We had some 18 degrees C last night around 10 p.m.; sitting around eating ice cream, it was cool; yes, it was a bit warmer during the day, but as long as one keeps working, it's as good as perfect.

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Well I work at home at a desk, in my poshest underwear, so....

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