I deeply feel your lines about 'those complicit' from the perspective of an unvaccinated person.

My fear is that, as you say, the narcissism is so deep and large that they do not think about their actions towards us at all. The vaccinated people I speak to do not even 'remember' the covid years.

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I got off the phone with my parents yesterday, and my interactions with them are illustrative:

When 'the Pandemic™' was still on, she constantly brought it up; when I replied (using my 'conspiratorial™' knowledge), she immediately blocked it, noting merely that 'we shall not speak of that'.

Fast-forward to today, 'the Pandemic™' is no longer an issue (although my father insisted on providing daily updates about his most recent--third, if memory serves--'encounter' with 'Covid', i.e., a 'positive' test); when I bring up other issues, such as Ukraine, Israel, or mass immigration-invasion, I get the same reaction: they topic is not spoken about.

We both understand that, although unpleasant at time, reality doesn't go away by not addressing it.

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The unvaccinated are being disappeared from history. That is why I emphasise so much what happened to us here. Not sure if you saw this, but after I wrote this it took a very long time for me to recover: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/memory-holed-what-we-endured

They want to forget what was done to us.

Send this to your parents lol.

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I've seen this.

Neither my parents nor the other perpetrators want to know (t'was the same after WW2, by the way).

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Yeah, they want us to forget. It's possible that the issue will come back with a vengeance, but it's also possible it'll go "undercover," so to speak. That is to say: it won't be spoken of, but the level of trust in the authorities will remain permanently low compared to the pre-pan[dem]ic days. As I wrote in my earlier comment: I wasn't very trusting, but I was still too trusting. The level of trust in institutions of all kinds is tanking, isn't it? And then 50 years from now, a few rare souls will tell their grandchildren about what happen, and the grandchildren will just shrug, because they'll have learned to expect no better.

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I wonder if the ratio between real juice and placebo was calibrated for the variation in different population’s capacity to notice the damage and demand investigations. Perhaps it was calibrated for the general Western population? In any case, it seems to me that the ratio was a ‘design feature’ - the highest short term, medium and long term damage short of engendering rebellion. We have hard time grasping the level of architecture and engineering that must have gone into the planning of this crime.

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Can't rule out anything anymore, can we?

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Yes, nothing should surprise us.

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1/6 is surely enough to impact elections? If someone in Germany can exploit that angle the right way, we might see some real "musical chairs" politics-wise.

In comparison, up here the Socialist Democrats have just launched a list of suggestions to fight gang crime. Incidentally, it is the exact same list of suggestions they spent almost 15 years blocking, since it is the suggestions the Sweden Democrats made.

15 years ago, since the problem was obvious already back then.

Perhaps the German politicians are quicker on the uptake?

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Well, same shit, different smell?

It's so absurd, esp. since the Danish Social Democrats are doing fine with the same platform…

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Well, the Swedish Socialist Democrats have basically called their Danish counterparts "nazis" since 2005 or so. "Svenskerier" has during the 2000s become a Danish neologism for policies and opinions and such so stupid they could only come from Sweden.

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Hahahaha, that’s even funnier once one considers the quite staggering amounts of ‘introspection’ among Danes, to say nothing about their own, shall we say ‘peculiar’ notions of Danish-ness?

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Danes don't do introspection, in my experience.

The self-image is, they are more sophisticated than Norwegians, intrinsically better than Icelanders, tougher than Finns and smarter than Swedes. While being humble and nice about it, of course. Which they often are, too. Makes for quite the "dichotomous" experience when talking real-world issues with them.

It's like they at the same time are fully aware of and fully ignorant of just how tiny and insignificant Denmark is. (Here, I'm supposed to follow the Law of Jante and write "Not that Swedes are much different" or something to that effect.)

We usually see them as our little cousins or siblings, always with a chip on their shoulder and a need to prove themselves better than us - a trait the Danes in their turn have learned to exploit to the hilt.

The term "broderfolk" exist for a reason after all.

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One theory I read about is that we'll get a 'yes mistakes were made and these jabs are bad for you but look we have these new products that will solve the problems caused by the old products (i.e. they will kill you in a slower more humane fashion)' after the U.S. election.

They desperately need to keep the medical industrial complex alive so they essentially need a limited hangout as the gene therapies were a bit too good at what they were supposed to do (it's posited that Cancer over the long term was the intended goal and not the sudden deaths/people dropping dead at random) and besides they've got the job done... over 5 billion administered!

But what would I know?

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As of today, I won't rule out anything.

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And these new products would be the self-amplifying saRNA injections (replicon) ?

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I wasn't very trusting, but man, I was still way too trusting. When the juice came out, I said I'd get it after a billion people got it first. My assumption (go laugh at me if you want) was that if there was something seriously wrong with the juice, it would be clear after a billion doses were administered, and they'd pull it from the market. Hahaha. Silly me. Plenty was "seriously wrong," but "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil." So, I failed to keep my word: a billion people got it, and I still refused to get it. It really is quite remarkable that they didn't pull the juice from the market. Or maybe it isn't remarkable: maybe these people were always like this, and we are just noticing now.

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'It really is quite remarkable that they didn't pull the juice from the market. Or maybe it isn't remarkable: maybe these people were always like this, and we are just noticing now.'

Here in Norway that is particularly appalling: the same people who oversaw the 2009/10 swineflu (hoax) were in charge, and they pointed to their track record, quite credibly I'd add, claiming as early/late as autumn 2020 that, if something was amiss, they'd pull this.

Fast-forward to mid-January 2021, there were already 13 dead--but 'the benefits outweigh the risks', the same people who oversaw the 2009/10 swineflu (hoax) purported.

I'm too lazy to pull up the links, but it's all here in these pages; if you can bring yourself to read it, see here:


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Ironically, I was temping for NHS during Swine Flu as data entry person, one of many, where we cleaned data addresses of pharmacies etc., where people could go get the flu jab, which got uploaded on website daily. What struck me most was how "puffed up" the managers were, big wigs coming and going, we were not allowed to ask questions but do as we were told. There was a war room mentality atmosphere and it was all very serious with everyone believing the hype, and, no, I didn't get it. Then, it just fizzled out!

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And, years later, they wrote about it glorifying it as if it had been public health's finest hour…

No consequences then, none are to be expected now.

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John Rappoport wrote about it. Apparently, it was workers getting ill from the chemical spraying on the lagoons of pig manure from factory farming. Also, one female reporter in US says they stopped testing for it as they couldn't find any "cases" although they kept telling the public it was rife.

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