Aug 15Liked by epimetheus

Didn’t they attempt this a couple of years ago and it was basically admitted that Monkeypox is some kind of STD?

I guess the low uptake of the Covid vaccines in Africa sparked them to come up with a not so cunning plan.

Europe doesn’t have to worry as our populations are vaxxed up to the gills. Excess deaths, widespread illness and cratering birth rates have been achieved by the globalists… so time will do the rest.

But I guess you need a slightly different disease to scare the Africans into submission?

But I’m sure my conjecture is just a mad conspiracy… please move along… nothing to see here…

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How would I know? I'm just a regular, tinfoil hat-wearing dude reading MSM stuff.

Yes, Mpox is an STD, which flopped, so to speak to induce fear two years ago.

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Aug 15Liked by epimetheus

Sweden's seen a 100% uptick in cases over the last weekend.

From 0 to 1.

However, Folkhäslomyndigheten (dep. of public health) refuses to release details about the case. Not even if it was transmitted domestically (how?) or if the person had been in Africa, or had gotten infected some other way.

That it virtually only affects homosexual men engaging in unprotected anonymous sex (as per cases last time they tried this), and Sweden had its Pride events two weeks ago? Shhhh! Don't mention [insert protected group here].

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Strange, isn't it?

We'll see how this '(d)evolves' over the next few days, won't we?

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They desire to reduce the population of Africa, but if they can scare already heavily jabbed population into taking another bioweapon, that would be highly desirable.

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I think this is more to scare people into insanity (which is not so say you're incorrect about your comment).

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Insane.Will people get Pox fatigue?Wlll people catch on the the Farce?One one would hope.

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