As a Swede I actually didn't even bother to check the Norwegian reaction to Sy Hersh's (and now others') article as I expected it to be exactly as you described it. But thanks for confirming my racist views, while I'm starting to think that Sweden is losing the leadership of identity politics in the Nordic countries to Norway - I think Sweden got too many immigrants to keep that pure-blooded anti-racist perfect gender-balance wokeness that is needed to run a Scandinavian Soviet state.
Norway was known as the last Soviet state in Sweden for some decade due to its state run companies and group think, but as Norway now fully goes ESG (Egoistically Sustainable Gas-pipeline-blowing-up) Sweden is going nuclear. As in nuclear power, if the big companies manage to get the "politicians" (actors) to shut up about Ukraine, climate, and Nato (as I've written: Swedish corporations and deep state are good friends with Turkey's ditto, so it is "Sweden" saying no to the Swedish government's Nato application).
Russia will now attack Norway in international courts (that USA aren't a part of), Germany is boiling under pressure, Sweden has a government not in charge, and Finland's PM is better at dirty dancing (which is great, more of that, but the lack of wise government is a problem).
Norway will be OK, when its leadership loses its image in international circles, what will happen?
My speculation on Germany is that Scholz and the CDU opposition will be dragged kicking and screaming into supporting more German independence, while their Greens will die out just like in Sweden.
You're welcome, generally, Henrik! Also, thanks to your lovely dog, I finally had the wisdom to take the above picture of my canine friend and include it appropriately (apologies to my four-legged friend, this by no means should indicate association with these spineless critters).
As to the Nordics, well, most people don't know it, but Russia and Norway actually share both a border and sovereignty of Svalbard. Russia doesn't have to actually attack Norway, just sending clothes with Russian flags and ships sailing around is more than most Norwegians can handle: as regards the former, I recall (but cannot find the link right now) a piece that held that sailors wearing Russian flags on their clothes were apprehended 'because the flags might make Norwegians and Ukrainians in Norway feel threatened'. By clothes.
As regards the ships, well, any Russian vessel will do, simply sailing around off the coast, which will trigger the Norwegian 'navy'. I'm unsure as to whether they'd be triggered by the flag or trying to keep an eye on the ship. Either way, it's pathological, I'd say.
Norway is a lap-dog of the U.S., with the NATO muppet Stoltenberg pretending to be important; it's almost comically absurd, esp. if one considers that this bumbling caricature of a political hack is, quite likely, thinking of himself as being important. Speaking of perceived importance--self-delusions, if you'd ask me--Norway has no standing anyways; I mean: all the world has read Hersh's piece, and I'd be willing to bet the farm on everybody outside the immediate U.S. orbit knowing full well the 'worth' of Norway. I'd even state: the one thing Norway has going for itself is that it's Europe's last remaining fossil fuel exporter (that isn't Russia). It means, in practice, that there's more leeway, i.e., Norway may be able to afford 'more' morons in charge as the full impact is (still) not felt.
Lastly, I think you comment on Germany is quite spot-on, and I'd merely add: the CDU will be dragged kicking and screaming, mostly fake, for I think that theatre will be pre-cleared with the U.S.: yet another PR operation. As regards the Greens, well, I hope so, rather sooner than later.
Credit to Norwegians though, as the total Russophobic over-globalist Norwegians did become kind of a laughing stock.
And we can see that knowledge in Stoltenberg that is starting to babble about that the war in Ukraine started 2014... What?!? That isn't unprovoked Russian offensive conquest war approved narrative (To be fair, I might misrepresent this).
It's great that Norway wants to be a great energy power, but remember Qatar that thought it was greater than it was in 2010-2015, and more closely the Icelandic "Viking bankers", which ended with them being in prison in 2009-2011?.
Norwegians should distance themselves from their government even more. Cutting off the king's head and throw it to the enemy is great path to peace... (I never found the source, but a Danish king's head was delivered to the Holy Roman Emperor as a peace offer that got accepted?)
Oddly enough though, DN and Wolodarski (who is according to gossip called "Voodooslaski" behind his back) has been criticised by other journalists for their silence and dismissive attitude re: hersch and NS. Something of a first considering DN's il-deserved but long-held status as the paperdefining what a newspaper is. That Wolodarski was the one who switched the paper from news reporting to storytelling (agenda-defining reporting as he infamously called it) has also been brought up in the mainstream, an odditity in its own right considering how swedish journalists stick together.
It's taken time, but maybe the existence of bloggs, Flashback, Nyheter Idag, Samnytt, the decades of lying-by-omission by state media and and so on has finally begun taking its toll on the cozy incestous guild called "the free press" here?
As you say, our politicos (well, the ones that actually count) are snuggly with Erdogan. And Stoltenberg and NATO has been applying pressure on Kristersson (who is well-knowned for his spinelessness by party insiders - he's nicknamed 'Milhouse') to get him to ignore and violate Sweden's free speech and right of protest-laws by getting the Security Police (SÄPO) to outright ban all protests where someone will maybe burn a Koran. NATO doesn't want to tangle with Turkey over this, given the domino-effect it might have in MENA so instead Stoltenberg is ensuring for his USAmerican paymasters that yet another nation belyflops before islam.
Don't count out the swedish Greens. Since 75%+ of journalists vote Green or Communist, you can bet on massive propaganda and if necessary fortified eölections. In Malmö where I lived fordecades, it was a regular sight each election to see members of Red Youth and SSU remove slips from the other parties, or that gangs of Middle Eastern men "guided" constituents in the migrant-ruled areas to the "correct" slips.
All ignored by police and media despite testimonials and video.
And since the agency handling the finalised count of votes is a spoliticised as the rest...
You mentioned this level of corruption quite a few times: it's almost 'funny', because in this regard, Austria and Sweden (and Norway, apparently) are very much like peas in a pod. The rest of the Europeans isn't far behind, if they are at-all.
Thank you for bringing up Kristersson's nickname: hilarious. How does he take it?
As to the issue at-hand, media criticism, well, I'd say that the most drastic change is the shift towards 'credentialised' journalists, that is, people who took this or that degree while also 'doing' internships here or there. While the former indicates their parents' elevated income levels, the latter breeds conformity as there's no way any 'reputable' news outlet would furnish you with a recommendation (or, more realistically, won't talk shit about you behind your back).
There's no need to coerce aspiring new 'journalists'--really: not much much than undignified pencil-pushers without a backbone--into conformity.
Moreover, these reinforce the political leanings, however ill-educated these may be.
As an aside, I'm regularly having conversations, esp. with humanities and social sciences graduate students who claim to the 'left-wing'. Turns out, virtually all of them don't know anything about their alleged ideological conviction. Pathetic. (This is why I can, almost, respect the other guys as they at least don't claim such predispositions; they're just a bunch of opportunistic hoodlums.)
A point about journos here: many if not mostof the middle-aged ones with good careers arealumni from the state-run Journalist's High School - sort of a semi-university level trade school for journos, started in the late 1960s/early1970sby the Socialist Party.
Virtually everyone employed and educated there are old-school DDR-style communists, or even further left - many of them celebrated and defended both Stalin and Pol Pot in the 1970s. Some even did so after the Killing Fields and the Kambodjan genocide became widely known.
(Often in swedish societal/civic institutions, change only happens due to "naturlig avgång" - natural departure meaning the current hegemony either die off or retire en masse. Example: that was the way with psycho-analysis here; under a five-year period it was swapped out as the one truth for behaviourism, and then that was swapped for KBT this side the millennium.)
So the party has had (in)direct control of journalism for generations while maintaining the facade of free press.
Kristersson has to my knowledge never acknowledged that he knows about his reputation for being a Yes-man and a lapdog through and through.
His party, the Moderates, is split internally between the older nationalist (well, by modern standards...) phalanxat the bottom rungs and the City-dominated globalist party leadership, which to a man are products of two think-tanksowned and run by the largest owning-families of the swedish economy (no-liberalist, globalist, EU-as-a-superstate, US-worshipping).
So Kristersson like Löfven of the SocialistDeocrats before him is a spare part, a compromise to avoid infighting.
As a Swede I actually didn't even bother to check the Norwegian reaction to Sy Hersh's (and now others') article as I expected it to be exactly as you described it. But thanks for confirming my racist views, while I'm starting to think that Sweden is losing the leadership of identity politics in the Nordic countries to Norway - I think Sweden got too many immigrants to keep that pure-blooded anti-racist perfect gender-balance wokeness that is needed to run a Scandinavian Soviet state.
Norway was known as the last Soviet state in Sweden for some decade due to its state run companies and group think, but as Norway now fully goes ESG (Egoistically Sustainable Gas-pipeline-blowing-up) Sweden is going nuclear. As in nuclear power, if the big companies manage to get the "politicians" (actors) to shut up about Ukraine, climate, and Nato (as I've written: Swedish corporations and deep state are good friends with Turkey's ditto, so it is "Sweden" saying no to the Swedish government's Nato application).
Russia will now attack Norway in international courts (that USA aren't a part of), Germany is boiling under pressure, Sweden has a government not in charge, and Finland's PM is better at dirty dancing (which is great, more of that, but the lack of wise government is a problem).
Norway will be OK, when its leadership loses its image in international circles, what will happen?
My speculation on Germany is that Scholz and the CDU opposition will be dragged kicking and screaming into supporting more German independence, while their Greens will die out just like in Sweden.
You're welcome, generally, Henrik! Also, thanks to your lovely dog, I finally had the wisdom to take the above picture of my canine friend and include it appropriately (apologies to my four-legged friend, this by no means should indicate association with these spineless critters).
As to the Nordics, well, most people don't know it, but Russia and Norway actually share both a border and sovereignty of Svalbard. Russia doesn't have to actually attack Norway, just sending clothes with Russian flags and ships sailing around is more than most Norwegians can handle: as regards the former, I recall (but cannot find the link right now) a piece that held that sailors wearing Russian flags on their clothes were apprehended 'because the flags might make Norwegians and Ukrainians in Norway feel threatened'. By clothes.
As regards the ships, well, any Russian vessel will do, simply sailing around off the coast, which will trigger the Norwegian 'navy'. I'm unsure as to whether they'd be triggered by the flag or trying to keep an eye on the ship. Either way, it's pathological, I'd say.
Norway is a lap-dog of the U.S., with the NATO muppet Stoltenberg pretending to be important; it's almost comically absurd, esp. if one considers that this bumbling caricature of a political hack is, quite likely, thinking of himself as being important. Speaking of perceived importance--self-delusions, if you'd ask me--Norway has no standing anyways; I mean: all the world has read Hersh's piece, and I'd be willing to bet the farm on everybody outside the immediate U.S. orbit knowing full well the 'worth' of Norway. I'd even state: the one thing Norway has going for itself is that it's Europe's last remaining fossil fuel exporter (that isn't Russia). It means, in practice, that there's more leeway, i.e., Norway may be able to afford 'more' morons in charge as the full impact is (still) not felt.
Lastly, I think you comment on Germany is quite spot-on, and I'd merely add: the CDU will be dragged kicking and screaming, mostly fake, for I think that theatre will be pre-cleared with the U.S.: yet another PR operation. As regards the Greens, well, I hope so, rather sooner than later.
Credit to Norwegians though, as the total Russophobic over-globalist Norwegians did become kind of a laughing stock.
And we can see that knowledge in Stoltenberg that is starting to babble about that the war in Ukraine started 2014... What?!? That isn't unprovoked Russian offensive conquest war approved narrative (To be fair, I might misrepresent this).
It's great that Norway wants to be a great energy power, but remember Qatar that thought it was greater than it was in 2010-2015, and more closely the Icelandic "Viking bankers", which ended with them being in prison in 2009-2011?.
Norwegians should distance themselves from their government even more. Cutting off the king's head and throw it to the enemy is great path to peace... (I never found the source, but a Danish king's head was delivered to the Holy Roman Emperor as a peace offer that got accepted?)
Oddly enough though, DN and Wolodarski (who is according to gossip called "Voodooslaski" behind his back) has been criticised by other journalists for their silence and dismissive attitude re: hersch and NS. Something of a first considering DN's il-deserved but long-held status as the paperdefining what a newspaper is. That Wolodarski was the one who switched the paper from news reporting to storytelling (agenda-defining reporting as he infamously called it) has also been brought up in the mainstream, an odditity in its own right considering how swedish journalists stick together.
It's taken time, but maybe the existence of bloggs, Flashback, Nyheter Idag, Samnytt, the decades of lying-by-omission by state media and and so on has finally begun taking its toll on the cozy incestous guild called "the free press" here?
As you say, our politicos (well, the ones that actually count) are snuggly with Erdogan. And Stoltenberg and NATO has been applying pressure on Kristersson (who is well-knowned for his spinelessness by party insiders - he's nicknamed 'Milhouse') to get him to ignore and violate Sweden's free speech and right of protest-laws by getting the Security Police (SÄPO) to outright ban all protests where someone will maybe burn a Koran. NATO doesn't want to tangle with Turkey over this, given the domino-effect it might have in MENA so instead Stoltenberg is ensuring for his USAmerican paymasters that yet another nation belyflops before islam.
Don't count out the swedish Greens. Since 75%+ of journalists vote Green or Communist, you can bet on massive propaganda and if necessary fortified eölections. In Malmö where I lived fordecades, it was a regular sight each election to see members of Red Youth and SSU remove slips from the other parties, or that gangs of Middle Eastern men "guided" constituents in the migrant-ruled areas to the "correct" slips.
All ignored by police and media despite testimonials and video.
And since the agency handling the finalised count of votes is a spoliticised as the rest...
You mentioned this level of corruption quite a few times: it's almost 'funny', because in this regard, Austria and Sweden (and Norway, apparently) are very much like peas in a pod. The rest of the Europeans isn't far behind, if they are at-all.
Thank you for bringing up Kristersson's nickname: hilarious. How does he take it?
As to the issue at-hand, media criticism, well, I'd say that the most drastic change is the shift towards 'credentialised' journalists, that is, people who took this or that degree while also 'doing' internships here or there. While the former indicates their parents' elevated income levels, the latter breeds conformity as there's no way any 'reputable' news outlet would furnish you with a recommendation (or, more realistically, won't talk shit about you behind your back).
There's no need to coerce aspiring new 'journalists'--really: not much much than undignified pencil-pushers without a backbone--into conformity.
Moreover, these reinforce the political leanings, however ill-educated these may be.
As an aside, I'm regularly having conversations, esp. with humanities and social sciences graduate students who claim to the 'left-wing'. Turns out, virtually all of them don't know anything about their alleged ideological conviction. Pathetic. (This is why I can, almost, respect the other guys as they at least don't claim such predispositions; they're just a bunch of opportunistic hoodlums.)
A point about journos here: many if not mostof the middle-aged ones with good careers arealumni from the state-run Journalist's High School - sort of a semi-university level trade school for journos, started in the late 1960s/early1970sby the Socialist Party.
Virtually everyone employed and educated there are old-school DDR-style communists, or even further left - many of them celebrated and defended both Stalin and Pol Pot in the 1970s. Some even did so after the Killing Fields and the Kambodjan genocide became widely known.
(Often in swedish societal/civic institutions, change only happens due to "naturlig avgång" - natural departure meaning the current hegemony either die off or retire en masse. Example: that was the way with psycho-analysis here; under a five-year period it was swapped out as the one truth for behaviourism, and then that was swapped for KBT this side the millennium.)
So the party has had (in)direct control of journalism for generations while maintaining the facade of free press.
Kristersson has to my knowledge never acknowledged that he knows about his reputation for being a Yes-man and a lapdog through and through.
His party, the Moderates, is split internally between the older nationalist (well, by modern standards...) phalanxat the bottom rungs and the City-dominated globalist party leadership, which to a man are products of two think-tanksowned and run by the largest owning-families of the swedish economy (no-liberalist, globalist, EU-as-a-superstate, US-worshipping).
So Kristersson like Löfven of the SocialistDeocrats before him is a spare part, a compromise to avoid infighting.
I’ve been waiting for Bjorn Hanson to comment on Norwegian involvement in Nordstrom. Could it be he hasn’t heard about it?
Spelling corrections: Hansen and Nordstrom
I haven't seen anything from Hansen on the topic, either at NRK or elsewhere.
Can’t do it, I’m computer illiterate!