Globalist Oligarchy is firmly in charge and the visible world around reflects that. Then main difference between post WWII Europe and today’s Europe is that it served the Oligarchy to build up an industrial, social democratic Europe (and Germany in particular) at that time, and the Oligarchy now desires destruction of not only Europe, but the West in general. The Ruling Oligarchy is imperial in nature; they’ve never cared about any people. This fact should, by now, be painfully obvious to anyone with an even moderately functioning brain. The Oligarchy cares about staying in power and expanding its domain to planetary level. Everything they do is to advance these two goals.

There was a time when the interest of the people and the Oligarchy had some minimal convergence. Today, those two interests have utterly diverged. This means that when the Oligarchy acts in its own interest it must act directly against the interests of the people. This divergence is “hidden” in plain sight. We are on a sinking ship where we think “leaders” are in charge, but those “leaders” are chosen for their obedience and apparent incompetence. Rulers are flying safely above the sinking ship. But when they do finally land, I hope they are surrounded by peasants with pitchforks and clubs. Ultimately, all of this is sheer madness because the Oligarchical Rulers are utterly insane, infected by Mathusianism, Satanism, pedophilia,…, anti-human sentiments, the absolute opposites of virtuous humans. The world around us faithfully reflects their beliefs. If we want a different world we must first imagine it, and then we must sever their power to rule over us. We can no longer afford psychopaths and sociopaths ruling us. We must look beyond the pathetic political servant class. They are more of an effect than a cause.

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I'd merely add one snippet: if, at this point in time, one continues to believe that a 'saviour' (think: Donald Trump) will emerge, or someone else who would 'do that leadership thingy', this person is about as insane as the oligarchs.

No-one is coming to safe 'us', and no-one will.

We're about to embark on a few wild decades that will witness a lot of things before stabilisation may occur (absent nuclear annihilation). It'll be a wild ride, so--buckle up and act accordingly.

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I completely agree. Nobody can save us. Only a critical mass of awakened, pissed off people, willing to act in favor of their rights, can make a difference. I could be wrong, missing some elusive inflection point, but I just don’t see anything like that anywhere on the visible horizon. Wild ride ahead.

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Exactly, 'they' may be coming for you, but they won't leave you in peace.

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Jun 24Liked by epimetheus

How many people are still crossing into Germany illegally? I do know that both Austria and Germany have border controls now (despite Schengen). Mind you, I haven't travelled "to" either of those countries. I have, however, travelled "through" them, on my way to other countries. My papers were checked.

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Good question, and I don't think it's easy to answer.

Whatever 'official' information is worth, here's what these indicate:

In 2014, estimates suggest that between 180K-520K illegal immigrants were in Germany; note the huge range.

In 2019, PEW estimated some 1-1.2m illegals in Germany, although Germany-based institutions criticised the study due to its 'faulty methodology'.

As of 31 Dec. 2020, officials counted a little over 283K were supposed to leave, although all but some 45K were permitted to stay.

Source (in German): https://www.bpb.de/themen/migration-integration/laenderprofile/deutschland/341113/irregulaere-migration-in-deutschland/

The 2022 Migration Report has been published in Jan. 2024, and its key findings (in English) may be obtained here: https://www.bamf.de/SharedDocs/Anlagen/EN/Forschung/Migrationsberichte/migrationsbericht-2022.html?nn=1557708

'In 2022, a total of around 2.7 million people (2,665,772) migrated to Germany and 1.2 million (1,203,683) people moved away – resulting in a net migration of +1,462,089. Compared to 2021, net migration has more than quadrupled, recording its highest level since recording of migrations began in 1950…

Refugees from Ukraine can enter Germany without a visa and are not required to go through the asylum procedure; they are granted humanitarian protection status on the basis of Section 24 of the Residence Act. In 2022, a total of 828,885 people was admitted with this protection status.'

Mind you, this is 'official' data.

According to the Migration Report (which is available 'only' in German, via https://www.bamf.de/SharedDocs/Anlagen/DE/Forschung/Migrationsberichte/migrationsbericht-2022.pdf?__blob=publicationFile&v=16) there were 91K illegal entries, although I'd suspect that the true number is way higher.

Snippets that support this notion incl. a total of more than 176K 'illegal suspects' and repeat references to 'large unknowns', among which the statement that 'most immigration comes from other EU/European countries' appears, to me, to obfuscate the fact that in this regard, it's highly likely that someone who enters another such country illegally and then travels to Germany is undercounted, but don't ask me by what factor.

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It’s probably similar to the US-if you’re traveling legally, you’re checked; if you’re traveling illegally, you’re waved through

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It’s all pretend. Every side, every party, every issue-all play acting. Play your part and get paid

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