LOL your student. Bravo!

In any case, I demand train cars away from Greens. I am tired of their insufferable whining about 'climate change.'

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I didn't to anything to the student, he's a bright young man.

As to the Greens, well, I share your sentiments, believe me I do.

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You should start your own department at the university - the Based Department.

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Oh, well, I doubt 'they™' would let me do that.

As an aside, we're moving forward offering graduate supervision in 'European History and Civilisation' from next year onwards (my dept. didn't do so for well over a decade, if you can believe it…)

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European History and Civ?

Sounds racist!

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Muahahahaha. It ain't.

I'm quite well-versed in playing 'their™' stupid 'game™', hence I proposed to do an 'area study' alike to what, e.g., my dept. already offers (Middle Eastern Studies).

Some colleagues already signed up for this, and my hope/expectation is to grow that number, as well as attract more students, too.

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Just say you will replace all historical European figures with black American actors in line with diversity requirements.

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We've seen demands such as these in Sweden too.

Since ca 2005.

Women only-opening hours at municipal gyms with swimming pools, libraries, malls, subway, buses, et cetera.

At no point will the women acknowledge that it is men, boys and women from islamic nations being the threat. The "Me-too"-mob in Sweden routinely banned, blocked and reported to police women trying to share stories of how migrant men had raped them, filmed the rape and sent the film to their family or shared it online, while laughing.

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I know, the situation is so patently absurd, the only parallel I can think of is late summer 1989 in Romania or East Germany: there's reality-as-is, and it conflicts with 'official™' reality.

There was this one (former?) US soldier who stepped into such a fight in the NYC subway and is now in court.

I doubt there's anyone who doesn't know where this is going…

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Eh, I think you're overplaying the discrimination aspect. Women and (especially) girls are much more vulnerable to these things, and it does in fact suck to be groped on public transportation. (Happened to me when I was 14-15: a fully grown man pushed himself against my body from behind and started squeezing my breasts. I was young, stupid, and shocked, so I did nothing until we reached my stop, and then I got off the bus. Luckily he didn't follow me home. You'd probably be pretty pissed if it happened to one of your daughters. Have you taught them what to do in such a situation, so that they don't act young and stupid? Although... Maybe I wasn't so stupid. If I had actually done anything, I'd say it's at least 50% likely that I would have gotten yelled at by the other passengers for making a fuss over things that were no-one's problem but mine. Although I suppose I should at least have gotten off on the first stop, rather than waiting for "my" stop. Heh. Anyway, as I said, you'd be pretty pissed if it happened to one of your daughters, wouldn't you?)

The question is how exactly they intend to enforce this, now that you are what you feel you are, and so if you feel like a "lesbian" for that particular ride, then you're welcome on the women-only car, aren't you?

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You're 112% correct about how I feel about these things, and I'm sorry for what happened to you.

As to the question you raise, I doubt that anyone has given that one a thought; if one doesn't control access with extra manpower, it's nigh-impossible to do anything about these things, in particular if the perps know that they will get off easily. There were numerous gropers and rapists who were released without bail in recent months…

And then there's the issue with the feel-how-you-like stuff, which throws a gigantic monkey wrench into any of these things, but I suppose it showcases the utter insanity to demand sex-based treatment while denying sex as a meta category exists. (For the record, even species without a central nervous system can differentiate between male and female.)

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Oh, and btw, the reason I think it's pretty likely that *I* would have been blamed if I'd made a fuss is precisely because I was so young. Children (adolescents included) are supposed to suffer what the adults impose on them, you know? That's how you got all that child abuse by priests, after all. (Which is far worse than the mere groping on a bus. It's not like I got raped.)

But also, it is in fact potentially dangerous to intervene in such cases. Would *you* intervene if you saw a grown man groping an adolescent girl on a bus/train? Does your answer change depending on how scary the man looks? Does it change depending on whether he seems to be in a "protected category"?

So... I don't think that women-only cars are such a terrible idea (especially for women/girls who are traveling alone), and it's mostly an issue of feasibility. Such cars are most needed precisely when they are the most difficult to provide: during rush hour. And also, see my comment about men temporarily turning into lesbians. Ahem.

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You're right on these accounts, in particular about the first and third paragraphs.

As to the second one, there's a kind of 'correlation', for predators tend to go after girls/teens who are alone and/or without others present.

The question if a young or middle-aged male would do something about any of this is pertinent, no doubts there; think of that US military member who stepped into such a subway fight in NCY and is now facing murder or at least manslaughter charges.

On the other side, if one looks at online sites offering advice for (young) women who travel the world solo, many of them suggest approaching families with children in case they feel unsafe.

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Oh, yeah, I remember that military guy! Deserves a medal, as far as I'm concerned. But he didn't get his medal, as we have seen, and so... "I think I'll just mind my own business..."

Actually, cameras on public transportation would probably do more good than women-only cars. But only provided the police + courts, y'know, actually made use of them and caught/punished the perpetrators. And if the perpetrators are "refugees": how about sending them back home, where they can fight it out with men like themselves, rather than going after girls in the countries that took them in? Just a thought.

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Agreed on both counts.

Problem is, police and courts don't do what you said, which is how and why we ended up with women's only train cars…

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The author is right of course; there should be separate Muslim only trains from which whites are barred (for their own safety). Same with swimming pools, football/soccer games, concerts, aircraft, schools, etc.

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Or countries for Moslems vs. countries for 'whites', eh? Wouldn't that be a good idea?

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