Germany's Greens Demand Women-Only Train Cars to Address Migrant-Fuelled Rape Crisis
Boldly breaching the frontiers of sanity and reality, Germany's Greens quadruple down on their insane identity politics
This is too stupid to write an introduction. Translation, emphases, [and snark] mine. And this big sigh, too.
More and More Sexual Offences: Greens Demand Women-Onky Railway Carriages
Fear is waiting on the platform, especially in the evenings. Women and girls are increasingly becoming victims of sexual assault on suburban trains and underground trains. Now a Berlin transport expert [sic] is calling for separate carriages for female passengers. The model is Japan’s capital Tokyo.
By Hildburg Bruns, Bild-Zeitung, 13 Nov. 2024 [source]
The initiative has now come from Antje Kapek (48), transport spokesperson for the Green Party in the Berlin Senate. The trigger: a frightening case from Berlin. In February, shortly after midnight, a man (33) raped a woman (63) on the last train to Krumme Lanke on the U3 line. After the crime, he calmly got off and travelled on by bus.
The fact is: In the last ten years, the number of sexual offences on public transport in the capital alone has risen by 260% (2023: 391 offences). [here, we might note that while crime, according to police data, committed by Germans is actually down (2022-2023) while crime committed by migrants rose by close to 30%, which is information that might jeopardise the virtue-signalling aspect of this proposal].
The Greens initially focussed their concept on people with safety risks: FLINTAs (women, lesbians, inter, non-binary, trans, a-gender). However, they moved away from this and are now talking about all women [perhaps because the gendrified identity categories were not that relevant to the argument? I mean, the age/sex cohort most at risk on public transport is young women], which was also controversial among some men [!!! also, omega ‘males™’, if you like] within the party.
‘But I stand by the focus on women. They are more frequently exposed to violence and have a greater need for protection,’ says Kapek. In the previous year, 89% of victims of sexual offences were female and 90% of perpetrators were men. [again, look at crime statistics or this piece in Focus:
As regards offences against sexual self-determination (rape, sexual harassment, or coercion), the number of cases involving suspected immigrants rose by 16.5% from 7554 to 8800 offences in 2023, while the total number of cases nationwide rose by 6.9%.
Most suspects in sexual offences came from Syria (2099), Afghanistan (1234), Iraq (968) and Ukraine (511). This is followed by immigrants from Eritrea, Turkey, Somalia, and Iran.
You see, he or she who cries wolf about groping, harassment, or rape as ‘male™’ things says actually that it’s more likely a crime committed by migrants, but doing so would be against the political logic, hence it mist not be said out loud. In case you’re wondering why ‘right-wing™’ parties, such as the AfD, are rising, it’s because people aren’t gaslit about this.]
The plan: explicitly marked zones with emergency call points and video surveillance on the platforms. And separate carriages that can only be used by women outside of peak times. ‘Either directly behind the driver or at the end of the train if there is a second driver travelling with them, as in Tokyo’, says Kapek.
[I doubt these people actually even bothered to read the dedicated Wikipedia page: ‘Japanese legislation from 1900 provides for a 10 yen [approx. 6 cents US$] fine for male passengers who enter a female-only railway car or waiting room; this law is technically still in effect, but the Japanese government has opined that it would not apply to the “women only” cars that are currently in use, making compliance with the “women only” rule voluntary from a legal perspective.’ Good luck in court, I’d say, dear Berlin Greens; also, if you’re a lawyer in Berlin, this is a goldmine]
Maja Weihgold, Head of Communications at Berlin’s public transport operator BVG: ‘We are working hard to ensure that all passengers reach their destination safely and with a good feeling at all times.’ Passengers can already contact the BVG security centre directly via emergency call and information pillars at every station—there is also a police officer with a direct line to patrols. All vehicles also have alarm buttons that connect directly with the driver.
And how does transport expert [no irony there] Kapek herself feel on the underground? ‘I’m not afraid on the train, but sometimes at stations—and more so on the way to the stop.’
In Japan, women’s carriages are reserved until 10 a.m. in the morning and from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the evening. Only wheelchair users and boys up to the age of 12 are allowed to board them.
Bottom Lines
Yes, this is stupid, esp. as it’s little more than window-dressing.
It also brings up pre-Vatican II rules in church, i.e., menfolk sitting/standing on one side of the middle aisle with the womenfolk doing so on the other side.
I thought we’ve learned a thing or two about these things since, but apparently, it takes a ‘Green’ (sic) woman (!) to propose reverting to an earlier time. Let’s note, in passing, that according to Ms. Kapek’s Wikipedia profile, she ‘counts among the Green party’s left wing’.
It’s so strange, you know, because the push for legal and societal, if not social, equality between the two sexes originated from among left-wing parties. And now it’s privileged women seeking to restore that kind of separation once more.
Yet, make no mistake, unlike the suffragettes of yesteryear, today’s pseudo-feminists are not asking for equality; what Ms. Kapek and her ilk are demanding is special treatment or privilege.
Imagine for a moment, if you will, what would happen if you’re a man asking for not special treatment, but equal treatment in, e.g., the job market.
Here in Europe, the killer clause is typically something like the following:
We are committed to the equality and equity of all people, regardless of their biological gender and their gender identity, and as an employer we wish to shape an open and appreciative corporate culture.
Therefore, we actively oppose any discrimination based on gender, ethnicity, religion or belief, age, sexual orientation/identity, and health-related factors.
Typically, these clauses conclude with statements to the effect that, ‘in case of equal qualification’—but not competence—‘women will be prioritised’.
In the US and Canada, ‘race’ is also factored into these notions, which makes everything application-related worse if you’re at the bottom of the grievance hierarchy, i.e., a ‘white’ man.
I’ll conclude with an anecdote one of my male students told me: excusing himself for class by noting his reserve military status and going on a regular exercise, he told me that doing so would be ‘quite a relieve because for once he’s among men only’.
Note, please, that I’m not against treating women with respect and the like (I’m the father of two girls, after all), but what Ms. Kapek is proposing is simply faux activist claptrap: it’s a non-solution to a really existing problem—the invasion of Western countries by overwhelmingly young men who don’t share our heritage and values, which was facilitated by the likes of, well, Ms. Kapek and her ilk.
Here’s a ‘controversial’ thought: most of these incidents wouldn’t have happened if our leaders didn’t let these teeming masses of mainly Moslem men into our countries.
And now they’re talking about sexual harassment and rape being male things.
They’re shitting into our heads, and they wish you and I simply stay silent and pay up.
Talk about a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
LOL your student. Bravo!
In any case, I demand train cars away from Greens. I am tired of their insufferable whining about 'climate change.'
We've seen demands such as these in Sweden too.
Since ca 2005.
Women only-opening hours at municipal gyms with swimming pools, libraries, malls, subway, buses, et cetera.
At no point will the women acknowledge that it is men, boys and women from islamic nations being the threat. The "Me-too"-mob in Sweden routinely banned, blocked and reported to police women trying to share stories of how migrant men had raped them, filmed the rape and sent the film to their family or shared it online, while laughing.