Interestingly, they recommend having cash on hand. What happens when they outlaw cash? Whatever practical and useful information they are peddling, this is primarily a part of predictive programming. They must normalize in people’s minds less energy, less food, less travel, more deaths, more misery. We must live on the edge of disasters in constant fear because they know we can’t then think about anything else.

Their task is challenging; they must retain power while managing immiseration a major culling of the human population. They have goals, strategy and tactics to achieve those goals. Population must remain distracted, docile, unable to react to the crimes committed against them. So far, they are succeeding.

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I think predictive programming is part of it, the other being the reinforcement of cognitive dissonance. The end result is the same, as you put it: 'We must live on the edge of disasters in constant fear because they know we can’t then think about anything else.'

Cui bono? Well, those in power, as opposed to us mere mortals (pun intended); here's another aspect to consider:


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It's disconcerting to see that the stupidity is continent-sized. That officer sounds like our equivalents. That includes the less-than-helpful advice, though he's not yet at swedish MSB-levels of ridiculous.

In one of their advisory online pamphlets, they suggest people living in apartments experiencing lengthy black-outs should construct make-shift huts of blankets and covers and sheets.

On the floor.

So, not on the bed or the sofa or any instruction to make a soft pile of something capable of reflecting/retaining body heat.

They also suggest using tea candles to heat up the hut from inside, to have a couple of kilos of rice and pasta at home, and so on - supplies that at best lasts two-three days, if that. And MSB has repeatedly thrown hissy-fits when actual military personnel with real training; MSB is very much a diversity hire-project and the real intent behind it is to say to the public "There's no cause for panic - everything is just fine", because if MSB doesn't say there's a crisis, then there's no crisis... So MSB is staffed by middle-aged women without any of the training, knowledge, experience or humility required.

Also, their advice for people in the countryside amounts to "Well, you guys are already well-prepared since you're so used to power outages, water failure, ER-services and hispitals being hours away, so we don't need to consider you". F*ck you, too, MSB.

I've heard people in all seriousness talk about which bridges leading towards the major cities should be blocked to stop people from flooding the countryside in a real crisis.

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Hihi, the experts are at it, again.

I recall the batshit crazy 'emergency manual' from Germany a few years ago, which, incidentally, featured the same nonsense, esp. the 'hide under the table to stay warm' part was…well, stupid, to say the least. Using one's bed never came up.

As to the bridges, well, I suppose that many city-dwellers might wish to leave for the countryside, but the gas tank (or battery of your e-car) will eventually be empty, making it quit a trip home. I furthermore suspect that many people will not bring much capacity, and even less willingness, to carry items home…sure, makes for some shitty relations in the countryside for a few days, but I suppose it'll take care of itself one way or another…

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Jan 23, 2024
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Very good point.

I suppose most people will struggle to find an old-fashioned radio receiver set in their homes these days…

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