Why 'They' Hate 'Us' ('White' Peoples) With a Vengeance: Towards a Theory of Anti-'White' Sentiment
Believe it or not, but the reason may be simple: 'Europeans' and 'Americans' provide(d) the blueprint for Gov't of, by, and for the People, hence 'their' visceral hatred
This is a first foray into arriving at a ‘meta’ understanding of ‘anti-white’ sentiment. As many of you know, ‘anti-white’ sentiment has become one of the main pastime of the juste milieu of our Western societies, and while there’s a lot of ‘this can’t be real’ passed around, I haven’t seen a coherent attempt of explaining this phenomenon that is a tad ‘deeper’ than ‘systemic racism’, ‘BLM’, or calls for ‘reparations’.
This brief essay sets out to change this.
In short, I shall attempt, in as little as a few hundred words, to provide an answer as to why ‘they’ hate ‘us’ (‘white’ peoples) with such ferocity.
So far, nothing has changed; what has changed, though, is what may be called the ‘decorum’: until recently, such [c]overt means were applied outside the (semi) periphery of the US empire, perhaps because it was perceived by the powers-that-be as ‘unworthy’ among ‘ourselves’.
This feature has apparently changed to a certain extent: what used to be alright for ‘vassals’ in what used to be called ‘the Third World’—is now alright in the heart of Western Europe: a US defence secretary (Austin) who ‘invites’ European heads-of-state and the like to a fortified, extraterritorial, and para-legal place called Ramstein to discuss ‘aid to Kyiv’ (look up ‘SOFA agreements’).
The gloves are off, for sure.
To the Ukraine mess we shall further add the current Covid-related mania and the ‘mostly peaceful’ (CNN) protests associated with Black Lives Matter™.
Their combination is an extra-toxic, self-hating cocktail of racialised ‘privilege’ (technically: one ‘race’ in the US sense of the term gets what amounts to a ‘get out of jail free’ pass on many things other ‘races’ would pay a steep price for), anti-Western sentiment, and an incredible loss of character, i.e., there’s few people who are willing to hold up what, arguably, made ‘the West’ worthy of imitation.
‘They’ Hate ‘We, The Peoples’ of ‘the West’
With a vengeance.
Everyday, one can see this; everyday, one gets the impression that, for whatever spurious reason given, there’s always ‘the White Euro-American’ to blame.
The consequences are as obvious as they are dire: no more Shakespeare when studying English Literature at universities; the all-out assault on ‘traditional family values’—which, to me, signify a role for both father and mother in child-rearing—, including abominations, such as ‘drag queen story hour’ (typically done with crappy books); the ‘normalisation’ of clearly problematic, anti-social, and anti-human behaviour that, more often than not, borders on narcissism and betrays any amount of psychopathologies. This listing could go on, sadly, almost indefinitely.
Basically, what we’re observing are attempts to change known concepts and terms—esp. egregious with respect to ‘mother’ or ‘woman’—but this is not the first time this happened in human history.
There occurred another ’great leap forward’ from around 1750 onward. It is commonly referred to as ‘the Enlightenment’, almost unquestioningly associated with ‘positive’ change (with the exception of a few years of soul-searching in the wake of WW2), and typically, if without any examples cited, held up as the foundation of Western Modernity together with our purportedly ‘Judeo-Christian Values’.
German historian Reinhart Koselleck once considered the Enlightenment a kind of ‘clearing house’ in that it functioned to re-define key terms (see his Geschichtliche Grundbegriffe, a massive, multi-vol. historical dictionary of key terms and how they changed).
In this regard, it is well worth remembering one other notion held by Koselleck:
Within the frames of the national church, theology was subordinated the state and the absolute ruler recognised no other authority over himself than God, whose attributes he appropriated in the political and historical field he appropriated. (‘Kritik und Krise’, p. 23)
As a thought experiment, replace the term ‘theology’ with anything else currently ‘en vogue’.
Why Do ‘They’ Hate ‘Us’ (‘White’ Peoples)?
We all know that, to paraphrase Warren Buffet, that there is a class war raging and that, according to his comment, ‘they’ are winning.
We all know that, as far as this is possible to say: ‘globalisation’ as it came about, historically, was about the destruction of organised labour.
Yet, to understand the current Globalist-fuelled anti-’white’ hysteria, there is yet another ingredient (and, no, ‘Postmodernism’ is a tactic in this, not a key component).
Westerners are currently experiencing an almost perfect storm at the intersections of race, class, and gender, which has been weaponised by spineless critters in politics and their camp followers (‘allies’) and other lowlives in academia, legacy media, and many mainstream institutions, incl., sadly, many Christian-in-name-only denominations. In short: it is hard to avoid the impression that there is a broad alignment of malign interests across most Western institutions.
Yet, why do ‘they’ hate ‘us’ Westerners so much?
Sure, this and many other issues before us are both complicated and ‘complex’ (as in differentiations in organisation and structure), yet one of the charges that is typically—conveniently—levelled at any dissenting voice goes a bit like this:
You’re offering a simple solution to a complicated problem.
And my response is: ‘sure, I’m not saying it’ll be a walk in the park or easy, but I am saying that, more often than not, Occam’s Razor applies.
We can clearly see that logic play out in the present moment:
‘They’ hate the Western—that is, Euro-American ‘White’—peoples with a vengeance for historical reasons: however imperfect, unaccomplished in the long-term, tainted by a myriad of crimes, foreign and domestic, there is one outstanding accomplishment of Western Man:
Historically, Western Civilisation brought forth a system of governance that, however imperfect and however limited in time and scope, managed to curtail the power of, in Madison’s time-honoured words, the ‘opulent minority’.
The apogee of this moment occurred in the aftermath of WW2 in the US and in Western Europe:
Source. Note the correlation between US unionisation and the distribution of national income between ‘labour’ vs. ‘capital’
We know quite a bit about ‘their’ intentions, be it the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderbergers, the WEF, the ‘deep state’, and their ilk. ‘They’ were never very shy about that.
Hence, the imperative to damage, re-invent, or destroy everyone and anything that has the power to ‘remind’ Euro-Americans of that particular period of rising prosperity for the masses.
Hence the all-out assault on ‘traditional' family values’.
Hence the corporate- and state-sponsored rise in mass immigration, mainly to dislocate the hitherto ethnically, linguistically, and socially quite homogenous populations of Western countries.
Hence the current favouritism in terms of ‘LGBTIQ’ support.
Hence the assault on established institutions, such as public broadcasters, churches, sporting associations, etc.
Hence the inevitable outcome of 40+ years of ‘Neoliberalism’: the massive uptick in distrust of gov’t (which is well-placed) and institutions
Nowhere is this more visible in the field of education, widely understood, because the history of the West’s ‘true’ accomplishments of relative prosperity for the masses and the curtailment of the power of the ‘opulent minority’ is no longer taught.
Look no further for explanations, I’d argue.
Western national states and societies are under attack because they were the only vehicles in recent memory, if not history, that managed to curtail the oligarchic forces seeking to dominate us.
Once one sees it that way, many other things start making ‘sense’, at least in an analytical way: what looks like concerted attacks on one or the other issue can be identified as being part and parcel of the attempted destruction of the only set of institutions that offers the possibility of credible resistance to the Globalist designs.
This is why the destruction of the West and its ‘White’ peoples must come first, as our societies are well-established; so long, we do have the nominal options of ‘democratic’ change in more or less well-ordered ways via elections.
This isn’t to say that Europeans should saddle up and save the world.
This isn’t to say that it is ‘our’ destiny to do so.
But I am saying that, given the relative weaknesses of extra-European societies, states, and institutions, there is only one halfway credible resistance. It is the Western Peoples—and the Globalists know it.
Hence ‘their’ undying hatred of ‘the West’.
I know it’s an ‘easy’ explanation for very complicated and complex issues, but I fail to see any other possibility to explain what is happening.
I think that you should pursue this issue with ruthlessness. Do not stop, do not be deterred. Europe, Ireland and the UK are the ancestral homes of the native white people and it is clear through the media, governments, medical systems, UN, WEF and open borders that they want white people wiped off the face of the earth. As the saying goes:
I think it's anti-gentilism. We have a different group evolutionary strategy than the clan like structures of certain other major (in sense of their impact) ethnicities, and there are compelling explanations for why these differences developed. And also on the specific way in which our own group specific mechanisms for punishing our peers for transgressions against our ethics, are exploited and weaponized to our detriment by especially one of the other groups. Very interesting reading on that is Kevin MacDonald, "The culture of critique - an evolutionary analysis of Jewish involvement in 20th century intellectual and political movements" and "A people that shall dwell alone - Judaism as a group evolutionary strategy, with diaspora peoples", as well as Joseph Henrich, "The weirdest people In the world - How the west became psychologically peculiar and particularly prosperous". These contrasting interests and ensuing conflicts with one side being tenacious and methodical in pursuing their goal of (ever further) improving their standing, can be explained and understood and then harmful and destructive events, developments and phenomena become easier to understand, to spot, and theoretically (if there is ENOUGH awareness soon enough), also to counteract and where not too late, prevent.
I think that you should pursue this issue with ruthlessness. Do not stop, do not be deterred. Europe, Ireland and the UK are the ancestral homes of the native white people and it is clear through the media, governments, medical systems, UN, WEF and open borders that they want white people wiped off the face of the earth. As the saying goes:
Africa for the Africans
Asia for the Asians
Europe for everyone
I think it's anti-gentilism. We have a different group evolutionary strategy than the clan like structures of certain other major (in sense of their impact) ethnicities, and there are compelling explanations for why these differences developed. And also on the specific way in which our own group specific mechanisms for punishing our peers for transgressions against our ethics, are exploited and weaponized to our detriment by especially one of the other groups. Very interesting reading on that is Kevin MacDonald, "The culture of critique - an evolutionary analysis of Jewish involvement in 20th century intellectual and political movements" and "A people that shall dwell alone - Judaism as a group evolutionary strategy, with diaspora peoples", as well as Joseph Henrich, "The weirdest people In the world - How the west became psychologically peculiar and particularly prosperous". These contrasting interests and ensuing conflicts with one side being tenacious and methodical in pursuing their goal of (ever further) improving their standing, can be explained and understood and then harmful and destructive events, developments and phenomena become easier to understand, to spot, and theoretically (if there is ENOUGH awareness soon enough), also to counteract and where not too late, prevent.