Everything's gone! All the COVID measures in CZ, I mean. And they truly are gone: you very occasionally encounter a mask wearer (usually a tourist, as far as I can tell), but that's about it. I still worry about the fall. I'm supposed to travel internationally (for work) in the fall, and I'm quite worried about what might happen.
Everything's gone! All the COVID measures in CZ, I mean. And they truly are gone: you very occasionally encounter a mask wearer (usually a tourist, as far as I can tell), but that's about it. I still worry about the fall. I'm supposed to travel internationally (for work) in the fall, and I'm quite worried about what might happen.
Am I correct that Austria no longer requires any kind of COVID certificate for transit? I mean: if I want to take a bus that goes from CZ, passes through Austria, and then goes to a third country, Austria doesn't require any kind of COVID anything? (What I *actually* want to know is what will happen in September. But no-one can possibly know that.)
Re the 'everthing's gone' thing: same here, and gov't + parliament even bothered to rescind all mandates etc., very much unlike other places that simple 'suspended' things for a bit. Is that the same int CZ, too?
Re masked tourists: same here, it's the most mind-boggling thing to observe. I live in a coastal town, hence most, if not virtually all, tourists come with these big cruise ships--so: they're o.k. to wine and dine in an enclosed area with all vaxxed and boosted people around, but they then 'dare' to come ashore to Norway where there are no mandates? Imagine how afraid of the locals and the air (or whatever) they must be once they leave their cabins…
Re Austrian immigration/transit: they still require 3G proof, i.e., a 'test' should suffice for immigration. Things may well be different when driving through the country: did you check the Czech embassy's website in Vienna? Or the Austrian embassy's site in Czechia?
Re the future: I'll have something in the works for tomorrow or Wednesday that focuses on Austria/Covidistan, but there's no guarantee it'll be a reliable guide for September.
I think that they'll close down (partially) again, but they may revoke any 3G entry requirement over the summer due to pressures from the tourism industry.
I went through covidistan (transit with a car) on 17th April and yesterday and there were no covid passes required at the borders. Crossed Hungarian and German borders.
Everything's gone! All the COVID measures in CZ, I mean. And they truly are gone: you very occasionally encounter a mask wearer (usually a tourist, as far as I can tell), but that's about it. I still worry about the fall. I'm supposed to travel internationally (for work) in the fall, and I'm quite worried about what might happen.
Am I correct that Austria no longer requires any kind of COVID certificate for transit? I mean: if I want to take a bus that goes from CZ, passes through Austria, and then goes to a third country, Austria doesn't require any kind of COVID anything? (What I *actually* want to know is what will happen in September. But no-one can possibly know that.)
Re the 'everthing's gone' thing: same here, and gov't + parliament even bothered to rescind all mandates etc., very much unlike other places that simple 'suspended' things for a bit. Is that the same int CZ, too?
Re masked tourists: same here, it's the most mind-boggling thing to observe. I live in a coastal town, hence most, if not virtually all, tourists come with these big cruise ships--so: they're o.k. to wine and dine in an enclosed area with all vaxxed and boosted people around, but they then 'dare' to come ashore to Norway where there are no mandates? Imagine how afraid of the locals and the air (or whatever) they must be once they leave their cabins…
Re Austrian immigration/transit: they still require 3G proof, i.e., a 'test' should suffice for immigration. Things may well be different when driving through the country: did you check the Czech embassy's website in Vienna? Or the Austrian embassy's site in Czechia?
Re the future: I'll have something in the works for tomorrow or Wednesday that focuses on Austria/Covidistan, but there's no guarantee it'll be a reliable guide for September.
I think that they'll close down (partially) again, but they may revoke any 3G entry requirement over the summer due to pressures from the tourism industry.
I went through covidistan (transit with a car) on 17th April and yesterday and there were no covid passes required at the borders. Crossed Hungarian and German borders.