And yet can't shake feeling this is simply part of greater machinations to enable more restriction of movement in the face of increasing mass migrations events.
See how EU has tried to "harmonise" drivers licenses and then national IDs. New drivers licenses were introduced 2012. New machine-readable state ID's went int…
And yet can't shake feeling this is simply part of greater machinations to enable more restriction of movement in the face of increasing mass migrations events.
See how EU has tried to "harmonise" drivers licenses and then national IDs. New drivers licenses were introduced 2012. New machine-readable state ID's went into effect in 2019. Qr code vax pass is the continuation and extension of this trend.
It's not 'bizarre', for everyone with eyes to see and ears to hear could have easily 'foretold' these things.
At this point, I suppose the wet dreams of the EUroklatura is the command'n'control system as (predictively programmed by) 'Minority Report'.
And while I'm conscious of the 'increasing mass migration events', I'm not even sure this is 'on their radar'. It's actually quite easy to close any border: open fire. In the EU's case, it's even easier along the Mediterranean 'frontier', for all that's required is to not pick up 'migrants' and wait for the rafts to sink. (That's already being done.)
Now, with the Russian situation, it's perhaps also on the mind of these critters that a 'new' iron curtain-like border might fix that issue along the frontier in the east.
It's all so bizarre?
And yet can't shake feeling this is simply part of greater machinations to enable more restriction of movement in the face of increasing mass migrations events.
See how EU has tried to "harmonise" drivers licenses and then national IDs. New drivers licenses were introduced 2012. New machine-readable state ID's went into effect in 2019. Qr code vax pass is the continuation and extension of this trend.
It's not 'bizarre', for everyone with eyes to see and ears to hear could have easily 'foretold' these things.
At this point, I suppose the wet dreams of the EUroklatura is the command'n'control system as (predictively programmed by) 'Minority Report'.
And while I'm conscious of the 'increasing mass migration events', I'm not even sure this is 'on their radar'. It's actually quite easy to close any border: open fire. In the EU's case, it's even easier along the Mediterranean 'frontier', for all that's required is to not pick up 'migrants' and wait for the rafts to sink. (That's already being done.)
Now, with the Russian situation, it's perhaps also on the mind of these critters that a 'new' iron curtain-like border might fix that issue along the frontier in the east.
Festung Europa, the "dream" was called by a certain someone, I believe? Or perhaps "Antifaschistischer Schutzwall" fits better.
Question is: who are the fascists?