They're telling us their plans: quickly depopulating the masses via war.

That is their 'sustainability.'

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It also begs the question: what needs to be 'sustained'? Doesn't seem the like of you and me, eh?

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I always thought they wanted to get rid of most of us to have the earth to themselves. They do not want to share the planet with plastic and pollution or us.

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Oh, we are the pollution they wish to get rid of; plastic is totally fine for them, and so is, I submit, CO2.

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I can just picture it… the year is 2027 in the trenches of Eastern Europe… a young conscript is being court martialled for failure to retrieve his used shells so they can be taken to the recycling centre. Cue the firing squad.

Maybe they’ll have figured out a way to conscript the ‘New Europeans’ to fight their dirty little war by then? But if the videos I saw a couple months ago of them marching through German cities chanting for a caliphate… well I can imagine which side they’ll be fighting on…

But then methinks surely the financial system will have gone ‘bang’ by then? Well then our soldiers could fight with sticks and stones? Well not sticks… that’s not very sustainable… so stones it is then.

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Hahahaha, that's a good one--I haven't thought about recycling obligations.

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EU is an imperial project and it shows. Most everything which makes no sense in Europe today can be traced to the imperial architecture and the vassal nature of European states.

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Well, Mr. de Gaulle was correct, that much we know now for sure.

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He was keenly aware of the nature of the threat Europe was facing at the time.

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Being crushed between the USSR and the USA.

We note, in passing, that Hitler came to perceive this in roughly analogous ways, too, from the late 1930s onwards.

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"...the military is conventionally excluded from national CO2 emission statistics..."

This opens, for a creative and anti-EU leader, vast vistas of opportunity.

Re-structure all industry and food production as crucial to the military effort to "defeat Russia and other powers", and presto - you can immediately void any and all payments to the climate-parasites.

You'd need a Gustav Eriksson Vasa for that though.

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Won't happen, as you'd need 'approval' from the EU for doing such things…

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Not under current regime, no.

"It is with the utmost respect we regret to inform you that from the day of signing this into law, we will no longer be able to comply with the following, for the foreseeable future [insert references to migration-costs, climate doom, Russia Russia Russia, and T-T-Trump]. We have appointed an executive committee of trusted senior international advisors for the overseeing of how and when we can return to normal procedures and compliance with [insert list of EU ordinances]. In the interim, the following amendments to EU-Sweden co-operation goes into effect 72 hours after the signing and finalising of this document. We trust you will inform other members of the union of this, so that they in turn can inform their citizenry, our fellow Europeans, signe

Carl Gustaf, King of Sweden (plus list of other dignitaries)

The only thing the EU can actually do is:

Bleat, cry, whinge, and threaten with embargoes. Only the latter needs taking seriously and is easily countered with responding with informing the EU that Sweden will if such action is taken start acting as a transit-nation for migrants seeking entry into the Union (the same way Greece, Italy, and Spain has behaved for 25 years now), will waive any and all enmbargoes on trade with Russia, Iran, Palestine et cetera and will immediately stop any and all exports of power, gas et c passing within the Swedish maritime zone of control.

What's the EU to do? Invade? We can in under five years become self-sustaining on energy and food production. Will be expensive. Will take a not-very-democratic leadership. Will potentially strain relations with the US if the president at the time is EU-friendly.

But all the resources necessary do exist, as does the knowledge and know-how.

Only the Will is missing.

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Told U: we should have made a huge campaign against EU Elections last summer!

EU Commission is made of criminals that work for top Criminals like the Anglo Americans are.

Watch this video by one of the few critic voices in the United Criminals of America nation. It's a Professor... from Columibia, not anybody...


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