4 hrs agoLiked by epimetheus

"Remember the dystopian movies of yesteryear, from ‘The Matrix’ to ‘The Network’ to ‘Terminator’. "

Let's also not forget 'Idiocracy'.

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True, but ‘Idiocracy’ is alread a reality, I’d add.

Change my mind ^_^

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Idiocracy - Yes, that's indeed true... apart from the smoking doctors ;)

I've heard of the terminator, not seen it, and not even heard of 'The Neywork'- guessing it's not an office drama.then.

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'Rollerball' (the '70s one)

'Logan's Run'

'THX 1138'

'Stalker' (Tarkovsky)

'Sexmission' (1984, Polish, it's not porn despite the title)

There are many more, of course, but these are often forgotten despite all of them being quite spot-on, each in their own way, when it comes to having predicted elements of our present.

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This has been discussed on the principle-level since the 1960s, I have to point out.

Always with a rephrased eugenicist agenda.

Tracking chips to find lost people and fugitives. Enhancers and monitors of different kinds, f.e. for diabetics and epileptics. Thought-controlled machinery (already semi-possible).

And ne'er a thought from the modernist-futurist technophiliacs about the sad Iron Law of technology:

Any and all technology will always be pushed to its technical limitations, before human limitations are applied to it.

As I've used an example when in class: first, the car came. Then modern roads. Then traffic wardens/lights and crossings. Then rules for cars and driving. The licenses. And so on. Young people are often stunned to learn that it is within living memory that drunk driving was up to the intercepting officer to decide, and that a set limit in parts per thousand is in many nations a 1980s invention, or even later than that.

Now then, a species who takes a century to come around to realising that driving a 60-ton logging truck while inebriated is a Bad Thing(tm), is such a species to be trusted with hooking their brains up to machinery?

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