And the end-game is, I think, to increase anxiety levels to such a degree that martial law does not have to be declared but will be internalised by the majority of people and will 'work™' absent any large-scale conflagration. Like the 'war vs. the virus', but now, Orwell-style, against a 'real™' enemy.
If you look at a lot of towns and cities across Europe they have already been invaded and are now occupied territories. No shots fired. The Russians are the least of our problems.
As for giving children guns and grenades Well they may look around them and think the obvious solution is to stage a coup?
It’s all so tiresome as they say… living in this pseudo reality.
It does have this fake, almost 'Truman Show'-esque quality by now, isn't it? I mean, esp. the differences between what most people walking around say and do (and, apparently, also 'think') vs. the conversations going on here, there, and among others who think a bit more like you and me.
Denial is not just a river in Egypt. My guess is that at some point reality will come crashing down for the masses? It’s not like the authorities can paper over the cracks forever.
Well, I suppose you're correct about this, but our decadent, lazy, and bloated societies have quite a bit of reserves to keep going for a while--but reality will catch up with everyone, no doubt about that…
Not surprised... that's why US/ZioNazi built EU...
But as you live in Norway I have a question about this, that I find far more interesting than trumpets of war for brainwashed mainstream media consumers.
I didn't know that Norway not only helped blew up the North Stream to serve to Nuland/Biden dreams (and its own energy business), but I though it was a democracy...
Well, as to Nord Stream, I suppose Sey Hersh was the first one to drop a huge 'hint' there; I've written about the agit-prop/gaslighting angle back in early 2023, and perhaps you'd like to check out this piece:
As to the issue with Norway and its Samí people, well, what could I tell you? Norway (and Norwegians) style themselves as super enlightened, progressive, and, of course, so advanced, etc. In schools, they do celebratory UN-themed garbage every year (they call it a 'solidarity week') to ensure that everyone is 'educated™' in a way to find whatever the UN does wonderful.
The Samí are Norway's 'minorities' (to use this much-abused US term here), which are held up every time when it is useful to virtue-signal one's better-ness than, say, everybody else (here's looking at you, Denmark vs. Greenlanders, by the way); the Samí have autonomy (as long as the gov't doesn't want to extract natural resources, then said 'rights™' are overridden), 'parliament™' (no worries, not a real legislature), and, of course, a few other things going for them, such as gov't subsidies for 'cultural heritage' (while, in 2nd grade, for example, Hindu religion is taught but not, say, Christianity). Oh, they also spoke about Norway being 'a democracy', which is a funny thing--as the Norwegian constitution says something else, e.g.,
Art. 1: The Kingdom of Norway is a free, independent, indivisible and inalienable realm. Its form of government is a limited and hereditary monarchy.
Art. 2: Our values will remain our Christian and humanist heritage. This Constitution shall ensure democracy, a state based on the rule of law and human rights. [note that 'humanist' means atheist and might incl. all kinds of UN-sponsored bullcrap]
Art. 5: The King's person cannot be censured or accused. The responsibility rests with his Council. [see, Norway is such an exemplary 'democracy™' that the king is literally above the law; 'council' here means gov't, about which we learn 'more' in Art. 12]
Art. 12: 'The King himself chooses a Council from among Norwegian citizens who are entitled to vote.' [voting for 'parliament' (no worries, it's not a real legislature) is an 'entitlement' here, and cabinet officials are responsible to the king, not to parliament™]
Art. 13: The matters of business shall be decided by voting, where in the event of the votes being equal, the Prime Minister, or in his absence the highest-ranking Member of the Council of State who is present, shall have two votes. [this is the 'democratic™' voting procedure; note that parliament, or Storting, has no role in these 'matters of business']
Art. 14: The King may appoint state secretaries to assist Members of the Council of State with their duties outside the Council of State…[more cabinet officials appointed by the king and, technically, not responsible to parliament or voters (remember: voting is an 'entitlement' here in Norway)]
Art. 16: All inhabitants of the realm shall have the right to free exercise of their religion…[first mention of people living 'in the realm'; note the absence of the specific term 'citizen']
Art. 17: The King may issue and repeal ordinances relating to commerce, customs, all livelihoods and public regulation, although these must not conflict with the Constitution or with the laws passed by the Storting as hereinafter prescribed in Articles 76, 77, 78 and 79. They shall apply on a provisional basis until the next Storting. [and by virtue of his authority, the king (or queen) may simply decree whatever 'relating to commerce, customs, all livelihoods and public regulation', with the final sentence noting it should be discussed in parliament later]
Art. 18: As a general rule the King shall provide for the collection of the taxes and duties imposed by the Storting. [all taxes flow, technically, to the king]
I'll stop here, noting that the king is also in charge of the army (Art. 25), foreign affairs (Art. 26), may dismiss any gov't official 'without prior judgement' (i.e., at a whim and w/o a vote of no-confidence in parliament, Art. 21), and, one of my personal 'favourites', Art. 30: 'Everyone who has a seat in the Council of State has the duty frankly to express their opinion, to which the King is bound to listen. But it rests with the King to make a decision according to his own judgment.'
As to voting, democracy, and all that, well, Section C holds clearly the following:
Art. 49: The inhabitants have the right to govern local affairs through local democratically elected bodies. Specific provisions regarding the local democratically elected level shall be laid down by law. [inhabitants, not sovereign citizens--for it is only the king who is sovereign in Norway]
Art. 50: Those entitled to vote in elections to the Storting are Norwegian citizens who have reached the age of 18 or who turn 18 in the year when the election is held. [voting is an entitlement, once more]
Art. 75 finally explains how the sovereign authority of the king 'devolves' onto many things, basically all matters of business; Art. 79 explains the mechanisms by which Storting can 'override' (not in this terms, though) the king's veto (it is mentioned that the king 'may not refuse' to counter-sign a bill into law).
That's it in terms of citizenship 'rights', which are, let's underscore this once more, 'entitlements' in Norway.
Bottom line: Norway is a good many things, and I shall refrain from elaborating further as I'm under a lot of scrutiny right now because one of my 'colleagues' has expressed some 'concerns' over my 'personal views'. It's a shit-show, and, yes, it begs the question of freedom of expression/speech (which similarly doesn't exist), and, of course, retribution from above in the hierarchy. I shall know 'more' come Monday…
Oh, well, that's a grandiose choice of stock photo, isn't it? I suppose the colour photographs from the GDR weren't appropriate here.
As to your poignant question, may I suggest the following poem by my grandfather (1922-88) who was one of these 'young men' who made it through 2+ years on the Eastern Front:
Funny. I just had to consult my „Pimpf im Dienst“ manual (because presumably sane people keep banging on about Musk‘s salute and I wanted to point out how an actual salute is done). Michael Krüger would find a lot to like there, I am sure.
Also, I am quite relieved that Michael Krüger isn’t Mike Krüger. That would have sucked.
I recall a meme showing an angry mob with torches and pitchforks outside a kind's castle.
The joke was: the councillor told the king he wouldn't have to fight them all, but rather tell the people with the pitchforks that the torch-bearing people were their enemies…
I'm all for more and better physical education in schools. Mandatory attendance too, and getting kids into shape too (and faculty - if your class is to run 5km in under 35 minutes, so is the teacher).
But not for the purpose of turning children into fodder for the USA globalists cabal's wars for profit. Never that.
I suppose the professor didn't suggest bringing back the Mensur, using a Korbschlägern to achieve a Schmiss?
Sadly, most of what passes for 'schools™' these days uses so much screen time, it's almost like observing 'Brave New World' or something like it has come to pass.
Of course, it's the school education that has to do with "anti-western" sentiment. Definitely not the fact that the country is essentially under economic blockade and missiles flying into its territory with families losing family members and some losing children while at home or during christmas celebrations. And why the egregious omission of such education in Ukraine that started well before "Russian aggression" of 2022? Military education for kids, camps all combined with extreme anti-russian rhetoric. Why does all the "defense against Russia" always happen within Russian borders or its vicinity?
We are all currently under a world wide confidence game. We are all being "had".
Thank you. It's good to understand the depths being plumbed everywhere.
God Bles.
And the end-game is, I think, to increase anxiety levels to such a degree that martial law does not have to be declared but will be internalised by the majority of people and will 'work™' absent any large-scale conflagration. Like the 'war vs. the virus', but now, Orwell-style, against a 'real™' enemy.
Yes. I see the process succeeding consistently every day. More and more.
It's a crying shame. I keep shouting what I see from the rooftops anyway.
Thank God I don't care what people think about me. Anymore. Freedom.
That's the spirit, perhaps with the 'don't tread on me' addition.
If you look at a lot of towns and cities across Europe they have already been invaded and are now occupied territories. No shots fired. The Russians are the least of our problems.
As for giving children guns and grenades Well they may look around them and think the obvious solution is to stage a coup?
It’s all so tiresome as they say… living in this pseudo reality.
It does have this fake, almost 'Truman Show'-esque quality by now, isn't it? I mean, esp. the differences between what most people walking around say and do (and, apparently, also 'think') vs. the conversations going on here, there, and among others who think a bit more like you and me.
Denial is not just a river in Egypt. My guess is that at some point reality will come crashing down for the masses? It’s not like the authorities can paper over the cracks forever.
Well, I suppose you're correct about this, but our decadent, lazy, and bloated societies have quite a bit of reserves to keep going for a while--but reality will catch up with everyone, no doubt about that…
Not surprised... that's why US/ZioNazi built EU...
But as you live in Norway I have a question about this, that I find far more interesting than trumpets of war for brainwashed mainstream media consumers.
I didn't know that Norway not only helped blew up the North Stream to serve to Nuland/Biden dreams (and its own energy business), but I though it was a democracy...
Well, as to Nord Stream, I suppose Sey Hersh was the first one to drop a huge 'hint' there; I've written about the agit-prop/gaslighting angle back in early 2023, and perhaps you'd like to check out this piece:
As to the issue with Norway and its Samí people, well, what could I tell you? Norway (and Norwegians) style themselves as super enlightened, progressive, and, of course, so advanced, etc. In schools, they do celebratory UN-themed garbage every year (they call it a 'solidarity week') to ensure that everyone is 'educated™' in a way to find whatever the UN does wonderful.
The Samí are Norway's 'minorities' (to use this much-abused US term here), which are held up every time when it is useful to virtue-signal one's better-ness than, say, everybody else (here's looking at you, Denmark vs. Greenlanders, by the way); the Samí have autonomy (as long as the gov't doesn't want to extract natural resources, then said 'rights™' are overridden), 'parliament™' (no worries, not a real legislature), and, of course, a few other things going for them, such as gov't subsidies for 'cultural heritage' (while, in 2nd grade, for example, Hindu religion is taught but not, say, Christianity). Oh, they also spoke about Norway being 'a democracy', which is a funny thing--as the Norwegian constitution says something else, e.g.,
Art. 1: The Kingdom of Norway is a free, independent, indivisible and inalienable realm. Its form of government is a limited and hereditary monarchy.
Art. 2: Our values will remain our Christian and humanist heritage. This Constitution shall ensure democracy, a state based on the rule of law and human rights. [note that 'humanist' means atheist and might incl. all kinds of UN-sponsored bullcrap]
Art. 5: The King's person cannot be censured or accused. The responsibility rests with his Council. [see, Norway is such an exemplary 'democracy™' that the king is literally above the law; 'council' here means gov't, about which we learn 'more' in Art. 12]
Art. 12: 'The King himself chooses a Council from among Norwegian citizens who are entitled to vote.' [voting for 'parliament' (no worries, it's not a real legislature) is an 'entitlement' here, and cabinet officials are responsible to the king, not to parliament™]
Art. 13: The matters of business shall be decided by voting, where in the event of the votes being equal, the Prime Minister, or in his absence the highest-ranking Member of the Council of State who is present, shall have two votes. [this is the 'democratic™' voting procedure; note that parliament, or Storting, has no role in these 'matters of business']
Art. 14: The King may appoint state secretaries to assist Members of the Council of State with their duties outside the Council of State…[more cabinet officials appointed by the king and, technically, not responsible to parliament or voters (remember: voting is an 'entitlement' here in Norway)]
Art. 16: All inhabitants of the realm shall have the right to free exercise of their religion…[first mention of people living 'in the realm'; note the absence of the specific term 'citizen']
Art. 17: The King may issue and repeal ordinances relating to commerce, customs, all livelihoods and public regulation, although these must not conflict with the Constitution or with the laws passed by the Storting as hereinafter prescribed in Articles 76, 77, 78 and 79. They shall apply on a provisional basis until the next Storting. [and by virtue of his authority, the king (or queen) may simply decree whatever 'relating to commerce, customs, all livelihoods and public regulation', with the final sentence noting it should be discussed in parliament later]
Art. 18: As a general rule the King shall provide for the collection of the taxes and duties imposed by the Storting. [all taxes flow, technically, to the king]
I'll stop here, noting that the king is also in charge of the army (Art. 25), foreign affairs (Art. 26), may dismiss any gov't official 'without prior judgement' (i.e., at a whim and w/o a vote of no-confidence in parliament, Art. 21), and, one of my personal 'favourites', Art. 30: 'Everyone who has a seat in the Council of State has the duty frankly to express their opinion, to which the King is bound to listen. But it rests with the King to make a decision according to his own judgment.'
As to voting, democracy, and all that, well, Section C holds clearly the following:
Art. 49: The inhabitants have the right to govern local affairs through local democratically elected bodies. Specific provisions regarding the local democratically elected level shall be laid down by law. [inhabitants, not sovereign citizens--for it is only the king who is sovereign in Norway]
Art. 50: Those entitled to vote in elections to the Storting are Norwegian citizens who have reached the age of 18 or who turn 18 in the year when the election is held. [voting is an entitlement, once more]
Art. 75 finally explains how the sovereign authority of the king 'devolves' onto many things, basically all matters of business; Art. 79 explains the mechanisms by which Storting can 'override' (not in this terms, though) the king's veto (it is mentioned that the king 'may not refuse' to counter-sign a bill into law).
That's it in terms of citizenship 'rights', which are, let's underscore this once more, 'entitlements' in Norway.
Bottom line: Norway is a good many things, and I shall refrain from elaborating further as I'm under a lot of scrutiny right now because one of my 'colleagues' has expressed some 'concerns' over my 'personal views'. It's a shit-show, and, yes, it begs the question of freedom of expression/speech (which similarly doesn't exist), and, of course, retribution from above in the hierarchy. I shall know 'more' come Monday…
Will that do for the time being?
Taz illustrates this with a picture of kids doing exercises in 1932. How many of those fit young men were alive thirteen years later?
Oh, well, that's a grandiose choice of stock photo, isn't it? I suppose the colour photographs from the GDR weren't appropriate here.
As to your poignant question, may I suggest the following poem by my grandfather (1922-88) who was one of these 'young men' who made it through 2+ years on the Eastern Front:
“The Black Veil”, a Poem by Erich Sonntag
Do you hear the rumbling
all around?
Do you hear the whisper
from deep gorges?
Don’t you feel
the breath of Death,
cold and full of dread,
in your face?
Do you feel the passion
in your heart,
a passionate yearning
of raging anguish?
Can you hear the music
of the organ?
In excruciating hours
a heart breaks in two.
Do you hear the song?
It soundeth from afar.
It is the great lament
of war and suffering.
Source, German original, and a few photographs from the Eastern Front are available at
Funny. I just had to consult my „Pimpf im Dienst“ manual (because presumably sane people keep banging on about Musk‘s salute and I wanted to point out how an actual salute is done). Michael Krüger would find a lot to like there, I am sure.
Also, I am quite relieved that Michael Krüger isn’t Mike Krüger. That would have sucked.
You obviously know way too much to be left in peace; I suppose security services will soon come (did you call Habeck a 'Schwachkopf', too?)
Putin is just as much puppet as the rest
I keep wondering why such layered ignorance is prevalent in so called truthers
Why to keep rubbing one puppet against another
That’s exactly what this shit show is about
How is it not clear at this point that every govt exists only for distraction from the One world order that dictates all the rules
I recall a meme showing an angry mob with torches and pitchforks outside a kind's castle.
The joke was: the councillor told the king he wouldn't have to fight them all, but rather tell the people with the pitchforks that the torch-bearing people were their enemies…
I'm all for more and better physical education in schools. Mandatory attendance too, and getting kids into shape too (and faculty - if your class is to run 5km in under 35 minutes, so is the teacher).
But not for the purpose of turning children into fodder for the USA globalists cabal's wars for profit. Never that.
I suppose the professor didn't suggest bringing back the Mensur, using a Korbschlägern to achieve a Schmiss?
Hear, hear.
Sadly, most of what passes for 'schools™' these days uses so much screen time, it's almost like observing 'Brave New World' or something like it has come to pass.
Of course, it's the school education that has to do with "anti-western" sentiment. Definitely not the fact that the country is essentially under economic blockade and missiles flying into its territory with families losing family members and some losing children while at home or during christmas celebrations. And why the egregious omission of such education in Ukraine that started well before "Russian aggression" of 2022? Military education for kids, camps all combined with extreme anti-russian rhetoric. Why does all the "defense against Russia" always happen within Russian borders or its vicinity?
Ah, that's because Oceania has, of course, always been at war with Eurasia, isn't it?