Jul 22Liked by epimetheus

Dear Stephan,

It must be pure torture, mental and physical, having to devour the same old dangerous nonsense fabricated all over and over again. From personal experiences made in recent weeks in Austria I must conclude that the fortress of indoctrination still holds. I don’t see the light yet… thanks for staying strong in your efforts to illuminate the darkness .

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Dear Ingrun,

it is what it is, and it won't get better by trying to avoid talking about it.

'From personal experiences made in recent weeks in Austria I must conclude that the fortress of indoctrination still holds.'

I've only spent some 24 hours in Vienna earlier this year, and it seems that your observation is correct.

I would, however, add one snippet of hope: there's more people who are very distrustful of gov't, the 'experts™', and won't fall for this crap again.

This newsletter started as a kind of journal, or diary, to document at least part of this madness.

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You can lead a Mule to water but you can't make it drink. The vaccines seem to be the cause of each Flu or Covid pandemic and the more vaccinated, the greater the Covid "virus" reaction - JN.1 is a natural one and not dangerous at all, unlike Modena's Covid-19 virus created in a lb with DARPA's help and patented by them in 2013 to make their deadly vaccine from with a 50% kill rating it is presumed

Ah well: My FREE Salt Water Cure for Bird Flu and Covid and any other virus.

Refuse all vaccines.

Join me in NEVER being ill with my free salt water cure.

It is that simple.

3 minutes from preparation to job done: Mix one heaped teaspoon of table (or Iodine) salt in a mug of warm clean water, cup a hand and sniff or snort the entire mugful up your nose, in small lots, spitting out anything which comes down into your mouth. If burning sensation, then you have a virus, so continue morning noon and night, or more often if you want, until the burning sensation goes away (2-3 minutes) then blow out your nose with toilet paper and flush away, washing your hands afterwards, until when you do my simple cure, you don't have any burning sensation at all, when you flush - job done. Also swallow a couple of mouthfuls of salt water and if you have burning in your lungs, salt killing virus and pneumonia, there too.It washes behind the eyes, the brain bulb, brain stem (Long Covid), The Escutcheon Tubes to the inner ears and the top of the throat which is at a point roughly level with half way up your ears and not where your mouth is and it goes down the back of your throat, when infected there too.

I have been doing this simple cure for over 31 years and I am and others, never sick from viruses and there is no reason why any of you should be.

Simply put, if the inside of your nose is dry and crusty, you are OK, if your nose is runny, you really need to do a salt water sniffle as quickly as possible AND THERE IS STILL CLEAN SEA WATER, TO USE INSTEAD.

Nobody has been injured or killed by my above salt water cure

McCulloch is now offering a similar treatment to mine which I have successfully used and passed on these past 31 years for free, if you want to pay for it.

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Apart from everything you mentioned, it's always a good idea to be wary of 'free' stuff (because someone always pays for this).

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No - You think because something is free, it can't be much use. But if I wanted to make money out of it, like Steve Kirsch probably does and now McCulloch, I could have been doing that these past 31 years. Steve Kirsch wanted to know the background for my free salt water cure, then he bounced it off Alberta University and they gave it the 100% thumbs up and my guess is that Steve is creating more millions for himself from those who want to pay for it - I don't care, it is the lives I want to save, by offering a free alternative to Covid vaccines - it is not about the money for me and it never has been.

My thinking is that a street kid in Calcutta can save himself or herself from a vaccine injection by doing my free salt water cure, THAT is what matters to me.

We are only here this one time and when we die it's over for us - better to leave hoping I've made a difference, than counting the shekels I have gathered to me and not spent, leaving all material possessions behind - too bloody late by then.

Imagine getting over to the other side, if not vaccinated and being asked how many I saved and saying I got money for it and fuck them, not a good start I'd say.

The problem with these vaccines is that they are NOT mRNA DNA natural to all life forms on this planet and for the sake of argument the key to Heaven - they are ModRNA DNA, made in a laboratory, never existed in nature ever before, are synthetic and patented because of that, so what key do you think they open, what door if not Heaven's one and where do their sprits go then, space travel is possible, you have to be dead first and you can't come back to this world ever again - my free salt water cure could be the difference between this and that.

Nobody pays for salt from your kitchen or clean water from your tap

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Fair points, although I do insist that somebody 'pays for salt from your kitchen or clean water from your tap'.

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Not my kitchen and not my tap, yours for you. I have a big contasiner of Kitchen Salt on hand, usually one container last about 3 years in salt water sniffs or snorts and I've got back up containers in my Larder, so i won't ever run out. The water which comes out of my tap is clean enough t odrink and i pay for that every 3 months or so, along with other Council Charges, at the same time.

Your life, your funeral, deciding on how you play it, I guess.

I'm just that bitch, the Messenger of the Gods with wings on her Helmet and Ankles - don't shoot the messenger!!

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Didn't mean it that way, Christine (if I may), no worries, and I have no intention whatsoever to 'shoot the messenger', far from it.

As to your valid criticism of others (you named some people), well, you know what He thinks about greed, don't you?

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I don't believe in any "God", I think it is the way Puffs, that is Port Melbourne Steers = Queers, screw the Religious out of their money to fund their "alternative lifestyles" fucking each other - Cardinal Pell was his Pope's bum boy, which is why the Pope paid A$5 million to 3 people in the Aussie Justice System, apparently to release Pell from prison and re-cloak him - stiff shit for the Pope, Pell died after a knee operation in the vatican city after his release, not long after. If he had stayed in prison, he would still be alive now.

Religion sucks as do those who preach it, in my opinion and I see nothing to change my point of view. Of course, not all priests are Gay, but show me a Priest and I'll show you another millionaire, with a bit of time in the job. The Bhuddists are the nearest thing to a religious order that I can think of - not that I'm religious, I'm not.

I think it is funny that the Pope got all of his Catholics vaccinated.

"If" mRNA DNA is natural and in all living things on this planet and the key to Heaven after death, then once vaccinated with the ModRNA DNA, made in a laboratory, synthetic and never existed in nature ever before so patented, so what key to what door does that open, but probably not the Heaven one and where does your Spirit end up then - space travel is possible, you just have to be dead first, sort of thing. I don't think a Bible in any religion is going to help very much, do you? AND if it's not Heaven, then you can't come back to this planet in any life form ever again, probably why babies are being born dead, not enough Spirits left to be born in them again, or to go around - the bastards behind these vaccines are making sure they reduce our populations down to 500 million or less, probably by 2030 on the outside, if not before then.

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Jul 22Liked by epimetheus

Great post Epimetheus, and would be really funny if it weren't so sad.

Actually, on reflection, it's hilarious!

This is what we need to do - LAUGH in their faces! Laughter is, after all, the best medicine.

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That's why satire--read: jokes--is the worst enemy of tyranny.

It's also extremely sad, but then again, given the past 4+ years, it's hardly surprising that these people are doubling (actually: quintupling, an then some) down on this absurdity.

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Jul 22Liked by epimetheus

We should be reading headlines about big pharma CEOs, politicians, government officials, health agency officials, having been rounded up and executed after proper military tribunals. Instead of that we have this kind of stories which confirms that the operation is still very much alive.

I often wonder if it's the geographic scale of this crime that makes the perpetrators seemingly untouchable. That the crime scene perimeter (the whole planet) is so vast that people woud tend to think "no way, they would have been caught already, the jab must be safe". Stupid thought, i know.

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That's a very fair point: today, the entirely un-redacted RKI files are published, and now we know--for sure, in writing by 'the experts™'--that the Covid shitshow was: a master-class in agit-prop, propaganda, and tyranny.

You write: 'I often wonder if it's the geographic scale of this crime that makes the perpetrators seemingly untouchable.'

It's a fair and realistic concern, to which I'd merely add:

The truth will always come out, and it might take longer on such a global scale, but eventually the perpetrators will run out of narrative control, obfuscations, and hiding spaces.

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Jul 23Liked by epimetheus

Here, the tune is slightly different in my anecdotal experience:

Doctors are quietly telling some patients to /not/ take certain vaccines (TBE, Covid, Gardasil), because unless you are severly immunocompromised in some way, there's no reason at all to take those, as the risk and consequences of side effects by far outweigh any benefit.

But the doctors that are not doing this aren't doing it as part of any official policy, but are acting on their own knowledge and experience.

Encouraging, I think, when professionals refuse to comply with political orders.

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That's good news, of sorts.

I haven't been to a GP in quite some time, but 'vaccinations' with modRNA crap here in Norway is quite…down, and I suspect the general situation is quite similar to Sweden in this regard. Here, even (sic) the Folkehelseinstituttet insists that there's no need for a general 'recommendation' (and you, fellow northerner, understand what an 'anbefalling' truly means).

You write: 'Encouraging, I think, when professionals refuse to comply with political orders.'

I'd rather consider it less interventionism from above, and some residual professional (sic) ethics (sic), coupled with the real fear of retribution in terms of court proceedings. Here in Norway, 'even' the former PM Erna Solberg was 'grilled' last year (because her husband had engaged in insider trading).

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>For those who are going to the Mediterranean this summer, please chose if you’re going to die from heat (sic) or Covid

I genuinely laughed out loud at this...thanks!

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You're welcome. Also, I know you realise how stupid our lives have become…

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Jul 23Liked by epimetheus

It's a fucking cult... end of... I wouldn't give a shit either way if I didn't see the digital gulag that seems to be the end point of all this bollocks... inject your eyeballs for all I care... just leave me alone...

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I know, but the problem for you and me is--they won't leave us alone.

Hence, unpack your Gadsen flag, live the motto, and stay free.

It's a choice, and the willing executioners of the globalists already made their choices a long time ago.

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Jul 23Liked by epimetheus

At the very least I hope a few more band together next time. It was very lonely being sold out last time. Lonely and terrifying. The mongoloids will bring us all down with them...

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I believe you, and 'it would seem' that this was their intention in the first place.

I do think there are more who won't budge now.

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Whatever the "Covidiots" say, I'm stubbornly sticking to the "3 U and 1 G" - meaning unvaccinated, unmasked, untested, but "gesund" = healthy. "

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Stay true and strong, my friend!

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Thanks for the laughter!

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