Is this why the narrative is suddenly collapsing, or are they changing it because of this data? What is happening in your country? Overnight we went from mania to live with the virus.

On a separate note:

Only 6,183 people died solely of COVID-19 in England & Wales

And only 833 under 60s.


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Is Norway one of the countries that lift all Covid measures? I am checking where to flee as Austria has propelled itself back to the 1930s.

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Not all, not yet. They are discussing introducing passports for vaccinated and recovered, but I don't think they will do it. Unvaccinated health personnel cannot meet patients. Apart from that, some restrictions in bars and restaurants with alcohol.

Does not seem like vaccine mandates are going to be introduced. The pm and the previous pm have been asked and they have always been very clear that it is not an option.

I really thought it was going to be worse, to be honest. But I am gladly surprised.

If you are planning to move here remember that this is not the eu. You need a job to get a visa.

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Thanks for the information! I cross my fingers for you that vaxx passes will not be installed, that‘s truly discriminating.

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Jan 23, 2022
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Thanks PolarNinja! I know that you would need a visa. I was half-joking when I mentioned I wanted to flee from Austria. I would only do this if hell would break loose, I feel that fleeing would not change anything. We have to stand up for our rights IN our country, otherwise we cannot change anything. Let‘s see what time will bring. I have a feeling that our government has crossed a big, fat red line with the installation of a vaxx mandate. People have been relatively quiet about the apartheid-regime „lockdown for unvaxxed“ since November 2021 - especially the vaxxed. (It‘s heartbreaking that most people find this to be totally okay.) But now even triple vaxxed seem to wake up as they don’t want to be forced into more (God knows how many) injections in the future. Especially when absolutely everybody is getting Omikron now.

But well, when the government starts to build „quarantine camps“ I will leave the country for good.

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Sadly, you bring up many valid points.

I concur that the régime has crossed many lines--house arrest for the unclean; the way these putschists speak to the sovereign (people); the vaxx mandates; the demonisation of protests; and so on--and it is disheartening to see how easily these tinpot authoritarians get away with it.

Let me know how I may be of service, for I, too, see the country I grew up in going down the drain (again), and we all know what's at the bottom: brown, disgusting ooze.

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Thanks so much, epimetheus! You already are of service as you have this little substack here. I am sure that it supports many people morally. Not just me.

I am not sure why especially Austria‘s government is freaking out so disturbingly. I am not sure if the (not elected) politicians are just extraordinarily dumb or if they are extraordinarily corrupt. Probably both. But why Austria? This question is driving me mad at the moment - although I know that I should not ask it as I will get no answer. Probably it‘s the collective trauma after WW1 and especially WW2 that has never been resolved. We must never talk about „You know who“ and his segregation crimes. Hush 🤫… That could be one big factor why people are so desperately trying not to see any similarities to the 1930s. If you only try to cautiously mention anything like this you need a fast horse 😅. Otherwise some hyperventilating (oh so tolerant and inclusive) people try to hunt you down and destroy your career, life, etc. I am flabbergasted by this social experiment every day.

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If omicron is as mild as they say, the sick patients in the hospital are most likely people in cancer treatment, or immunosuppressed because of transplants or terrible autoimmune disease and such. Vaccinated or not is not going to make a difference, since their immune system does not work properly.

Check the percentage of the triple vaccinated with moderate/high risk, about 86% for hospitalizations, and 97% for ICU.

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Now there's a hypothesis that is worth pondering. It's also one that could, theoretically, be quickly checked--by the IPH and the Helsedirektoratet releasing detailed data on co-morbidities and underlying conditions.

So far, your hypothesis works for 'vanilla' hospitalisations, but due to lack of data, it's not as easy to assess this with respct to the third jab + ICU/ventilator 'treatment'.

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Maybe we could talk and cooperate?

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