Dec 29, 2022Liked by epimetheus

Is there a detailed table of causes of death by ICD-10 code for Norway? I haven't found one, but it would be interesting (I mapped the German data to Joel Smalley's English data, and it is interesting to observe similarities and differences).

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You could try a bunch of these websites, but none of them is doing what you're looking for, that is, at least not in a way that is easily identifiable:


https://helsedata.no/no/forvaltere/folkehelseinstituttet/dodsarsaksregisteret/ (this one is the cause of death registry)

Check out this website, which lists all Covid-associated deaths (defined as in the above piece):


Problem is, though, that the data only comprises 2021 and there's no data publicly available for 2022 (yet).


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Haven't seen that one (yet), but I shall look into it.

The data presented so far has never really mentioned ICD codes, and to me, these many ICD codes are very 'new' in these documents.

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