Well, as a matter of principle, I don't ask about injection status (partially because I don't want to be asked about it), but most people one encounters volunteer that information anyways.
Since you've asked: I know less than a handful of 'unvaccinated' people in my (admittedly self-selected) circles. While anecdotal, everyone is 'fully v…
Well, as a matter of principle, I don't ask about injection status (partially because I don't want to be asked about it), but most people one encounters volunteer that information anyways.
Since you've asked: I know less than a handful of 'unvaccinated' people in my (admittedly self-selected) circles. While anecdotal, everyone is 'fully vaccinated' and 'not-so recently-boosted'. Everyone eventually 'got Covid', i.e., 'tested positive', albeit some 'got Covid' virtually right after (i.e., 2-3 days) their booster injection.
I think Jessica Rose recently pointed out that 'Covid-19' was the no. 1 'adverse event' of injections in VAERS…
Make of that what you will, but all the unvaccinated I know (with perhaps the exception of my aunt on my mother's side--who, after 2 years of not catching the bug, 'got Omicron' in February, but she didn't complain, 'even though' my aunt has two handfuls of chronic diseases and syndromes for decades) who 'got Covid' in the past half-year or so were barely affected, shrugged the sniffles off in 1-2 days, and that was that.
There were quite fewer direct injuries, as opposed to jabs 1+2 (which put some of my colleagues/acquaintances in bed for a week), but still--everyone I know complained that even though they were all boosted, when they 'got Covid', it was 'quite bad' (whatever that means; my theory is that most people are wimps).
As to the VAIDS, well, we'll see, but if personal anecdotes are any guide, more of my family are getting just a bit more sick-ish a bit more often: a slightly more annoying cold here, some skin troubles of my 2yo nephew there, you know…give it some more time…
Well, as a matter of principle, I don't ask about injection status (partially because I don't want to be asked about it), but most people one encounters volunteer that information anyways.
Since you've asked: I know less than a handful of 'unvaccinated' people in my (admittedly self-selected) circles. While anecdotal, everyone is 'fully vaccinated' and 'not-so recently-boosted'. Everyone eventually 'got Covid', i.e., 'tested positive', albeit some 'got Covid' virtually right after (i.e., 2-3 days) their booster injection.
I think Jessica Rose recently pointed out that 'Covid-19' was the no. 1 'adverse event' of injections in VAERS…
Make of that what you will, but all the unvaccinated I know (with perhaps the exception of my aunt on my mother's side--who, after 2 years of not catching the bug, 'got Omicron' in February, but she didn't complain, 'even though' my aunt has two handfuls of chronic diseases and syndromes for decades) who 'got Covid' in the past half-year or so were barely affected, shrugged the sniffles off in 1-2 days, and that was that.
There were quite fewer direct injuries, as opposed to jabs 1+2 (which put some of my colleagues/acquaintances in bed for a week), but still--everyone I know complained that even though they were all boosted, when they 'got Covid', it was 'quite bad' (whatever that means; my theory is that most people are wimps).
As to the VAIDS, well, we'll see, but if personal anecdotes are any guide, more of my family are getting just a bit more sick-ish a bit more often: a slightly more annoying cold here, some skin troubles of my 2yo nephew there, you know…give it some more time…