Epitmetheus, bombshell in Italy! Yesterday Prof.Bizzarri, during an audition organized by some Senators, dropped all the heavy bombs on the fake narrative, lies and frauds. Asking the Health Minister "Speranza" to act against those. He's a patholigist, oncologist, researcher and head of Pathology world Association. Here the main part of it on the Tube:


Here the Sen.Paragone one of the main organizer of the audition:


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Paolo, my friend, that is quite something--although, judging from my own experience with Italian academics, I think Prof. Bizarri's speech, while certainly spot-on and very much needed, contained only a few swearwords (porceria, schifo).

Judging from his presentation, his words are very cautious, yet extremely forceful: hopefully, this will help Italy--and other countries--to transition from 'our' to 'common knowledge'.

Judging from my lack of knowledge of people who write extensively about Italian affairs in English, perhaps I should translate the Paragone piece?

Would that be something for you, my dear readers (who don't read Italian)?

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Certainly, please translate some of the better/more interesting parts.

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I shall do my best, time permitting!

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Here is another speech, longer and with more details, done in July 21


Video quality is not the best, but it's full of references, graphs, data

About "porcheria and schifo" ha,ha,ha he is a very nice person very ironic and sarcastic on media/governament/many colleagues. But you can see he's used to speak to students or non academic people as he does some funny examples.

But when he goes through PCR test and RT it goes striaght saying that when they discovered that parameter was wrong, politicians, journalists, head of the Center he work for, told him that becasue common people were used to the WRONG RT they rather prefer to keep using it instead of making "confusion" in their brain...

Anyway, I looked through media today, and there is no news about is audition in the Senate... that says all about the neo fascism we facing. Txs for your replay!

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Great, thanks for the 'intervento', I shall have a look and listen (some of the papers in Prof. Bizarri's talk in the Senate were…very interesting).

Re the porcheria: about 2-3 minutes into the talk, I realised that he's really good a explaining what these things mean. He paused to explain what he showed etc., he's apparently well-versed and a good instructor. At this point, I'm hoping he's not going to lose his position because he speaks out.

The PCR/RT issue also caught my eye: at least the insufferable Drosten had his 'Corona Podcast' (the functional equivalent of late-night astrology, I suppose) discontinued.

It would appear that the powers-that-be are realising that they cannot go on like this.

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There's a term for progressively lower efficacy of the injections against each successive variant. Evolutionary escape. The papers cited above seem to tacitly admit that these new variants are evolving to evade injected "immunity," which could only have happened with their policy of mass-injection, even of the recovered, during the plandemic with a defective "vaccine." Note there is no corresponding deterioration of natural immunity suggested. They did this to us.

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I think they are doing that, albeit as if dancing on raw eggs, or the like.

'They' are certainly the people who pushed this crap on us, our loved ones, friends, and neighbours alike.

The papers are perhaps quite appropriately characterised as 'what may be said right now without speaking up'. In the Norwegian case, e.g., a 4th injection is now available, but 'patients must ask for it themselves', as the IPH holds.

Perhaps we're almost 'there' in terms of letting go. The above-cited Norwegian 4th jab issue is also indicative of the slight differences between the Nordic countries that I mentioned a few days ago in my Denmark-themed post: the Danes do the studies, which are amplified internationally, the Swedes just tell everyone that they know better, which MSM then denigrates, and the Norwegians do it like the former but don't speak about it.

I'm unsure whether this qualifies as 'success', but then again, it could be much, much worse.

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May 6, 2022
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I think that you're right about this.

Instead of their Danish and Swedish neighbours, the Norwegian gov't will do the same, or a bit more, but they won't brag about it. So far, this 'approach' (doh) has worked reasonably well, in particular because no-one cares enough about the functional equivalent of the Shire, esp. since 90% of the adults are 'vaccinated'.

I do wonder how high compliance might be, if a 4th injection would be offered: uptake receded by a 1/3 (compared to doses 1+2), so, I suppose another big drop would be assured; question is: how big?

My two Øre would be: about 25%, which would mean a quarter to a third would go for it anyways.

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May 7, 2022
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It's the same everywhere, it would appear.

I use that desingation sparingly, for I also know that LotR shows what happens to the Shire: collaboration with the forces of darkness, so, nothing new under the sun.

Re your last dark musings: anecdotal evidence = chats with non-experts shows that people are very well aware of the injections and their consequences, yet they go and submit (so far) because of…mainly economic coercion:

There's the plumber my in-laws contracted, originally from Hungary, he can't work in Austria otherwise.

There's the other contractor (painter-builder) whose prostrate began to 'grow' after the injections, but he's only 3 years away from retirement, hence he submitted similarly.

My Kurdish car fixer here in Norway is similarly aware of the war on cash, which only serves to increase control (he can't even accept cash payment, because he must justify the amount and where it came from in detail upon paying 'his' money into 'his' bank account).

This will continue, until it won't, and the latter situation won't be pretty.

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May 7, 2022
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Note that, this week, the Robert Koch-Institut (RKI) announced that vaccine efficacy will henceforth not be discussed anymore in the weekly report. Instead they promise some separate publication on the topic. We'll see... maybe they are just hoping that people quickly forget.

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Hmm, how…convenient. We'll see, maybe the German gov't finds something else to distract the public--Ukraine, anyone?

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I've virated this article. I hope readers are discerning enough to read it properly.

Now we have a govt confirmation of vacc shedding.

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Thanks a lot!

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