Dec 28, 2022Liked by epimetheus

We had the Covid-bump in mortality during 2020, anout 8 000-10 000 more than expected. However, as Covid generally kills the very old, infirm and those with specific comorbidities, this is bump cannot be blamed solely on the virus as such, since Sweden had a bumper crop of babies during the 1940s, especially the latter half of that decade, and these people arenow in their 80s.

As in, that entire generation is reaching their life-expectancy at the same time as Covid hits. So the largest generation in swedish history (relative population numbers at the time of their birth) is now passing, leading to a general increase in all-cause mortality.

After 2020, mortality is dropping which is also unsurprising as - to put it callously - those especially vulnerable to Covid have now largely died off. Thereis as of yet no excess mortality reported that matches the roll-out of the RNA-injetions, as there seems to be in Britain (The Naked Emperor has beenlooking at this, among others), the US (as Igor Chudov is reporting on) or other places.

While any discussion about why we see these differences between nations will be purely speculative at this point, my money is on underlying soceity-wide differences in access to and wuality of general health care, public health as such and the nutritional quality of food and access to same, and also dietay habits.

You simply do not see "american fat" poor people here. It is extremely rare, and whatfew there are, aren't enough to show up in national statistics - whereas in the US and to a lesser degree Britain, they number in the millions (or tens of millions in the US).

8 hours sleep per night, as unprocessed natural food as possble, a good mix of everything - no bloody diets!, avoid hyperprocessed goods like most candies, snacks, pastries and sodas and get at least 10-20 kilometes walking in per day, and avoid sitting down for extended periods; no longer than 20 minutes at a time, then be up and do something else.

The above is not based on science but on the simple fact that that is how we evolved, so that's hw we function. The modern day capitalist-industrialist (or Taylorist even) soceity, the dream of the old modernists and futurists, is purely unnatural. (And no, that doesn't mean Luddites or communists are worth considering as more than speed bumps - folly on one side of the river does not mean wisdom lives on the other.)

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Dec 28, 2022Liked by epimetheus

Excellent comment. I cherry picked this: nutritional quality of food and access to same, and also dietay habits.

Since this food is very hard to find the best advice is to grow it for oneself - you forgot that part.

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I'd add to that: having one or more interests (or even a hobby) would do a lot, apart from doing things yourself rather than having things done for you.

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Dec 28, 2022·edited Dec 28, 2022

There's certainly merit to having a greater societal debate on how to make possible for people even in cities to have "victory gardens", for precisely those reasons, to which we can add mental health and general sense of purpose and well-being as well as learning responsibility and how efforts and dilligence matters to results.

I do believe even the most died-in-the-wool Big (P)harma proponent would agree gardening is less dangerous than SSRI or such.

Edit: and thank you for the praise!

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Oh, where would we be with our brilliant public health officials? Yeah, not dead. The vax has two hits, one within weeks of administration, the other about 5 months later. Both hits correlate with increased COVID. Same pattern everywhere in the (highly vaccinated) world. It's only baffling to some....

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Oh, for sure I find Kirsch's 'average' explanation plausible; when I say 'wary', I remain so because that won't 'explain' the summer excess deaths. Two months ago, the explanation given was 'because elderly people', now it…crickets.

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German 2022 reputedly post-pandemic:

Record high Deaths ~13% higher than pre-pandemic with December 2022 record-high monthly deaths.

Record decline in Births with no end in sight.

Barely a mention in MSM, how long can this go on?


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Thanks, this is a very fine piece, which I just cross-posted!

Incidentally, I also wrote about it briefly (in German), over at tkp:


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Dec 28, 2022Liked by epimetheus

I’m not sure about that. From what I’ve seen in the last few years, I would say that most ‘public health’ officials in the western oriented world are self righteous bastards....at least they come across that way in print and on television.

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Mark, that's precisely my point: they are (self) recruited from amongst the lower rungs of the achievement ladder, hence it's almost as if their (only) chance to ever get back at their better 'peers' (better might be 'former classmates') would be by joining public health bureaucracies with the aim of dictating what their better 'peers' would do later on.

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Dec 28, 2022Liked by epimetheus

The former class-mates bit is sadly nothing new. We were explicitly told at uni to network, to be active in societies and fraternities, because otherwise we'd never have careers in our chosen fields.

Nothing secret or sinister about it, just the way of things. I hardly think it unique to Lund.

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Oh well, I meant to say: I'm quite certain (although not 'sure') that some of the people Dr. Aavitsland went to medical school with are, well, 'better' scientists, or human beings (or both).

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Dec 28, 2022Liked by epimetheus

I’m sorry. I got the point.

My post was an attempt at a tongue -in-cheek response to you saying that ‘not all’ of the public health people are self righteous bastards. My answer was ‘I’m not sure about that’..... but then I went off the rails and lost the humor...... I hope this makes some sense....

I’ll stop now.


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No worries, all I said is 'not all', as in: I'm sure there's also bullying and enforced ideological/religious (pro-vaxx) conformism going on. All I meant to say is that Dr. Aavitsland is a particularly self-righteous bastard.

You were making perfect sense, my friend.

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